Читать книгу Путешествие как образ жизни. Исследователь Центральной Азии П. К. Козлов - Т. И. Юсупова - Страница 1



Институт Истории естествознания и техники им. С.И. Вавилова Санкт-Петербургский филиал

Издание осуществлено при финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (РГНФ), проект № 16-41-93013

Рукопись подготовлена к изданию при финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда (РГНФ), проект № 12-03-00343а


д. и.н. Ю. В. Кузьмин,

д. и.н. В. А. Широкова

The book discusses the activities of one of the leading Russian explorers of Inner Asia, Petr Kozlov (1863–1935). The duration of his expeditions spanning several decades and abundance of scientific results earned him a special place among N. M. Przhevalskii’s followers. A special focus is made on Kozlov’s social network, shedding light on the motivation of his expeditions, the peculiar character of their organization, the evaluation of his discoveries by the Russian and Western scientific communities, the public perception of his personality and work, his professional contacts. The unique archeological and scientific collections brought by him have enriched the museums of Russia and laid foundation for new disciplines in Asian studies (Tangut studies) and archeology (Hun studies). At the same time the bright and many-sided personality of P. K. Kozlov played important role in popularization of Russian geographic discoveries, rise of public interest to the discovered region i. e. Mongolia, China and Tibet, as well as in attraction of public attention to traveler’s profession itself.

The book is intended for those interested in the history of the Russian exploration of China, Mongolia and Tibet.

© Т.И. Юсупова, 2016

© Издательство Нестор-История, 2016

Путешествие как образ жизни. Исследователь Центральной Азии П. К. Козлов

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