“Solnishko and Maksim’s Friends’ Club” and “Games of Imagination” are the books of three authors of various generations. But they are connected to each other with a common approach towards forming of personality, family values, as well as social morality. The main characters of the book are persons still in their childhood, open to honest dialogue, deserving trust, careful attitude to themselves, to the fragile world of childish emotions, imaginations and creativity.
Сусанна Арутюнян. Solnishko and Maksim’s Friends’ Club
Dear reader!
Chapter 1. Creation of the website “Literary circle”
Chapter 2. Magic Power of Love
2.1. Thirst for adventure
2.2. A gift from “the other world”
2.3. The Ball
2.4. The boy’s disease
2.5. Good friends
Chapter 3. First love
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Childhood. It happened so that in the XXI century children play mainly in Furby, Tamagotchi, Computer games, etc. And what are the consequences! Enclosing in own virtual space. Many children are even unable to articulate their thoughts verbally.
However, creativity helps to realize childish imaginations. You should believe in yourself and work hard. God will bless you.
– I need to hide in the cellar. So that the witch did not smell a human smell, I had to make this mess, – the boy explained.
– What do you command to tell the witch? How to explain all this to her? – asked the monster.