Soul Windows....Secrets from the Divine

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Susan Z Rich. Soul Windows....Secrets from the Divine
How Soul Windows Help Us Remember Our Life Script
Discovering Life Cycles Through Soul Windows
First Soul Window / The Awakening!
How The Inner Child Controls You With “IT”
Second Soul Window / This Life Is Mine!
Energetic Neutral Zones
Third Soul Window / Making Grown Up Future Choices
Fourth Soul Window / OMG! I Just Found A Wrinkle!
Living In Multiple Dimensions
Fifth Soul Window / Feeling Our Mortality
Sixth Soul Window / Chiron Return…A Reset and Do-Over!
Remaining Soul Windows / Until We Go Home
How Our Beliefs Define Soul Windows
Using The Tools You Are Gifted With
Who Is Really In Charge Of Your Life?
How Change Begins In Our Subconscious Beliefs. Empowered Thinking For The Inner Child. Unconditional Love
I Am Important!
The Rules of Manifesting The Life You Want
Energetic Perceptions
It’s All YOU!
Living A Quality Relationship With YOU
Creating A Life You Like
Epilogue. Traveling The Good Journey
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As a seasoned intuitive, emotional addiction counselor, author, motivational speaker, workshop facilitator and holistic therapist of twenty years, I have listened to most versions of life’s challenges in one form or another. The one question that repeatedly came up was, “Why is this happening to me in my life now”? I asked the same question about my own life challenges many times. One of them being my own personal health challenge of Stage Four Breast cancer 15 years ago in which I chose to heal myself naturally without chemotherapy or surgery. Through a systematic and guided process of staying energetically observant to the similarities of life cycles everyone went through, I was able to see a pattern of divine communication. These communications sent from the divine inner self to assist the soul living out its scripted life journey. Those communications are in the form of scheduled life cycle signals to prompt change and growth. When these spiritual coding signals are activated, it opens a Soul Window. A Soul Window is similar to a memo sent to the dreaming soul to have a look at what point in this life adventure will change begin to happen. Meaning, what did you come here to do, accomplish, release or possibly finish and is it now time?
As baby boomers are hitting the most challenging Soul Window of Chiron Return (the 50-year birth cycle) and the young generation is experiencing instantaneous karma, all old paradigms of beliefs and foundations are crumbling. Soul Windows allow you to make a connection with your inner Divine self, get a spiritual pep talk and a new game plan for the next life cycle of your living incarnation. Something like your divine life coach calling you to the sidelines and giving the next plays on your life journey. Helping you to find your “Muchness” and to let your “God Sparkle” shine! I hope the information I was gifted to share about Soul Windows will help you experience this life journey in more joy and enlighten you with a few “Aha, that makes so much sense” moments.
The final dialogue change came from the self-confidence, worthiness and value shift I was looking for. I started using the phrase, ”you need to get a “Tude” about who you are and what you are if you are going to get what you want”. Of course, the inevitable question would be, “what is a Tude”? I would put my hand on my hip; stick out my chest and say, “attitude, attitude, girlfriend”! “ You have to believe YOU ARE ALL THAT and coming to the table with valuable stuff, not always looking and hoping that someone is going to bring you something valuable so you feel good about yourself!” I could see I was now starting to get somewhere with this new approach. I do so apologize to all the male readers in staying in the feminine gender, as I did have many male clients also. Obviously, when I had a male client I changed the approach just a little and put more testosterone into the delivery. What I finally began to see was the emotions and feelings of a new idea getting across to them. This was the new awareness I was looking for, it was ALL based on the feelings you have about yourself. Your childhood situations and the adults that decided your life choices when you were young formed the adult emotions you were now dealing with. Soul Windows open at specific emotional ages to bring about maturity and wisdom. They also start the process to help you un-do any childhood defenses. The agenda was to get you to embrace the feel good emotions about yourself, you would then know the difference between being a victim and being in charge of your life.
The next step to this new Soul Window concept was to catalogue client’s counseling sessions by age group. Since I completely embrace the belief that we write the scripts for our life journey and we certainly do not arrive here without assistance, then we must have some kind of handbook we brought along with us. This is what that handbook looks like. We have energetic scheduled life cycle signals that go off within our etheric life field (and no, I am not talking about the so-called alien implanted chips that healers claim to find in their subjects, although anything is possible). These life cycle signals awaken and prompt us to make the necessary changes on our journey to grow and complete what we came here to do. Each one of these scheduled life cycle signals opens a portal I call Soul Windows. This allows the dreaming soul to stir, awaken and bring about the necessary life adjustments for those changes at selected ages. Everyone and I mean everyone goes through these soul changes. A meeting place where the soul looks through a window of change and is directly coached and guided by their Divine higher self. This is of course where free will comes into play. The divine self is always assisting in the creation of these Soul Windows, urging the soul to make change. Whether you choose that option of change is entirely up to you. I like to think of it as divine rah, rah cheerleading for us. The free will given us is always about choices made by the individual soul from either authentic joy or fearful doubt. We all came here to experience and accomplish an agenda to bring about the soul’s growth and the awareness of no separation between the soul and the divine intelligence known as God and by many other wonderful names. The point to this journey is to recognize home as within and not separate from the Oneness of All. God is not out there, life is not out there and we should not be looking out there for it. Everything is within and One within us. That is what we are here to sort out and embrace.