A Book of Fruits and Flowers

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Unknown. A Book of Fruits and Flowers
Of Lemmons
Medicines made of Lemmons
Of Quinces
Of Roses
Of Almonds
Of Straw-Berries
Of Hartichoakes
Of Violets
Of Cowslips
Of Beanes
Of Apricocks
Of Lillies
Of Grapes
Of Marigolds
Of Cherries
Of Goose-Berries
Of Plums
Of Medlers
Of Cucumbers
Отрывок из книги
Take Lemmons, rub them upon a Grate, to make their rinds smooth, cut them in halves, take out the meat of them, and boyle them in faire water a good while, changing the water once or twice in the boyling, to take away the bitternesse of them, when they are tender take them out and scrape away all the meat (if any be left) very cleane, then cut them as thin as you can (to make them hold) in a long string, or in reasonable short pieces, and lay them in your glasse, and boyling some of the best White-wine vineger with shugar, to a reasonable thin Syrupe, powre it upon them into your glasse, and keep them for your use.
Take your Oranges or Lemmons, lay them in water three dayes, and three nights, to take away their bitternesse, then boyle them in faire water till they be tender, make as much Syrupe for them as will make them swim about the pan, let them not boyle too long therein, for it will make the skins tough; then let them lie all night in the Syrupe, to make them take the Syrupe in the morning, boyle the Syrupe to his thicknesse, and put them in gally pots or glasses, to keep all the yeare, and this is the best way to Preserve Orenges, Lemmons, or Citrons.
Take two pound of Quinces, paired, coared, and cut in small pieces, and put them into a faire posnet, with a quart of faire water, and when they are boyled tender, put into them one pound of Sugar clarified, with halfe a pint of faire water, let them boyle till all the fruit fall to the bottom of the posnet, then let the liquid substance run through a faire linnen cloath into a clean bason, then put it into a posnet, and let it boyle till it come to a jelly, then Print it in your Moulds, and turne it into your boxes. You shall know when it is ready to Print, by rouling it on the back of a Spoone.
Take one pound of Roses, three pound of Sugar, one pint of Rose water, or more, make your Syrupe first, and let it stand till it be cold, then take your Rose leaves, having first clipt off all the white, put them into the cold Syrupe, then cover them, and set them on a soft fire, that they may but simper for two or three hours, then while they are hot put them into pots or glasses for your use.