The Leader Lab

The Leader Lab
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Описание книги

What if you could become a great manager, leader, and communicator faster?  The Leader Lab  is a high-speed leadership intensive, equipping managers with the Swiss Army Knife of skills that help you handle the toughest situations that come your way.  Through painstaking research and training over 200,000 managers, authors Tania Luna and LeeAnn Renninger, PhD (co-CEOs of LifeLabs Learning) identified the most important skills that distinguish great managers from average. Most importantly, they’ve discovered how to help people rapidly develop these core skills. The result? You quickly achieve extraordinary team performance and a culture of engagement, fulfillment, and belonging.  Too often, folks are promoted without any training for the countless crucial responsibilities of the modern manager: being part coach, part player, part therapist, part role model.  The Leader Lab  serves as your definitive guide to what it means to be a great manager today – and how to become a great leader faster. This book is based on LifeLabs Learning’s wildly successful workshop series. It combines research, tools, and the playful, fluff-free style that’s made LifeLabs the go-to professional development resource for over 1,000 innovative companies around the world.  You’ll learn how to:  Quickly improve performance and engagement Handle tough conversations with confidence Identify and resolve the underlying issues holding your team back Create a culture of inclusion Spark innovation Reduce stress and burnout Finetune your coaching, productivity, feedback, one-on-one, strategic thinking, meeting facilitation, people development, and leading change skills Learn the same high-leverage skills that new managers at the world’s most innovative organizations are using to create impactful change in business and in life This interactive, accessible, and brain-friendly resource will help you and your team ramp up and reach the tipping point of managerial greatness fast.


Tania Luna. The Leader Lab

Table of Contents



Core Skills to Become a Great Manager, Faster. THE LEADER LAB

The Backstory

Why Managers Matter

What a Manager Is (Today)

The Surprising Skills That Matter Most. Great Managers, Assemble!

What's in the Black Box?

Discovering Behavioral Units

The Manager Core: Your Leadership Swiss Army Knife

Your Leader Lab

How to Use This Book. As You Read

Mia the Manager

Practice Stations

Your Lab Reports

Bonus Inclusion Stations

I The Core BUs

1 Q-step

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Q-stepping Helps Managers Become More Effective Faster in at Least Three Ways. 1. Q-stepping Helps You Diagnose the Underlying Problem Faster

2. Q-stepping Helps You Develop People's Skills Faster

3. Q-stepping Lets You Catalyze Commitment

Practice Station

My Learning Tracker

2 Playback

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Playbacks Help Managers Make a Positive Impact Faster in Three Ways. 1. Playbacks Create Clarity Faster

2. Playbacks Catch Misunderstandings Faster

3. Playbacks Build Trust Faster

Practice Station

Sample Playbacks:

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

My Learning Tracker

3 Deblur

Sample Deblurring Questions

Practice Station

Three of the Biggest Reasons Managers Benefit from Deblurring. 1. Deblurring Prevents Miscommunication Faster

2. Deblurring Improves Feedback Faster

3. Deblurring Improves Decision-Making Faster

Practice Station

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

My Learning Tracker

4 Validate

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Practice Station

Three Reasons the Validation BU Helps You Become a Better Manager Faster. 1. Validations Reduce Stress Faster

2. Validations Build Trust Faster

3. Validations Increase Employee Retention

Practice Station

My Learning Tracker

5 Linkup

Version 1

Version 2: Do Over

Version 3: Do-Over

Why the Linkup Is Such an Important Manager BU. 1. Linkups Create Alignment Faster

2. Linkups Enable Autonomy

3. Linkups Get You Buy-in Faster

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Practice Station

My Learning Tracker

6 Pause

Practice Station

Let's Pause and Talk About Why Pausing Is So Important for Managers. 1. Pausing Creates Sustained Productivity

2. Pausing Sparks Innovation Faster

3. Pausing Resolves Conflict Faster

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Sample Pauses

Practice Station

My Learning Tracker

7 Extract

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Practice Station

Practice Station

My Learning Tracker

II The Core Skills

8 Coaching Skills

What Coaching Is (and Isn't)

The 4Cs: Noticing Coaching Moments Faster

The Coaching SOON Funnel

Version 1

SOON Funnel: “Success” Coaching Questions

Sample Success Questions

SOON Funnel: “Obstacles” Coaching Questions

Sample Obstacles Questions

SOON Funnel: “Options” Coaching Questions

Sample Options Questions

SOON Funnel: “Next Steps” Coaching Questions

Sample Next Steps Questions

Practice Station

Version 2: Do-Over

Q-step into Coaching

Practice Station

Q-step Q&A

Practice Station

My Learning Tracker

9 Feedback Skills

What Feedback Is (and Why It Matters)

Practice Station

How to Give Feedback Well

Version 1

Q-BIQ Method Part 1: Question

Q-BIQ Method Part 2: Behavior

Practice Station

Q-BIQ Method Part 3: Impact

Q-BIQ Method Part 4: Question

Practice Station

Version 2: Do-Over

How to Receive Feedback Well

Practice Station

How to Build a Feedback Culture Faster

1. Offer More Praise Than Criticism

2. Pull for Feedback Often

3. Create Feedback Touchpoints

My Learning Tracker

10 Productivity Skills

Version 1

Practice Station

Version 2: Do-Over

Time Awareness

Time Awareness Tool #1: Use Time Language

Time Awareness Tool #2: Start and Stop Meetings on Time

Time Awareness Tool #3: Suggest Doing a Time Audit


Prioritization Tool #1: Ask About MITs

Prioritization Tool #2: Use the Quadrant Method

Version 1: No Do-Over Needed!

Prioritization Tool #3: Use the Bucket Method


Organization Tool #1: Encourage a Consistent Capture System

Organization Tool #2: Create a Closed Loop Culture

Version 1: No Do-Over Needed!


Focus Tool #1: Co-create If-Thens

Focus Tool #2: Work in Pomodoros

Focus Tool #3: Use the Kanban System

Practice Station

My Learning Tracker

11 Effective One-on-Ones

Practice Station

Brain Craving #1: Certainty

How to Add Certainty to Your One-on-One Structure

How to Diagnose and Increase Certainty Through Your One-on-One Conversations

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Sample Certainty Questions

Brain Craving #2: Autonomy

How to Add Autonomy to Your One-on-One Structure

How to Diagnose and Increase Autonomy Satisfaction in Your One-on-Ones

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Sample Autonomy Questions

Brain Craving #3: Meaning

How to Add Meaning to Your One-on-One Structure

How to Diagnose and Increase Meaning in Your One-on-Ones

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Sample Meaning Questions

Brain Craving #4: Progress

How to Add Progress to Your One-on-One Structure

How to Diagnose and Increase Progress in Your One-on-Ones

Sample Task Box: Write a Blog Post

Version 1: No Do-Over Needed!

Sample Progress Questions

Brain Craving #5: Social Inclusion

How to Build Social Inclusion Through Your One-on-One Structure

How to Diagnose and Increase Social Inclusion in Your One-on-Ones

Version 1: No Do-Over Needed!

Sample Social Inclusion Questions

Practice Station

Sample One-on-One Agenda Template

My Learning Tracker

12 Strategic Thinking

1. Gap Analysis

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Practice Station

2. Linkup

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

3. The 3 Lenses Model

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Practice Station

4. UC Check

Practice Station

5. Inclusive Planning

Practice Station

My Learning Tracker

13 Meetings Mastery

Version 1

Starting Meetings: 4P Opener

Sample Meeting Agenda

Version 2: Do-Over

Practice Station

“Inform” Meeting Tools

“Inform” Meeting Tool #1: Q-Storm

“Inform” Meeting Tool #2: Round-robins

“Inform” Meeting Tool #3: Rotate Roles

“Explore” Meeting Tools

“Explore” Meeting Tool #1: Defer Judgment

“Explore” Meeting Tool #2: Idea Quotas

Practice Station

“Explore” Meeting Tool #3: Cross-pollinate

“Narrow” Meeting Tools

“Narrow” Meeting Tool #1: Deblur the DACI

Practice Station

“Narrow” Meeting Tool #2: Impact/Feasibility Map

“Narrow” Meeting Tool #3: Pros, Cons, and Mitigations

Course Corrections

Practice Station

Version 2: Do-Over

My Learning Tracker

14 Leading Change

The Phases of Changes

Unfreeze Phase

Unfreeze Phase Tool #1: Hold a CAMPS Listening Tour

Version 1

Version 2: Do-Over

Unfreeze Phase Tool #2: Craft a Vision Statement

Version 1: No Do-Over Needed

Practice Station

Change Phase

Change Phase Tool #1: Simplify the Plan

Change Phase Tool #2: Plan Early Wins

Practice Station

Refreeze Phase

Refreeze Phase Tool #1: Overcommunicate

Refreeze Phase Tool #2: Create Behavioral Cues

Stay Slushy

Normalize Change

Version 1: No Do-Over Needed

Keep Change Normal

My Learning Tracker

15 People Development

Identify Business Needs: Capability Mapping

Version 1

Practice Station

Version 2: Do-Over

Identify Individual Needs: The Zoom Out Conversation

Practice Station

High Leverage Development: Get in the Venn Zone

Individual Needs Mismatch: Recruit

Business Needs Mismatch: Deblur Expectations

Missing Capability: Have a Gap Conversation

Individual Development Plans and 3Es

Individual Development Plan (IDP)

3E Model

Version 2: Do-Over (Continued)

Make Development a Theme

Set Development Expectations

Create a Cadence

Demarcate and Track

My Learning Tracker

Leader Lab Wrap-up

Core BUs, Skills, and Tools at a Glance

Mia the Manager

Your Leader Lab

References. The Backstory

How to Use This Book

Part I: The Core BUs. Chapter 1: Q-step

Chapter 2: Playback

Chapter 4: Validate

Chapter 5: Linkup

Chapter 6: Pause

Chapter 7: Extract

Part II: The Core Skills. Chapter 8: Coaching Skills

Chapter 9: Feedback Skills

Chapter 10: Productivity Skills

Chapter 11: Effective One-on-Ones

Chapter 12: Strategic Thinking

Chapter 13: Meetings Mastery

Chapter 14: Leading Change

Chapter 15: People Development


Author Bios



Отрывок из книги

Tania Luna


At LifeLabs Learning, we had the unique opportunity of training people at many different companies around the world. So, every time we went into a company to lead workshops, we asked, “Who here is a great manager?” The people who were named again and again had the most engaged teams and a track record of achieving results. We also compared these “greats” with average managers. Our initial plan was to conduct interviews with the greats and the average, and look for differences in their answers. To make a long story short, this approach was mostly … a flop. When we asked managers which behaviors led to their success, the answers of the great and average folks were not predictive of performance. For example, guess which type of manager (average or great) most often said, “I think it's important to be a good listener.”

The answer? Nearly every manager talked about the importance of listening. So what actually made the greats different? We interviewed the managers’ teams to see if we could gather more helpful data. This approach yielded some interesting insights. For example, we learned there was no correlation between managers believing they were good listeners and their team members rating them as good listeners. But we were still no closer to understanding the behaviors that distinguished great managers.


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