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I would like to first thank you, dear reader, for taking time and reading my debut book.

Personally, I can't believe that I have written a book. I struggled a lot in school. Especially with reading and writing. It wasn't because I wasn't smart, it was because of all the bullying other kids gave me at school. My grades suffered and I became very angry with everything! A couple of my teachers never gave up on me. They knew I was much smarter than what my grades were showing. I eventually ended up going into Special Ed. My grades drastically improved and I held a GPA of 90 percent or above all through High School. For those teachers who never gave up on me, thank you.

I would also like to thank all who have inspired me to follow my dreams. Especially all of my favorite LGBTQ celebrities who have shown me that people in the LGBTQ communities can have a positive future.

I would like to thank my family. Coming out was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done! Terrifying, but worth it! It was terrifying because I didn't know how they would react. Everyone in my family accepted me right away. The person I was most terrified to come out to was my father. His religion was strictly against homosexuality. My father and I had different religions when I came out.

I couldn't bring myself to tell him, so I wrote him a letter. I remember what he told me. "We finally have something in common, we both like women." He took it surprisingly well. He actually switched his religion to a more accepting one of homosexuals.

The first person I came out to in my family was my grandmother. I figured it would be safe to tell her because she has many friends that are part of the LGBT community. She knew before I told her.

Lastly, I know she can't read this, but I would like to thank my dear girlfriend whom I lost in a car crash a few years ago. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. This book is dedicated to you up in heaven.

Pleasure's Spear

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