Читать книгу Little Scenes for Little Folks - Unknown - Страница 1
ОглавлениеHow neat and nice this lit-tle boy and his sis-ter look, go-ing in their Sun-day clothes to church! The lit-tle girl has, I dare say, her prayer book in her bag, and her bro-ther has his un-der his arm. They seem by their fa-ces, to be good chil-dren, and ap-pear ve-ry fond of each oth-er. They have been taught by their kind pa-rents, that it is their du-ty to at-tend di-vine wor-ship, and pray to God, and the lit-tle girl is point-ing out to her broth-er the poor old wo-man on her way to church, and seems to be prais-ing her good-ness.