Reclaiming the Commons

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Vandana Shiva. Reclaiming the Commons
RECLAIMING THE COMMONS. Biodiversity, Indigenous Knowledge, and the Rights of Mother Earth
INTRODUCTION. My Thirty-Year Journey on Biodiversity, Biopiracy and Intellectual Property
The Colonial Option
The Sovereign Option
ONE. The Duty to Protect Biodiversity. THE CONVENTION ON BIODIVERSITY AND THE BIODIVERSITY ACT. Protecting Our Rich Biological and Intellectual Heritage
The Convention on Biological Diversity
The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising out of their Utilization
The Indian Biodiversity Act 2002
Defending the Biodiversity and Knowledge Commons: Navdanya’s Community Biodiversity Register (CBR)
Why has documentation of community knowledge become necessary?
TWO. TRIPS, Biodiversity, and Section 3(j) of India’s Patent Act. How India defended the sovereignty of Biodiversity, Farmers and the country in the GATT/WTO
Exclusions of Article 27.3(b) of TRIPS and Section 3(j) of India’s Patent Act
Section 3(h) of the Indian Patent Act excludes from patentability a method of agriculture or horticulture
Section 3(j) of the Indian Patent Act and Monsanto’s Bt cotton case: A story of violation of Indian patent laws, pseudo-science, and illegal royalty collection from farmers
The shifting sands of Monsanto’s illegal patent claim to Bt cotton
The Long History of Illegal Royalty Collections on False Claim of Patents on Bt Cotton
Bt cotton, a failed technology for pest control
Monsanto has also made the false claim that the HC ruling was violative of TRIPS, trying to reduce India’s standing in the international community
India’s Laws are Sovereign Laws
National security = economic security = prevention of piracy of intellectual resources
THREE. Agrobiodiversity, Seeds and India’s Plant Variety Protection and Farmers’ Rights Act
The Protection of Agricultural Biodiversity and Farmers’ Rights
The Monopoly Control Over Seeds
TRIPS and a sui generis regime for plants
The UPOV Convention, Breeders’ Rights and Farmers’ Rights
The TRIPS Agreement of WTO and Indian Legislation: The Plant Variety Protection and Farmers Rights Act
(a) Plant Patents
Monsanto Group’s Cotton Varieties with IPR under the PPV&FR Act
Farmers Rights’: The Key to the Future of Our Seeds, Future of Our Farmers, Future of Our Farming
Farmers’ Rights as Community Rights
Community Rights in a sui generis Regime
Farmers’ Rights are Rights to Seed in the Past, Present, and Future
Seeds of Suicide: Enclosure of the Seed Commons, Seed Monopolies, Undermining of Farmers’ Rights through IPRs Leading to Farmer Suicides
Thus, these are not just numbers but real people and real lives being destroyed
Why are Indian Farmers Committing Suicide Today?
Green Revolution: The Beginning of the End
Myths and Frauds
The Central government admits to the failure of Bt technology
Farmers’ Rights in the FAO: Evolution of Legal Exclusions
What Farmers’ Rights Are Not:
Farmers’ rights are not merely a fund
Protection of Agricultural Biodiversity and Farmers’ Rights through the Biodiversity Convention
The Seed Satyagraha for Protection of Farmers’ Rights
Bija Satyagraha is:
Farmers’ Rights: A People’s Charter
FOUR. Biopiracy: The Patenting of Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity. Biological and Intellectual Piracy
Biopiracy of Phyllanthus Niruri
Biopiracy of Turmeric. Turmeric Patent Table
Liberating the ‘Free Tree’: Challenging the Neem Biopiracy Patent
The Resistance
The Victory of Biodiversity and People Against Corporate Piracy of Neem
Neem Patent
Biopiracy of Basmati by RiceTec
Basmati Characteristics
The double denial of Nature’s Creativity and Farmers’ Creativity
Farmers Rights for Prevention of Biopiracy
People’s Victory
Syngenta’s attempt at Rice Biopiracy of India’s Rich Rice Heritage
Peoples’ victory and challenges
News Article Excerpts
Monsanto’s Attempted Biopiracy of Indian Wheat
Biopiracy Victory of Indian Wheat
ConAgra and the Biopiracy of Atta (Flour)
Atta Monopoly: ConAgra to takeover small chakkis
Monsanto’s Biopiracy of Indian Melons
Stopping Monsanto’s Piracy of Rajasthan’s Agriculture
Biopiracy of Brinjal
Biopiracy of Climate Resilient Crops
Piracy of Medicinal Plants, Recipes and Soil Organisms
Biopiracy of Vechur Cow
IPRs: Threats to Economic Survival of Communities
Bioprospecting as Sophisticated Biopiracy
How Bioprospecting Undermines Access
How Bioprospecting Creates Poverty
Cases of Bioprospecting CSIR-San Hoodia Case: Who Owns What?
FIVE. The Western Corporate Bias in Knowledge and Property Rights which Facilitates Biopiracy as ‘Creation’ and ‘Invention’
From Pluralism and Diversity of Knowledge Systems to a Hierarchy of Knowledge
The Western bias in Defining “Enclosures of the Commons” as Creation of Private Property Rights
Corporate IPRs as Extension of the Eurocentric Concept of Property to Biodiversity and Biodiversity Related Knowledge
SIX. The Enclosure and Recovery of the Commons
Understanding the Commons
(De)Constructing the Commons
Commons vs. Open Access Systems
Ostrom and the Theory of Commons
From Commons to Commoning
Reclaiming the Commons
Indigenous Knowledge and the Knowledge Commons
The Imperative to Recognize and Respect Knowledge Pluralism, and the Collective Cumulative Knowledge Commons of Indigenous Communities
Juridical Innovation for the Recognition and Protection of Indigenous Knowledge
The Colonial Legacy: Erosion of Community Rights
Reclaiming the Sovereignty of the Community
Recovery of the Commons
Community Seed Banks
Navdanya Seed Bank
Community Biodiversity Registers
Provisions of the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Area) Act
Vasudhaiva Kutumbukam: From Corporate Anthropocentrism to Earth as Family
The Sustainability and Justice Imperative
Rights to Nature
Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
Proposed Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
Article 7:
Rivers Have Rights
Rivers in Victoria, Australia
Whanganui River, New Zealand
Ganga and Yamuna Rivers, Uttarakhand, India
Atrato River in Colombia
Jaiv Panchayat–Living Democracy
Natural Rights Flow from Rights of Nature
Western Bias ‘Naturalizes’ Anthropocentrism and Enclosures of the Commons to Define Rights to Private Property as a Natural Right
Natural Rights are not given, they arise naturally from being living beings. Natural rights are not political rights
Denial of these natural rights doesn’t mean they have been extinguished
Potential for the Future
Interconnected Space of Rights
Anna Swaraj is a Natural Right
Rights Always Exist with Responsibilities
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Praise for Reclaiming the Commons
“If you ever wondered what a Saint would look like in our modern era, search no further. Vandana Shiva has emerged as one of the globe’s most effective advocate for family farmers, the poor, safe, nutritious food, dignified communities, humane working conditions, democracy, and biodiversity. Her profound spiritual dimension forms the platform for her ideals, and gives her the resilience to withstand daily slanders, vilification, and censure from the global power centers. She risks her life, safety, and freedom in a fierce struggle against the Chemical Cartel: tyrannical governments and the homicidal corporations conspiring in tandem to privatize the commons, commoditize the planet, subjugate its people, and to censor dissent.
Two decades ago, they tried to prevent regulation for the fair, equitable, sustainable, and just use of biodiversity. Today the laws for equity and sustainability are in place both nationally and internationally. The attempt now is to dilute and subvert them. Our work today, as thirty years ago when we started Navdanya, is to protect our biodiversity, our sovereignty, our commons.
We are at a new watershed. In the 1990s we were defining a new partnership between the sovereignty of the country and the sovereignty of local communities. Today–with strong laws that exclude the false claim to invention of life forms, laws for Biodiversity Conservation, and regulation for access and benefit sharing–we can take the next quantum leap in the form of a new partnership between the creativity of nature and her diverse species, the innovation of traditional communities, and our sovereignty as a nation.