A Queens Delight

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Unknown. A Queens Delight
To preserve white Pear Plums, or green
To preserve Grapes
To preserve Quinces white
To preserve Respass
To preserve Pippins
To preserve fruits green
To preserve Oranges and Lemons the best way
An approved Conserve for a Cough or Consumption of the Lungs
To make conserve of Any of these Fruits
To dry any Fruits after they are preserved, to or Candy them
To preserve Artichokes young, green Walnuts and Lemons, and the Elecampane-Roots, or any bitter thing
To preserve Quinces white or red
To preserve Grapes
To preserve Pippins, Apricoks, Pear-Plums and Peaches when they are ripe
To preserve Pippins, Apricocks, Pear-Plums, or Peaches green
To dry Pippins, or Pears without Sugar
To make Syrup of Clove-gilly flowers
To make Syrup of Hysop for Colds
To make Orange Water
To dry Cherries
To make juyce of Liquorish
A Perfume for Cloths, Gloves
To make Almond Bisket
To dry Apricocks
To make Quinces for Pies
The best way to break sweet Powder
To make excellent Perfumes
To make Conserve of Roses boiled
To make Conserves of Roses unboiled
To make a very good Pomatum
To make Raisin Wine
To make Rasberry Wine
The best way to preserve Cherries
A Tincture of Ambergreece
To make Usquebath the best way
To preserve Cherries with a quarter of their weights in Sugar
To make Gelly of Pippins
To make Apricock Cakes
To preserve Barberries the best way
To make Lozenges of Red Roses
To make Chips of Quinces
To make Sugar of Wormwood, Mint, Anniseed, or any other of that kinde
To make Syrup of Lemons or Citrons
To make Jambals of Apricocks or Quinces
To make Cherry-water
To make Orange Cakes
To preserve Oranges the French way
To preserve green Plums
To dry Plums
To preserve Cherries the best way, bigger than they grow naturally, &c
To preserve Damsins, red Plums or black
To dry Pippins or Pears
To dry Pippins or Pears another way
To dry Apricocks tender
To dry Plums
To dry Apricocks
Conserves of Violets the Italian manner
Conserves of red Roses the Italian manner
Conserve of Borage Flowers after the Italian manner
Conserve of Rosemary flowers after the Italian manner
Conserve of Betony after the Italian way
Conserve of Sage
Conserve of flowers of Lavender
Conserve of Marjoram
Conserve of Peony after the Italian way
To Candy Rosemary-flowers in the Sun
To Make Sugar of Roses
To Candy Pippins, Pears, Apricocks or Plums
To Candy or clear Rockcandy flowers
To Candy Spanish Flowers
To Candy Grapes, Cherries or Barberries
To Candy Suckets of Oranges, Lemons, Citrons, and Angelica
To Candy the Orange Roots
Candy Orange Peels after the Italian way
To Candy Citrons after the Spanish way
Candied Cherries, the Italian way
Chicory Roots candied the Italian way
To make Marmalet of Damsins
To make white Marmalet of Quinces
To make Marmalet of any tender Plum
To make Orange Marmalet
To make Quiddony of Pippins of Ruby or any Amber colour
To make Quiddony of all kind of Plums
To make Marmalet of Oranges, or Orange Cakes, &c
To make Sugar Cakes
To make clear Cakes of Plums
To make Paste of Oranges and Lemons
To make Rasberry Cakes
To make Paste of Genoa Citrons
To make a French Tart
To make Cakes of Pear Plums
To make Cakes, viz
To make a Cake the way of the Royal Princess, the Lady Elizabeth, daughter to King Charles the first
To make Paste of Apricocks
To make Paste of Pippins like leaves, and some like Plums, with their stones, and Stalks in them
To make Paste of Elecampane roots, an excellent remedy for the Cough of the Lungs
To make Paste of flowers of the colour of Marble, tasting of natural flowers
To make Paste of Rasberries or English Currans
To make Naples Bisket
To make Italian Biskets
To make Prince Biskets
To make Marchpane to Ice and Gild, and garnish it according to Art
To make Walnuts artificial
To make Collops like Bacon of Marchpane
To make artificial Fruits
To make an excellent perfume to burn between two Rose leaves
To make Pomander
To make an Ipswich Water
To make a sweet Smell
To make Hypocras
The Lady Thornburghs Syrup of Elders
To make gelly of Raspis the best way
To dry Fox Skins
To make true Magistery of Pearl
How to make Hair grow
To write Letters of Secret, that they cannot be read without the directions following
How to keep Wine from Sowring
To take out Spots of Grease or Oyl
To make hair grow black, though any colour
King Edwards perfume
Queen Elizabeths Perfume
Mr. Ferene of the New Exchange, Perfumer to the Queen, his rare Dentifrice, so much approved of at Court
To make the said Powder into Paste
The Receipt of the Lady Kents powder, presented by her Ladyship to the Queen
A Cordial Water of Sir Walter Raleigh
The Lady Malets Cordial Water
A Sovereign Water of Dr. Stephens, which he long times used, wherewith he did many Cures; he kept secretly till a little before his death, and then he gave it to the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury in writing, being as followeth, viz
A Plague Water to be taken one spoonful every four hours with one sweat every time
Poppy water
A Water for a Consumption, or for a Brain that is weak
Another of the same
A good Stomach Water
A Bag of purging Ale
The Ale of Health and Strength, by Viscount St. Albans
A Water excellent good against the Plague
A Cordial Cherry-water
The Lord Spencers Cherry-water
The Herbs to be distilled for Usquebath
Dr. Kings way to make Mead
To make Syrup of Rasberries
To make Lemon Water
To make Gilly-flower Wine
The Lady Spotswood Stomach Water
Water of Time for the Passion of the Heart
A Receipt to make damnable Hum
An admirable Water for sore Eyes
A Snail Water for weak Children, and old People
Clary Water for the Back, Stomach, &c
Dr. Montfords Cordial Water
Aqua Mirabilis, Sir Kenelm Digby's way
A Water for fainting of the Heart
A Surfeit Water
Dr. Butlers Cordial Water against Melancholly, &c. most approved
The admirable and most famous Snail Water
A singular Mint water
A most Excellent Aqua Coelestis taught by Mr. Philips Apothecary
Hypocras taught by Dr. Twine for Wind in the Stomach
Marigold flowers distilled, good for the pain of the Head
A Water good for Sun burning
The Lady Giffords cordial Water
A water for one pensive and very sick, to comfort the Heart very excellent
To perfume Water
Отрывок из книги
Take the Plums, and cut the stalk off, and wipe them then take the just weight of them in Sugar, then put them in a skillet of water, and let them stand in and scald, being close covered till they be tender, they must not seeth, when they be soft lay them in a Dish, and cover them with a cloth, and stew some of the the Sugar in the glass bottom, and put in the Plums, strewing the sugar over till all be in, then let them stand all night, the next day put them in a pan, and let them boil a pace, keeping them clean scummed, & when your Plums look clear, your syrup will gelly, and they are enough. If your Plums be ripe, peel off the skins before you put them in the glass; they will be the better and clearer a great deal to dry, if you will take the Plums white; if green, do them with the rinds on.
Let your green Walnuts be prickt full of holes with a great pin, and let them not be long in one water, for that will make them look black; being boiled tender, stick two or three Cloves in each of them.
Let your green Walnuts be prickt full of holes with a great pin, and let them not be long in one water, for that will make them look black; being boiled tender, stick two or three Cloves in each of them.
Set your Elecampane-Roots, being clean scraped, and shifted in their boilings a dozen times, then dry them in a fair cloth, and so boil them as is above written, take half so much more than it doth weigh, because it is bitter, &c.