The Rising

The Rising
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

The Movement wants a revolution and it looks like they will be getting one. No one wanted it more than Mark and now his death will be the spark that blows the powder keg wide open.
The first book by Stephanie Doyle Cocchi will keep you interested to the last page.


Stephanie Doyle-Cocchi. The Rising

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Отрывок из книги

It was 9 pm and the house was quiet. John had arrived with the kids and they were all asleep upstairs. John, Thomas and Bobby were going to the meeting at Dove Pond. Reggie was staying at the house just to make sure there weren't any issues with the press or anything else. Teresa had gone home but would be back for the funeral and then in a few weeks for the annual 4th of July BBQ. She was still teaching and the kids were still in school, their calendar goes much later in June. She would call and check in everyday and if needed she would come back, but needed to finish up at home. Maggie and Marilyn were having tea and brownies at the table and Reggie sat down with a large cup of black coffee to join them. Bobby came in to say good night and to tell them not to wait up. They were heading out early and taking two trucks in case they needed to separate or take a weird route. Everyone was concerned that the press would follow them. It was more paranoia than fact, but they really didn't like the idea of having this meeting with the press right outside her door, but it couldn't be avoided. Bobby was concerned that groups would go off half cocked and it would be not just a mess, but a complete failure and the one thing they could not do at this point was fail. They pulled out of the driveway and went in different directions. The plan was for John to go to the local grocery store and gets some things before he headed to the meeting. Thomas and Bobby would stop for gas and snacks headed out the other way. So people would see them locally. Once they had a full tank of gas they headed to Dover Pond. There was a small hunting/fishing lodge there over looking the pond. The owner was the head of the local chapter. Mark had recruited people very carefully there were only meetings in places he felt were secluded enough, but a meeting looked completely normal. Although he didn't attend meetings at all chapters, all chapters met regularly. All information was verbal. There were no lists of members or locations. No plans written down. No phone calls with conversations. Only face to face and only after everyone involved felt comfortable they were not being recorded. All cell phones and devices were placed in a lead box at the beginning of the meeting and returned at the end. Next meeting dates were announced at the meeting and posted on a web-site but they looked like a regular meeting, tonight's meeting was posted as an emergency discussion about the pollution and garbage being dumped into Dover Pond, voting members only to attend. This gave the location and told the groups only one or two representatives should attend. There were over 400 groups in the US. If everyone sent two that would be 800 people at the meeting it would raise suspicion. Many of the west coast groups wouldn't attend on short notice and in a few days members who attended the meeting tonight would head to those groups and pass on the information.

Bobby and Thomas entered the building. They dropped there phones in the box and headed into the next room. There were almost 200 people both men and women, but no one under the age of 16. Mark felt that this was not a joke and he was not looking to indoctrinate children. If they turned 16 and felt they wanted to join great, but this was an army people signing up knew that there could and would be consequences. The biggest of which could be death so those were the rules he set. Bobby was surprised at how many people were in the lodge many had made a serious effort to attend in the back of the room he saw the man George who had represented the sheriff's department earlier that day, he was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt that said "work is for people who can't fish" he looked very different, but fit in at this meeting very well. Everyone greeted Bobby with a mixture of sadness, anger and joy. Many were glad to see him because they had not in a while. All were sad about the loss of their leader and some were extremely angry. Bobby had been carefully choosing his words for tonight's meeting. He stood at the front of the room and addressed the room.


"I will, jeeze! Bet I beat you home!" he laughed and headed to the truck with Marco.

Frank spoke suddenly. "It isn't the best plan, but it will have to do. Now that I demanded a closer date I am worried it isn't enough time to flush out the mole. The bigger problem is I am not sure there is a mole. I will assemble my group day after tomorrow. Green light lit no date. We will expect you a week from then and in the mean time hope for a miracle." The men shook hands and half hugged patting each other on the back and headed back inside. Most of the men had gone and Bobby shook hands with Peter, Marco's dad and the head of this local group.


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