Stand Tall Leadership

Stand Tall Leadership
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Описание книги

Stand out like you’re 7 feet tall – how to think and act differently as a K-12 leader   Tall people stand out in a crowd. Tall people think and act differently: people like author Steven Bollar. He has spent his career as a principal and administrator creating school cultures that make students excited to learn and achieve their goals. In Stand Tall Leadership , Steven shows you that it doesn't matter what your natural height really is—you can stand tall in everything you do by thinking and acting differently from those around you. Designed for K-12 leaders, this unique and engaging book helps you overcome challenges in your school, manage effectively, inspire your staff, build strong relationships, communicate clearly, and much more. The Stand Tall Leadership philosophy is all about creating the best possible environment at your school. Strong leadership skills are essential for making better decisions, maintaining your focus and priority, and maximizing outcomes with students, staff, parents, and the entire community. The principles and techniques in this book will strengthen your own leadership skills and assist you in developing effective leaders within your school. Providing hands-on tools and real-world guidance, this valuable resource will help you: Connect with staff, understand their needs, and set them up for success Keep your best employees and leaders right where they are, not chasing other opportunities Assessyour leadership skills and make immediate, meaningful improvements Maintain focus in any situation to increase productivity and get outstanding results Repair damaged relationships that slow down progress and impede success Stand Tall Leadership: Stand Tall to Think Differently and Lead Successfully is a must-read for all K-12 leaders and administrators, as well as K-12 educators looking to develop their leadership skills.


Steven A. Bollar. Stand Tall Leadership

Table of Contents



STAND TALL LEADERSHIP. Stand Tall to Think Differently and Lead Successfully

Introduction to Stand Tall Leadership

Stand Tall Statements

Stand Tall Ideas

Stand Tall Idea. High-Five Monday

CHAPTER ONE Stand Tall Leaders Should Not Blend In

1.1. Stand Tall Traits of a Good Leader

1.1.1. Visionary

1.1.2. Great Communicator

1.1.3. Makes Difficult Decisions

1.1.4. Make Others Better

Stand Tall Action

1.2. Hide and Seek

1.3. Step It Up

1.4. Timing

1.5. Practice? It's Just Practice!

Stand Tall Action

Stand Tall Ideas. Out of the Office Day

Pat on the Back

Stand Tall Ideas. Principal's Webpage

CHAPTER TWO Stand Tall Leaders Have Influence. 2.1. Influence

Reduce, Not Eliminate

2.2. Integrity

2.2.1. How to Maintain a High Level of Integrity. Keep Your Promises Err on the Side of Fairness Speak Out for What You Believe In Do What You Say You Are Going to Do

2.2.2. The Value of Integrity

2.3. Compliance vs. Commitment

Stand Tall Action

Stand Tall Ideas. Email Signature

What Are You Up To?

The Links

Color It Up!

Contact Me!

Say Cheese!

First Impression

Plug In

Boom Box

Say Cheese



Last Day Ice Cream


CHAPTER THREE Stand Tall Leaders Get Results

3.1. The Results Formula

3.1.1. Respect Internal Branding Branding with Purpose How Many Things Will It Include? What Does It Look Like? Where Will It Be Posted? How Often, When, and How Do We Talk About It?

Stand Tall Actions

3.1.2. Recognize

Nighttime DJ Voice. Daytime DJ Voice

Stand Tall Action

3.1.3. Reward No Surprise Awards!

Stand Tall Idea. Reward Wall What Is a Reward?

3.1.4. Reinforcement

3.1.5. Results Using the Results Formula: Who Has the Best Question?

Stand Tall Action

Stand Tall Ideas. Hello, Thank You for Calling!

Use Your Students

Theme and Goals

Slow Down


Thank You Day State of the Union Address

3.2. Don't Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

3.2.1. A Crisis Causes the Best and the Worst in Us to Come Out

3.2.2. A Crisis Rearranges Your Priorities

3.2.3. A Crisis Increases Your Capacity to Discover and Leverage Your Gifts and Talents

3.2.4. A Crisis Identifies the Critical Importance of Community

3.2.5. Crisis Example: Mississippi Schools after Hurricane Katrina

3.3. Get It When You Don't Get It

Stand Tall Ideas. I Blew It, Knew It, Learned Through It

Comeback Kid

Failing Forward Award

3.4. Hallway Brand

Stand Tall Ideas. CAUGHT

See the Signs


Joke of the Day

CHAPTER FOUR Stand Tall Leaders Value Relationships. 4.1. Expectations

4.1.1. Unvoiced Expectations

4.1.2. Unrealistic Expectations

4.1.3. Unmet Expectations

4.2. How to Move Past Unhealthy Expectations

4.2.1. Go There

4.2.2. Cut the Apron Strings

4.2.3. Push Through the Pain

4.3. Selflessness

Stand Tall Ideas. Monthly Minute

Paint Party Faculty Meeting

4.4. The Top Four Ways to Maintain and Attract the Best Substitutes Teachers is a part of the Stand Tall Ideas

4.4.1. Hello

4.4.2. How Is it Going?

4.4.3. Hang Your Hat

4.4.4. Here Is a Shirt

4.5. Retreat! is also a part of Stand Tall Ideas

4.6. Reasons to NOT Recognize

Stand Tall Ideas. Start the Morning Statements

Positive Post-It Day

Say Students' Names

Teachers Standing Ovation

GPA Championship

Week of Recognition

4.7. I Just Cannot Help You

4.7.1. You Cannot Help People Who Do Not Think They Need It

4.7.2. You Cannot Help People Who Know They Need It and Do Not Want It

4.7.3. You Cannot Help People Who Do Not Want It

4.7.4. You Cannot Help People Who Do Not Want It from You

4.7.5. You Cannot Help People Who Are Unwilling to Do What It Takes to Get It Done

Stand Tall Ideas. Cafeteria Staff

Custodial Staff

Attendance Ice Cream and Dance

Lip Sync Battle

Free Hugs Friday

CHAPTER FIVE Stand Tall Leaders Make Strategic, Smart, and Creative Decisions. 5.1. What Is Climate and Culture?

5.2. Respect and Value

5.3. Climate

5.4. Culture

Stand Tall Action

Stand Tall Ideas. B44

Bulletin Board Upgrade

5.5. Decisions

5.5.1. Level 1 Decision: No Input from Others

5.5.2. Level 2 Decision: Decide after Others’ Input

5.5.3. Level 3 Decision: We Decide Together

5.5.4. Level 4 Decision: Let You Make the Decision after My Input

5.5.5. Level 5 Decision: You Make the Decision Without My Input

Stand Tall Ideas. Positive Office Referral

Musical Photos

Welcome Wagon

New Students

Departing Students

5.6. Get Over It

5.6.1. Offense Is a Constant Possibility

5.6.2. Offense Is Attractive

5.6.3. Offense Ensnares Forward Movement

5.6.4. Offense Is Divisive

5.6.5. The Identity of the Past Does Not Determine the Identity of the Future

5.6.6. The Risk of Remaining the Same Is Greater than the Perceived Risk of Changing

5.6.7. Be Aware of Your Position

5.7. The Power of Now

5.7.1. Time Is Not Your Enemy, but Your Ally

Stand Tall Action

5.7.2. Time Is the Great Equalizer

5.7.3. Time Has Limits

5.7.4. Time Has a Purpose

Stand Tall Action

5.8. Efficiency vs. Effectiveness

Stand Tall Action

Stand Tall Ideas. Dress-Down Monday

Birthday Ambush

Support the Support

Give Them the Stuff


Come See Me


Good Citizen of the Month 2.0

CHAPTER SIX Stand Tall Leaders Take Action. 6.1. BADASS

6.1.1. Bold

6.1.2. Action Focused

6.1.3. Decisive

6.1.4. Aware

6.1.5. Smart

6.1.6. Systematic

Stand Tall Action

Stand Tall Ideas. Headers and Footers

Positive Office Referral

Locker Mission Messages

6.2. One Action

6.2.1. One Action Can Release Your Potential

6.2.2. Inactivity Is Passive Agreement

6.2.3. One Action Can Elicit Uncommon Responses

6.2.4. One Action Can Reveal a Path to Wholeness

6.2.5. One Action Can Restore or Rob the Future

Stand Tall Ideas. Start of the School Year Ideas

School Theme Ideas

50 + 1 School Theme Ideas


CHAPTER SEVEN Stand Tall Leaders Use Their Voice. 7.1. Stand Tall Speaking

7.1.1. Get to the Point!

7.1.2. Minimize the Verbal Junk

7.1.3. Use Stories

7.1.4. Connect with Your Audience

Stand Tall Action What's Up with Your Vocabulary?

7.1.5. Your Last Words Linger

7.1.6. Index Cards Are Your Friend

Stand Tall Ideas. Pinning Ceremony

High-Five Wall

Welcome Back!

WOW Committee

7.2. Parent Phone Communication

7.2.1. Get Prepped

7.2.2. Shut Up

7.2.3. Write It Down

7.2.4. Show Empathy

7.2.5. Take a Breath

7.2.6. Repeat What Was Said

Stand Tall Action

Parent Phone Call Flowchart Must-Haves. Every Phone Call Should Have the Following:

Stop Talking So Much!

Show Empathy

Write It Down

Take a Breath


Contact Administration

Stand Tall Ideas. Back-to-School Night

Shake a Hand


Something in Hand

Sign Here…


Teacher Trivia

7.3. Uncomfortable Silence

Stand Tall Ideas. Leave a Message after the Beep…BEEP!

Turn Up Tenure

Tea, Anyone?

In the News

Just for You

Come See Me

CHAPTER EIGHT Stand Tall Leaders Are Reflective. 8.1. Hold on a Second

8.1.1. Three Levels of Decision-Making

8.1.2. Pause Before You Post

8.2. Stand Tall Professional Development

8.2.1. Books

8.2.2. Conferences

Stand Tall Conference Action Plan

8.2.3. Mastermind Groups

8.3. Standing Tall Words of Power

8.3.1. Love

8.3.2. Acceptance

8.3.3. Wanted

8.3.4. Forgiveness

Stand Tall Ideas. Heart to Heart Award

This Bud's for You

Bulletin Board Award

8.4. Three Sides of Leadership Growth

8.4.1. Mentor Someone in Leadership

8.4.2. Connect with Someone Else Who Leads

8.4.3. Be Mentored by Someone Who Leads

Stand Tall Action

Stand Tall Ideas. Restroom Signs

Photo Op

8.5. Be a Finisher!

8.5.1. Faith and Vision

8.5.2. Without Vision, You Have No Measure to Determine Progress

8.5.3. Why You Would Have No Vision Too Many Mistakes On an Island Can't Articulate

8.5.4. To Be a Finisher





Отрывок из книги

Steven A. Bollar

One day during my eighth-grade year I was walking home from school with Danielle. Where I grew up, everybody walked home from school. Danielle and I kind of liked each other, so we would walk home together most days. I lived on Ninth Street and Danielle lived on Seventh Street. Once we turned onto Seventh Street, Danielle said, “Steve, stop.”


Tall people can't play hide and seek very well. There is just something about that game that doesn't work for us. Unless there is a tree or column around, we just can't seem to find a hiding spot. The only good thing about the game, depending on how you play it, is once found, we can usually outrun, reach, or tag the person who found them in order to not be “it.” But to be honest, I rather be “it” anyway. If I'm “it,” I don't have to worry about finding a place to hide. It is just too much pressure. Many times, when I would play hide and seek, I would purposely get found. “Oh darn, you found me… what a shame… I guess I'm it now…”

Tall people are always seen. They don't blend in with those around them. As much as I think that I don't stand out, I do. I am always on. Sure, I can walk around as if nobody can see me, but I know differently. The first thing they think when they see me is, “Wow, he is tall. I wonder if he plays basketball?” There are many times I don't want to be in the spotlight. I do want to play hide and don't seek. That time to hide and don't seek is valuable to me. It is time that I use to think, be alone, and make plans for what I want to do. Many shorter people take that opportunity for granted. It is common to blend in with the crowd and not stand out. Many people go out of their way to be noticed. But when your entire life revolves around people noticing you, blending in becomes something that you long for.


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