In nonprofit organizations, staff development is increasingly crucial, but lack of resources leads many nonprofit leaders to believe that effective feedback systems are unattainable. However, nonprofits can implement effective feedback through their organizations by taking advantage of the Situation-Behavior-Impact (SBI) model. Using this system, you can give effective feedback that will help your nonprofit achieve its mission.
Shera Clark. Feedback That Works for Nonprofit Organizations
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Feedback That Works for Nonprofit Organizations
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The key to effective feedback is the ability to create and deliver a specific message based on observed behavior. This kind of message enables the receiver to walk away understanding exactly what he or she did and what impact it had on you. When feedback is specific and direct, there is a good chance that the person getting the feedback will be motivated to begin, continue, or stop behaviors that impact effectiveness. Think about statements you have made to others concerning their behavior, and ask yourself: What did they do that made you think they were good leaders? What did they say and how did they say it to make you think they communicate well? What did they do that made you conclude their thinking wasn’t strategic enough?