Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community

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Сергей Соловьёв. Russia the formation of the state in the 9th century Veneds and the severjans (northerners), part of the Huns, which became the basis of a new community
Fairy tales
“Wilkina-Saga”, “Saga of Tidrik of Berne”, and German poems “The Legend of Dietrich of Berne”, “Ortnit”
Written evidence
Slavic apocrypha, songs, legends
Lobulate temple rings, scapholes, and blackened ceramics, and volute (double helix) in jewelry and art
The gigantic rise of the Huns
The magical power of number seven
Huns’ hairstyles – a shaved head, and a braid at the back of the head or on the right side of the head
The ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans. The ancestral home is Hell and Tartarus
White gods of the Indo-Europeans
Yamal mummies
Migration of Indo-Europeans to the West, East and South
Yamnaya culture
Catacomb culture
Srubnaya culture
Neutralizing the dead
Abashevskaya culture
Andronovo culture
Country of Cities
Weapons, decorations
Asuras and Vainaras
Three paths of the Indo-Europeans – West, East, and South
Takhir and Zuhra
Hyksos. The Andronovites reach Egypt. Three horses harnessed to chariots
New migration 13—11 c. BC. Veneds and Sardons go to the West
Etruscans as part of the Sardons
Unetice culture
Battle of Tollensee
Luzhitsa culture and Pomeranian culture
Veneds Armorica
Veneds of the Adriatic
Veneds of the Baltics
Writing of the Veneds (Wends)
Sarmatia Ptolemy
Finds from Vetashkov. Contacts of the Scythians with the Vends
Ethnonym Slavs
Title Knjaz (prince)
Chosen squads of three hundred warriors
Arkona, the sacred city of the Vends
Deities of the Vends
Tribes of Veneds
Title of Burgundian Kings-Gant (Khan)
Vends at Saxon Grammar. Rutenes or Rus
Russia and Rat (Рать), Ruthenia
Fleet of Vends
“Vilkina Saga”, “Dietrik Saga”, “Ortnit” “The Legends of Dietrich of Berne”
The tribes of the Vends after the Great Migration
Mecklenburg House
The temporal rings of the West Slavic type, found in the territory of Russia, as evidence of the migration of the Wends to the East
Liutichi, Viltsy, who created Lithuania
Beautiful Russian cities on the Volga, Tver and Uglich
Beginning, part two
Russian kaganate
Scythians and Thracians. Identity of cultures and peoples
The origin of the ethnonym
Anthropological type
Scythians of Siberia. Tashtyk culture. Togar culture
Tribes of Scythia
Scythian cities
Crowns of Sakas from the Pazyryk burial mounds. Scythian crowns-caps. The beginning of a millennium-long cultural tradition. Four-petal crown
Sarmatian conquest of Scythia
Bread trade
Culture, fortune telling, Sacred Linden
Art. Pectoral and Scythian gold. buckets and temple rings
Scythian rulers
Scythian writing
Scythian sages. Anarhasis, son of Gnur. Toksaris from Athens. A trip to the Toxots of Athens
Ancient writers about the Sarmatians
Military affairs of the Sarmatians in the works of ancient authors
Descriptions of the weapons of the Sarmatians
Sarmatians and Bosporus. Kings from the dynasty of Aspurg-Tiberies-Julies
Tamga signs
Anthropology of the Sarmatians
Origin of the people
Deities of the Sarmatians
Sarmatian writing
Bosporan barbarian kingdom
The appearance of the Huns in the Black Sea region according to Ptolemy’s “Geography”, 150 AD
SARMATIA Ptolemy. Sarmatian cities
Peoples of Sarmatia (Excerpt from Ptolemy)
Huns. Emergence
After the battle
The elongated skulls of the Huns and Sarmatians. Tradition that has survived millennia
Huns’ tactics in battle and their weapons
Rosomons (Rus) – to know the Huns
Title of Huns-khan (kagan) Title Sar and Van-Wanax
Title OL
Finger brooches of the Huns
The temporal rings of the Huns. Siberian finds. Temporal rings identical to the Severjans
The cities of the Huns of Buryatia. Ivolginskoe settlement
Name of the tribe and ancient authors about the Hephthalites
Theories of the origin of the people
The culture of the Ephthalite state
Religious beliefs and types of beliefs
Monuments of art
Savirs-severtsy-northerners-part of the Huns
About northerners-severjans-severtsy
NORTHERN- severjans-severtsy
Sayans – sayi
Finger brooches of savirs-northerners-severts
Saltov burials. Rite of Disposal of the Dead
Anthropozomorphic brooches
Tamga signs
Khazar Kaganate
Creation of the union state of the Vends and Northerners-Siverts
Askold (Oskol) and Dir
About the Varangians-Varjags
Oleg the Prophet and Ragnar Ladbrok
Knights-Vityazs, chosen warriors. The true meaning of the term is from flirting (thinking). Counselors, boyars of princes
Rurik’s calling
The first Russian princes and their names. Russian naming traditions
Kerch, the first capital of Russia
The folding of the Russian state. The role of St. Vladimir
Shipbuilding of Russia
Money in Russia. Fur, or rather, leather
Serpent Dragon Cult. Serpentines (medallions) of Ancient Russia, their origin as development
Gardarika, Gant Bay Gandwik and the Ob river region treasures
Polovtsy, sary
Cossacks, descendants of the northerners- severjans
Conclusion and conclusions
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This study aims to pose new questions and provide unambiguous answers in the history of the creation of the Old Russian state in the 9th century AD. This topic has always been important, because it touches the very foundation of our country, Russia, because Russia was and is the forerunner of the Russian Federation, a huge state stretching from the sources of the Dnieper, the shores of the Baltic and the Sea of Azov, Crimea and to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Many peoples found themselves in the orbit and borders of our state, and the rights, freedoms and language of these peoples are protected by the Constitution of Russia. So a will of chance or a historical pattern was the reason for the creation of such a large and multinational country? The author will try to substantively prove that it was a natural historical process that was the reason, and not an accident or the good or evil will of several rulers. Did associations of peoples exist before the 9th century on this territory? Yes, undoubtedly, and, moreover, from time immemorial. There were attempts to find the homeland of the Slavs in the Pripyat swamps, in fact, it is not clear where and it is not clear from where. Trying to juggle more with the fact that the very name “Slovenes” or “Slavs” appears only in the 6th century AD. from Procopius of Cessaria. Yes, this is exactly the case, but there is another amendment, or clarification. In Germany, where undoubted Slavs live, the original population of these lands, the Lusatian Serbs. So, in Germany, officially the Slavs are called only SERBEN and WENDEN (Ladusch, Manfred, etc. Die Sorben in Deutschland) and no, absolutely no Slavs. So, based on the logic of these scientists, there were no Slavs on the territory of East Germany. However, this is not so and not at all so. It is on this territory since the 12th century BC. the Vendian tribes live compactly. By the way, our neighbors the Finns and the Estonians still call Russia Venaja, that is, showing the continuity from the Wends to the Russians. It was the migration of the Vendian tribes to the South and East that was described by Procopius in the 6th century, apparently the very beginning of a long process. But, it is clear that in the East, the Vendians met not an empty land, but a land inhabited by tribes directly descended from the Scythians, Sarmatians and Huns, which is one and the same, that is, the tribal union of the Northerners. But, it should be noted that Ptolemy as early as the 2nd century AD. described Sarmatia as a territory from the Oder to the Urals and further, dividing Sarmatia into European and Asian, a country with many cities. Not only Ptolemy speaks about the already formed states on the territory of present-day Russia, Poland and Germany. This is stated in the ancient High German epic “Dietrich of Berne”. Also in this context are interesting and “Vilkina-Saga” and “Ortnit”.
This area belongs to the temperate zone, with a pronounced change in climate in winter and summer. The abundance of industrial wood made it the most common material for the craft – houses, dishes, fortified areas were built from wood, and due to the abundance of material, it was not too expensive. The downside was the frequent fires that destroyed buildings. Also, monuments and buildings made of wood are poorly preserved in the ground, often leaving only ramparts and ditches that have drifted from time to time. However, recently, researchers have learned to apply the analysis of images from space or resort to the help of aviation.
Most likely, Eremey Russky comes from Galicia-Volyn Rus, in general, the political activity of the Volyn princes in Austria was associated with the kinship of Danila Galitsky and Friedrich Babenberg, their mothers were cousins, that is, in this vein, the embassy of Eremey the Russian to Vienna, to the court of the duke Austria is quite justified. Who can this be? Most likely, one of the close boyars Daniil Romanovich. The name Eremey (Jeremiah) was often used in Western Russia, and the most famous is the famous Jeremiah Vishnevetsky. Eremey Russian is an elderly Russian historian about whom reliable information remains.
And not only Finnish, but also Swedish. The historian Olaf Dalin writes about this in his history of Sweden, he wrote: “Hunagard (the country of the Huns). Previously, this country was called Vanaland or Vanland after the Van, that is, the Wends. “And then he clarified: “… the Vans are the ancestors of the Huns… Vanland is one with Hunagard.” [Olaf Dalin, 110] Another Swedish historian, Olaf Vereli, expressed himself no less definitely on this matter: “By the name of the Huns, our ancestors (Swedes) understood Slavs, later called Windows or Veneti.”