Raising Able

Raising Able
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Описание книги

Give your children the gift of self-esteem, self-confidence and skills to succeed in life.<br><br>Learn to empower children to make good decisions when they become teenagers and they&#39;re 60 miles away, going 60 miles an hour. <br><br>Start when they are young by learning the Raising Able Family Management System based on:<br><br>– family meetings, family chores, family dinner; <br>– the triple e – encouragement, entitlement, empowerment; and <br>– natural and logical consequences.<br><br>Parents will be calmer and happier and be able to retire from being the house servant.<br>Children will learn skills, time management, and responsibility. <br><br>They will experience being part of a team and greater self-esteem and self-confidence. <br><br>Chores counteract entitlement because it&#39;s impossible to feel entitled when youngsters clean toilets, sweep floors and rake leaves. <br><br>Chores cure boredom immediately because there&#39;s always more work to be done in a home.<br><br>This easy-to-read book offers time-tested advice by the mother of four children who has taught many parents the Raising Able Family Management System.<br><br>The system is useful for typical children AND for special needs children. ADD recommend the Raising Able Family Management system for use with young people with ADD and ADHD.


Susan Tordella. Raising Able


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60 miles away going 60 miles an hour

Research affirms the power of chores

The power of stories

A note on the digital/audio edition:

1. A Positive Parenting Plan

The risks and rewards of cleaning windows

How to get started

Highlights of a positive parenting plan

The meaning of discipline

Act, don’t yak

Write down your most pressing problem

The broken vending machine

Start small

From caterpillar to butterfly

What kind of parent are you?

Avoid trying – do it

Younger children will respond faster

Even Hercules mows the lawn and does dishes

Computer commodore for life

Key points from A Positive Parenting Plan

2. The Benefits of Chores Last a Lifetime

Doing jobs at home transmits values

Chores teach lifelong habits

Chores correlate to lower alcohol use

Chores: The entitlement buster

The lost tradition of childhood chores

Count on me

Consistency is the cure

It’s easier to do it myself

Work can’t always be fun

Expectations yield results

Put chore theory into practice

Life lessons gained by growing up on a farm

Sales training at Hurtte’s Texaco

Don’t just dream. Set goals and create it

New perspective changes the view

Chores build self-discipline

Key points from The Benefits of Chores

3. Can I help, Mommy?

Take time for training

If it’s fun, it will get done

Dancing dust bunnies

Everyone helps at the Children’s Farm School

Adjust your expectations

Hire help or not?

The second shift

Schedule the time

4. The Power of Encouragement

Encouragement can have few words

The language of encouragement

An athlete in training

Find kernels of success

Encouragement motivates workers

Praise or encouragement?

Wean the praise junkies

The forgiving nature of homemade food

The power of pain

Practice the enjoyable art of encouragement

Self-reliance relates to self-esteem

Destroying a barn opens doors

The encouragement of getting published

Canines respond to encouragement

A group activity to learn encouragement

5. Replace Pay and Praise

Money: a poor motivator, good manipulator

Money and work

How to motivate without money

The leverage of expectation

Start with a family meeting

Teamwork makes it fun

The only exception

Teach discipline and teamwork

Make your behavior worth imitating

First we work, and then we play

Develop personal authority

Avoid servitude

If I pay someone else for the job

Chores yield compound interest

Conquer a dirty bathroom with teamwork

Ten strategies to create a team environment

6. Family Meetings: A Voice and a Choice

The first family meeting



Reading of the minutes

Favorite excerpts from family meeting notes


Regular business: dogs, dishes and decisions

Doing dishes teaches negotiation skills

Family Fun

Blowball power

How to play Blowball

Solving problems

Bedtime negotiations

What’s In It For Me?

If tweens or teen say, “I hate family meetings. I’m not coming. I’m going out with my friends,” you might say, “That’s up to you. We may decide what jobs you’ll do if you’re not there.” You could also say, “I hope you come to the family meeting because I value your input. When would be a good time to schedule the meeting so you can attend?” It’s much easier to convince someone to do something when they have agreed to do so. Jobs

The power of family meetings

Use family meetings as a management tool

Family meetings create cohesion

Family meeting tips

7. Beware of Helicopters

Other responses to the disabled computer

A surprise bonus

Consequences differ from punishment

Money is not the source of all solutions

Experience is the best teacher

Enough rope to burn but not enough to hang

Hand writing as a memory tactic

Ski equipment as a teacher

Eagles ignore sibling rivalry

Peace in the car

Avoid ugly scenes in public

The control factor

Don’t trash my room

Get the job done with work and play

Cooking rice makes a lasting impression

8. Sound Familiar?

Children leave belongings in living areas

Moderate screen time and electronics

Parents are the antidote to screen time

A feasible brain drain policy

Natural and logical consequences

The comfort of bedtime routines

Toddlers can choose to stay in bed

Child repeatedly acts up in class

Homework harmony

Child dawdles in the morning before daycare

Messy bedrooms

Clean K-Mart?

Whose pet is it?

Chores and consequences develop responsibility

Early practice prevents problems

The soggy potato chip law

Whose problem are chores?

Key points from Sound Familiar?

9. When it Rains, Stomp Barefoot in Puddles

No way to camping? Try day trips

The rain in Maine is relentless

A change in perspective

Blended families can bond in the woods

Develop a campy attitude at home

We survived Hurricane Bob in the wilderness

Rain, the character builder

Stalwartness begins at home

Survival skills inspired boy scouting

Key points from When it Rains, Stomp Barefoot in Puddles

10. Family dinner: The Glue for Your Crew

Family dinner is worth prioritizing

Family time is prime time

Plan dinner in the morning

Cheese curls and a video for dinner

Key points from Family Dinner, The Glue for Your Crew

11. I am not your friend. Set Boundaries

Boundaries teach respect for natural laws

Use action instead of words

Give choices -- approved by you

Master the art of sitting quietly

Telephone manners

Encourage independence

The challenge for single parents

Setting limits prepares children for school

Guardrails provide security

Be the guardrails on the bridge

Chores set an internal compass

From the farm to the firm

Strategy: Timed work sessions

Key points from I am not your friend

12. Self-excess-teem and Entitlement

The power of encouragement

Lessons learned from Ian and crew

Chasing the Holy Grail of self-esteem

The danger of self-excess-teem

Chores: the anti-entitlement drug

Stalwartness on the job

The natural consequence of a crashed car

An ideal worker is made, not born

The right amount of self-esteem

High self-esteem is no guarantee

The power of giving children adult tasks

Practice moderation in chores

Chores generate responsibility and self-esteem

Farm chores teach management skills

Chores plant seeds of entrepreneurship

Her best college students do chores

Key points from Self-Excess-Teem

13. Wax on, Wax off: The Zen of Work

Love the work you’re with

Dirty diapers in every job

The emptiness of working for money

Cleaning as a ritual

Physical work feels good

Be present with the dishes, soap and water

The Zen of working together in a community

Do for others

The modern perception of work

Computers aren’t the answer

Avoid using chores as punishment

Small chores yield big results

Let them get their hands dirty

Get out of dishes free

The Zen of building a chicken coop

The Zen of family work

Work with joy

Napkin and salad girl starts a tradition

Express passion through work

Dogs are friends and teachers

Key points from The Zen of Work

14. Green Chores

Beyond convenience

Turn off one light bulb at a time

Encourage independence if possible

The old-fashioned tradition of walking to school

Ease the grip of stranger-danger – walk and bike

Go on a Low Carbon Diet together

Cultivate a few tomatoes and chicken

What is your legacy?

15. Human Doing or Human Being?

Energize yourself and your marriage

Happy mothers = happy children

Chores: a quick hit of anti-entitlement

Slow down with a pajama day

What is affluenza worth?

Pajama days counteract activity mania

Low key, low cost, good fun

Find frugal local fun in nature

Beware of family-busters

Children ARE interruptions

Whose problem is boredom?

The Zen of 39 dirty windows

Avoid nurturing human doings

Family time instead of sports time

Let siblings work it out

Key points for Human doing or human being?

16. You Are Not My Mother: Blended Families

Divided we fall

Create a welcoming atmosphere

Use family meetings

Blended families thrive on family meetings

The flow of family bonding

Practice acceptance

Yours, mine and ours

The challenge of blended families

Key points from You are not my Mother: Blended Families

17. Name It and Tame It

Goal 1: The desire for constant attention

Goal 2: The struggle for power

Bubbles and Shamim

Change your response

Defuse children on a power quest

Goal 3: Revenge

Avoid the fracas

I hate you

Goal 4: Inadequacy

Birth order

Early self-discipline reaps rewards

Best Foot Forward

The charm of encouragement

Name it and tame it

18. A Stalwart Positive Parenting Plan

What happened to your most pressing problem?

60 miles away going 60 miles an hour

Continuing education

Stay in touch

The basics of a positive parenting plan


About the Author


Отрывок из книги

The key is changing our habits, and in particular,

the habits of our mind.


Imagine you put a dollar into a vending machine for a bottle of water and nothing comes out. The machine keeps the dollar and doesn’t dispense a bottle of water. What is your response? Most likely, you shake the machine, hit it, tip it and flip the cancel button – and still no bottle of water or dollar. Depending on your personality, you scale-up the assault on the machine and shake, hit and tip it, get angry, yell, curse and find the machine’s owner. Your behavior deteriorates when you don’t get what you expect. The same thing may happen when implementing strategies from this book. Your children’s behavior may get worse before it gets better. They may treat you in the same way you treated the broken vending machine. When you don’t respond the way they’re used to, they will shake, holler and protest. They will refuse to believe the machine won’t dispense water or refund their dollar.

Parents must be resolute: choose your battles, and start with baby steps. Don’t waiver because youngsters can instantly sense a lack of parental confidence. Parents are a child’s first and most significant teacher by what we say, and more importantly, by what we do.


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