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Judicial Practice

V. I. Telyatnikov


Saint Petersburg

R. Aslanov Publishing House

“Yuridichesky Center Press”


Редакционная коллегия серии «Судебная практика»

Р. М. Асланов (отв. ред.), П. А. Лаптев (отв. ред.), Ю. Ю. Берестнев, В. М. Волженкина, С. А. Ворожцов, Г. А. Гаджиев, И. В. Елисеев, В. Н. Епифанова, С. М. Казанцев, А. И. Ковлер, Л. О. Красавчикова, В. Ф. Попондопуло, М. де Сальвиа, А. П. Сергеев, В. И. Телятников

Editorial Board of the Series “Judicial Practice”

|P. M. Aslanov | (managing editor), P A. Laptev (managing editor), Yu. Yu. Berestnev, V. M. Volzhenkina, S. A. Vorozhtsov, G A. Gadzhiev, I. V. Eliseev, V. N. Epifanova, S. M. Kazantsev, A. I. Kovler, L. O. Krasavchikova, V. F. Popondopoulo, M. de Salvia, A. P. Sergeev, V. I. Telyatnikov

The work deals with methodological and theoretical fundamental principles of judge’s activity in the process of administration of justice in criminal and civil cases, expounds legal content of the concept of inner conviction of a judge, deals with the issues of correlation of the concept in question and evaluation of evidence made on its basis, examines ethic problems of the formation of judges conviction.

The book will be useful for judges, attorneys, and a wide circle of lawyers.

© V I. Telyatnikov, 2004

© R. Aslanov Publishing House “Yuridichesky Center Press”, 2004

Убеждение судьи

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