Book-3. Panacea novella

Book-3. Panacea novella
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

Book-3 is a continuation of the story set out in Book-2 «The Hilt». The development of events taking place on a planet like Phaethon in prehistoric times in the constellation Sirius. The heroes of the book are scientists participating in the «Panacea» program, which is to search for an alternative form of energy to save the planet from destruction. At the same time, the crew of the interplanetary spacecraft was sent into deep space in search of an alternative planet to relocate a dying…


В. Спейс. Book-3. Panacea novella

Book – III. Panacea novella

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Отрывок из книги

This winter was particularly cold. On the streets of the city through gray haze evil prickly rare passers-by looked through the mist, wrapped from head to toe in warm clothes. Red disk of the sun hung in the purple haze of the sky, casting copper rays on frost bound by any city. There was virtually no cars in sight. City seemed empty and cold. Unfriendly windows of the houses shone particles free from the frozen ice glasses. From the huge piles of snow on the verges of the gray mist and the silence became uncomfortable, shivering and feeling of impending doom crept itself into the consciousness of people. No one really knew what was going on with nature, went various rumors. But everyone, especially the elderly, agreed on one thing: what’s in de what was his childhood summers are warm and dry, without a heavy cold rain, no cold squally winds, and – what winter. Newspapers have tried to keep quiet about the changes in nature, referring to a hundred years ago this kind of phenomenon is not called to pay attention to climate change. And talked excitedly the intensive work of scientists on the issue of the energy crisis, the shortage of gasoline and fuel at all. Panic itself was not. Plants were operating, schools continued to teach the kids had plenty of food. The Company is not aware of wars, violence, and life was not bad at all. The capital was living a normal life north of the city. On one of those winter days out on the street a young man in the fox fur coat with the collar turned up. Through knit mask of thick woolen material flowed pairs of breath. Face was not visible, only two slits for the eyes. He went out into the street and walked into the direction of a high-rise building with a spire, high in the sky disappears, “solution” to the frosty mist. Small ice crystals crunched under their feet, hard as sandpaper and glittering, at the base of fur boots. The road was quite long. The apparent near the building took a distortion of optical illusion ahead. But at last he set foot on the steps of the wide terrace in front of the main entrance. Steam with a heated stage for a moment, closed figure, but this moments were enough for young people to easily overcome with a dozen granite slabs neatly fitted and found himself in front of embossed gold print banner “Council the planets. “Massive doors opened, letting in a man in a spacious foyer, where him and rushed frost has melted there, becoming a Thick clouds of steam. Finding himself in the heat, he looks ripped the mask, exposing beautiful-featured face with big blue and cold ‘eyes. In the wardrobe helpful robot doorman took a fur coat and boots and filed comfortable slippers. The young man breathed more freely. The lobby was empty. He stepped into the elevator and went up to the fifth floor. The spacious corridors, soft carpeted walkways, people scurrying anxiously. Some ran with folders under his arm, others calmly strolled in pairs between the green cozy nooks. Among all this fuss to meet the young man came out, middle-aged man in a light gray suit with a friendly smile on the face. He held out his hand in greeting and warmly shook both stretched back who came.

– Ah! Theo, I’m glad to see you.


– Come on, have a drink and chill out. Pontius took a squeaky chair, draining his glass in one fell swoop. His head fell helplessly into his arms.

– Pontius, drop the personal insults, in moments, scary moments when humanity is facing imminent death, you break comedy. You are committing a crime against…


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