24 Motives For Life

24 Motives For Life
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Have you ever sat for a moment in a quiet place to think about the life you are living? It is a very vital experience that will help you maintain a connection with your inner self. Some people are alive today, they breathe, walk and connect with others but that’s just about as far as they can go, they do not seek or enjoy true connection which is a connection with themselves. When I say life is beautiful, I meant life is so much fun when you are attuned to yourself. <br />This book is the most comprehensive material you will read about how to indeed live life to the full while having fun. Have ideas that will help you value every minute you spend being alive. Having fun is a way to relax and maintain excitement in life. It doesn’t take much from you to take time off and have fun when we get to the end of this book; you will realize that your determination to have fun and live a great life will be of immense value to you.


Shashi Sahani Battini. 24 Motives For Life

Introduction. Life is beautiful!

Chapter One. What does happiness mean to you?

Chapter Two. The role of acknowledgment; showing admiration to everyone

Chapter Three. Kicking depression out!

Causes of Depression

Chapter Four. The value of time

Tips for effective time management

Chapter Five. Feel the beauty around you

Chapter Six. True angels sent to us; friends

Chapter Seven. Embracing the greatest gift; Your parents

Chapter Eight. The continual pursuit of happiness

Top ten steps to take in the pursuit of happiness

Chapter Nine. Kick the fear out; faith is all you need

Chapter Ten. Use money as a bridge

Chapter Eleven. The power of relationships

Chapter Twelve. Every new day births opportunities

Chapter Thirteen. Change is necessary

Chapter Fourteen. Think what you can do for mother nature

Chapter Fifteen. The concepts of faith and hope

Chapter Sixteen. How rejections can make you stronger

Chapter Seventeen. The twin values of perseverance and patience

Chapter Eighteen. Learning to love yourself

Chapter Nineteen. What music can do for your soul

Chapter Twenty. The evils in backbiting

How to get rid of backbiting

Chapter Twenty-one. Life beyond the Virtual world

Chapter Twenty-two. Believing in your instincts

Chapter Twenty-three. Closed doors mean open windows

Chapter Twenty-four. How to measure success


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The world has its concept and definition of happiness; it is often tied to the amount or value of material things a person has. So here we are in this world not knowing precisely what will happen tomorrow yet trapped in an unending circle of lust for success and wealth because we believe that the wealthier a person, the happier that person should be. I can try to help you see the true nature of happiness as opposed to the fictitious concept sold to people every day, so what does happiness mean to you?

I have been at certain levels of success in my life, and I can boldly say that the acquisition of material things does not guarantee happiness! Yes, you may have the cars, houses, the most beautiful jewellery and still feel a broad sense of unhappiness from within. This is because the original idea behind happiness isn’t tied to what a person has or does not have. Happiness means freedom; it is the feeling of being at peace with oneself knowing that with or without certain material things, life is still full of joy. Happiness is waking up with expectations and optimism that every desire will be accomplished even if it takes donkey years.


Depression sets in when we are not content with what we have (materially and otherwise) we feel a sense of loss whenever there is a feeling of lack for something we need and cannot get at the time. Now, what this means is that depression can be checked, it can be avoided, and you can live a happy life that is devoid of it. Listen, if you can beat depression in life, you will be able to fight off anything. Negative things happen to us and cause us to think negatively, but if you continue in that negative stead, you will gradually progress into depression.

Here’s a good suggestion, you should concentrate on positive things that will inspire optimism in you and cause you to see the best in all situations regardless of challenges. Of course, you will feel hurt and disappointed once in a while; it is a normal feeling that happens to the best of us but does not allow a setback make you drown in a well of depression. Whenever you feel like you are beginning to get negative thoughts, talk it over with someone you trust, do not keep such information to yourself. As you communicate, you will find solutions, laugh, feel like you have answers, no matter what always share how you are feeling with someone. When you take care of depression, you will have more value for time and utilize it as a valuable resource; time and its value is the focus of the next chapter.


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