Geneva Convention — Protocol I

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Various Authors . Geneva Convention — Protocol I
Geneva Convention — Protocol I
Table of Contents
Part I. General Provisions
Art 1. General principles and scope of application
Art 2. Definitions
Art 3. Beginning and end of application
Art 4. Legal status of the Parties to the conflict
Art 5. Appointment of Protecting Powers and of their substitute
Art 6. Qualified persons
Article 7. Meetings
Part II. Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked
Section I: General Protection
Art 8. Terminology
Art 9. Field of application
Art 10. Protection and care
Article 11. Protection of persons
Art 12. Protection of medical units
Art 13. Discontinuance of protection of civilian medical units
Art 14. Limitations on requisition of civilian medical units
Art 15. Protection of civilian medical and religious personnel
Art 16. General protection of medical duties
Art 17. Role of the civilian population and of aid societies
Art 18. Identification
Art 19. Neutral and other States not Parties to the conflict
Art 20. Prohibition of reprisals
Section II: Medical Transportation
Art 21. Medical vehicles
Art 22. Hospital ships and coastal rescue craft
Art 23. Other medical ships and craft
Art 24. Protection of medical Aircraft
Art 25. Medical aircraft in areas not controlled by an adverse Party
Art 26. Medical aircraft in contact or similar zones
Art 27. Medical aircraft in areas controlled by an adverse Party
Art 28. Restrictions on operations of medical aircraft
Art 29. Notifications and agreements concerning medical aircraft
Art 30. Landing and inspection of medical aircraft
Art 31. Neutral or other States not Parties to the conflict
Section III: Missing and Dead Persons
Art 32. General principle
Art 33. Missing persons
Art 34. Remains of deceased
Part III. Methods and Means of Warfare Combatant and Prisoners-Of-War
Section I. Methods and Means of Warfare
Art 35. Basic rules
Art 36. New weapons
Art 37. Prohibition of Perfidy
Art 38. Recognized emblems
Art 39. Emblems of nationality
Art 40. Quarter
Art 41. Safeguard of an enemy hors de combat
Article 42 - Occupants of aircraft
Section II. Combatants and Prisoners of War
Art 43. Armed forces
Art 44. Combatants and prisoners of war
Art 45. Protection of persons who have taken part in hostilities
Art 46. Spies
Art 47. Mercenaries
Part IV. Civilian Population
Section I. General Protection Against Effects of Hostilities
Chapter I. Basic rule and field of application
Art 48. Basic rule
Art 49. Definition of attacks and scope of application
Chapter II. Civilians and civilian population
Art 50. Definition of civilians and civilian population
Art 51. - Protection of the civilian population
Chapter III. Civilian objects
Art 52. General Protection of civilian objects
Art 53. Protection of cultural objects and of places of worship
Art 54. Protection of objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population
Art 55. Protection of the natural environment
Art 56. Protection of works and installations containing dangerous forces
Chapter IV. Precautionary measures
Art 57. Precautions in attack
Art 58. Precautions against the effects of attacks
Chapter V. Localities and zones under special protection
Art 59. Non-defended localities
Art 60. Demilitarized zones
Chapter VI. Civil defence
Art 61. - Definitions and scope
Art 62. General protection
Art 63. Civil defence in occupied territories
Art 64. Civilian civil defence organizations of neutral or other States not Parties to the conflict and international co-ordinating organizations
Art 65. Cessation of protection
Art 66. Identification
Art 67. Members of the armed forces and military units assigned to civil defence organizations
Section II. Relief in Favour of the Civilian Population
Art 68. Field of application
Art 69. Basic needs in occupied territories
Art 70. Relief actions
Art 71. Personnel participating in relief actions
Section III. Treatment of Persons in the Power of a Party to the Conflict
Chapter I. Field of application and protection of persons and objects
Art 72. Field of application
Art 73. Refugees and stateless persons
Art 74. Reunion of dispersed families
Art 75. Fundamental guarantees
Chapter II. Measures in favour of women and children
Art 76. Protection of women
Art 77. Protection of children
Art 78. Evacuation of children
Chapter III. Journalists
Art 79. Measures or protection for journalists
Part V. Execution of the Conventions and of its Protocols
Section I. General Provisions
Art 80. Measures for execution
Art 82. Legal advisers in armed forces
Art 83. Dissemination
Art 84. Rules of application
Section II. Repression of Breaches of the Conventions and of this Protocol
Article 85 - Repression of breaches of this Protocol
Art 86. Failure to act
Art 87. Duty of commanders
Art 88. Mutual assistance in criminal matters
Art 89. Co-operation
Art 90. International Fact-Finding Commission
Art 91. Responsibility
Part IV. Final Resolutions
Art 92. Signature
Art 93. Ratification
Art 94. Accession
Art 95.- Entry into force
Art 96. Treaty relations upon entry into force or this Protocol
Art 97. Amendment
Art 98. Revision of Annex I
Article 99 - Denunciation
Article 100 - Notifications
Art 101. Registration
Art 102. Authentic texts
[Former] Annex I. Regulations Concerning Identification (for explanations, see the introduction: ) Annex II. Identity Card for Journalists on Dangerous Professional Missions
Отрывок из книги
Various Authors
Published by Good Press, 2021
Art 43. Armed forces
Art 44. Combatants and prisoners of war