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Оглавление[We are enabled, by the kindness of their possessor, to lay before our readers copies of the following characteristic letters from the well-known Richard Rigby, Esq., who was for so many years the leader of the Bedford party in the House of Commons. They were addressed to Robert Fitzgerald, Esq., a member of the House of Commons in Ireland, and Judge of the Court of Admiralty in that country.]
Mr. Rigby to Mr. R. Fitzgerald
Woburn Abbey, Wednesday, 11th Dec., 1765.
Dear little Bob,
I am impatient to know if you had resolution enough to attend his Excellency last Sunday, as I advised, and if you had, what was the result of the audience....
I arrived here last night, and find the Duke and Duchess, Marquis and Marchioness, all in perfect health. With my love to the Provost1, tell him the chancellorship answers the intention to the utmost of his desire: we are wonderfully pleased with it. Tell him also that I do not find the defalcation amongst our friends to be as was represented in Dublin. Stanley is not, but has refused to be, ambassador to Berlin; Lord North is not, but has refused to be, vice-treasurer. The parliament meets on Tuesday: the ministers of the House of Commons, who are to be rechose, can get nobody who is in Parliament to read the king's speech for them at the Cockpit the night before. They, I believe, are in a damned dilemma: how much that makes for us time must show. Cooper is bribed to be Secretary of the Treasury, by 500l. a-year for his life, upon the 4-1/2 per cents, in the Leeward Islands, the same that Pitt's pension is upon. He remains for the present, however, at Bath. Calcraft will run Cooper hard at Rochester, against both Admiralty and Treasury. Wish Col. Draper joy for me of his red riband: he will have it next week with Mitchell, who returns to the King of Prussia. The poor young prince cannot live. I have time for no more.
Adieu, yours ever,
R. R.
I expect to hear fully from you very shortly.
St. James's Place, 1st Feb., 1766.
Dear little Bob,
Though you are a little villain for never sending me a word of news from Sir Lucius Pery, Flood, Lucas, and the rest of the friends to your enslaved country, yet I will inform you that yesterday, in the House of Commons, upon a question of no moment, only for fixing a day for the hearing a contested election, the ministry were run within 11: the numbers 137 and 148. Twenty rats in the Speaker's chamber, and in all the cupboards in the neighbourhood. Monday next is the day for deciding the American question; and do not be surprised if there is an end of the present ministry in less than a week. As soon as I know who are to be their successors, you shall hear from me again.
If you are in want of such another patriot to second Lucas, Pitt is at your service. He seems likely to want a place.
Yours ever,
R. R.
St. James's Place, 14th Nov., 1766.
Dear little Bob,
I have not wrote to you this age, nor have I anything very pleasant to say to you now. Our Parliament is met in a very acquiescing disposition. The Opposition is sickly, and my great friend, who would naturally give it most strength and energy, is tired of it as much as he is of the Court. Lord Chatham seems, by all that has yet appeared, to have adopted all Grenville's plan of pacific measures; and as he formerly told us he had borrowed a majority, he seems now to have borrowed a system. The world has it, that we are joined to the ministry, and, as matters stand, I wish there was more truth in that report than there is; but I have not the smallest expectation of a place, I assure you. Tell this or not, as you like. The Duke of Bedford says he sees no ground to oppose upon: he disapproves of mere factious opposition; that no good can arise from such conduct either to ourselves or the public.
I have been at the House only the first day, nor do I know when I shall go again. I cannot stomach giving my silent approbation to Conway's measures, be they good or bad. In this damned situation of affairs you will not expect I should write long letters; but I could not avoid giving you a hint to let you know the true state of things. Adieu, my dear friend.
Yours ever,
R. R.
St. James's Place, 2nd May, 1767.
Dear Bob,
The East India business is in a way of being settled,—400,000l. to be paid by the company for three years, and no addition of term to be given for their charter. It remains for the General Court of Proprietors to consent to this next Wednesday, which, if they do, the Parliament will confirm it on Friday. We had some good warm talk upon it yesterday in the House. Conway and Beckford and I sparred a good deal, and I am vain enough to think I did not come off with the worst of it. Conway said, inter alia, that Lord Chatham's health was too bad to have any communication of business. The world seems to agree that he is mad, and his resignation is talked of,—God knows with what truth. The American business is next Tuesday. I do not see much prospect of a junction taking place where I have been labouring for it. We remain upon civil terms with each other, and no more....
My heart's love to all friends in Dublin: tell them it is every day more and more my opinion that this Lieutenant never means to set his foot in that kingdom, and I have good reasons for what I say.
Adieu, my dear little fellow.
I am ever yours,
R. R.
St. James's Place, 30th May, 1767.
Dear Fitz,
I have received your several letters, and am much obliged to you for them. I wish I could send you something real in the political way, as you call it, in return; but there is as little reality as stability in our politics. Dyson has carried his persecuting bill against the East India Company through the House of Commons, in spite of the Secretary of State and Chancellor of the Exchequer, both of whom helped us to make up a miserable minority of 84 against 151. Charles went at one o'clock in the morning, when the House was up, to dinner with a set of our friends, at Sir Lau. Dundass's, and there talked a big language of resigning the seals the next day. The next day came, and we rallied the majority upon this state of independence with great success, both Charles himself, Wedderburn, and I; and he invited himself, Charles I mean, to dine with us again that day at Lord Gower's. Again the same language of resignation; but the spirit has subsided since, and we hear no more of it. If Conway and he will take such usage, the Court will certainly let them keep their places; for where can it find better tools? The East India Company pursue the bill, with the council and evidence, to the House of Lords, where matters run much nearer; for on the same day we were so beat in the House of Commons, Lord Gower's motions in the House of Lords, touching America, were rejected only by a majority of three, two of which were the king's brothers. The Duke of York was absent. If we should succeed in that House, so as to reject this bill, possibly the ministry may break to pieces; otherwise I rather think it will hobble lamely on, through the summer, with universal discontent attending it. Chatham is certainly as ill as ever; and, notwithstanding all reports to the contrary, Lord Holland has not been sent to by the Court. He is arrived at his house in Kent, and comes, but of his own accord, to town to the birthday. On that day, the clerks, Watts, and I go down to Lynch's for five or six days: I wish you was of the party. It would have been very kind indeed in Mr. Harvey, the six-clerk, to have tipped so soon. Your Lord Lieutenant says he is to go. God help the poor man if he does. I am sorry for your account of the disorders in the college. I do not like anything that may throw reflexion on Andrews, and I will press him to come homewards. Adieu, my dear Bob.
Most faithfully yours,
R. R.
Pay Office, 2nd May, 1769.
Dear Bob,
After I wrote to you last Saturday morning, I went to the House, where I found a petition presented from fifteen tailors or tinkers, freeholders of Middlesex, against Lutterell. The opposition wanted a call of the House for Wednesday fortnight. We insisted on hearing it next Monday, and divided 94 against 49. This business retards the prorogation till this day or to-morrow se'nnight: but we are adjourned till Monday; so nothing but hearing this nonsense remains. Wilkes' stock falls very fast every day, and upon this measure there was such difference of opinion amongst his friends, that Sawbridge and Townsend would not attend on Saturday. Serjeant Whitacre has desired to be Lutterell's counsel gratis, in order to deliver his opinion at the bar of the House on the legality of Lutterell's seat; and says he shall insist, if the House should be of opinion that Lutterell is not duly elected, that he himself is, as having been next upon the poll of those who were capable of receiving votes.
No news yet of your secretary. Some people are impatient to hear his report of the state of parties, and their several dispositions to support government, on your side the water. He must certainly be a most competent judge, after so long a residence there, and after such open and frank discourse as every man there would naturally hold with him upon critical matters. Some better judges than him, lately arrived from Ireland, make no scruple in declaring there will be a majority of forty against the Castle at the opening the session. Adieu, my dear little Bob: my love to the Provost.
Yours ever,
R. R.
P.S.—I shall get the Journals of the House of Commons for you certainly.
Lawford, Saturday Evening, 4th Nov., 1769.
Dear little Bob,
It would be ungrateful in the present company here not to take some notice of you, just as they had finished the last bottle of an excellent hogshead of Burgundy, which you sent into my cellar, I believe, seven years ago. What has come since we will avoid mentioning. A few bottles, however, of the former were reserved for the divine Charlotte, and she, and Caswell, and I have this day finished them; and the last glass went off to your health. Sister Charlotte wishes you public and private happiness during this bustling winter, and hopes that you are not determined to forsake the English part of your family for ever. I received your letter of the 24th here two days ago, and should most undoubtedly desire you to send me your votes, if I had not already engaged my old friend at the Secretary's office to do it; but I beg early intelligence of your parliamentary proceedings, about which I am very anxious. I do not believe there is the smallest foundation for believing that Junius is Wedderburn. I had, a few days ago, great reason to guess at the real Junius: but my intelligence was certainly false; for sending to inquire in a more particular manner, I discovered the person hinted at to be dead. He was an obscure man; and so will the real Junius turn out to be, depend upon it. Are Shannon and Ponsonby and Lanesborough still stout against Augmentation? or must the friends to the measure form a plan that they like themselves? A letter from Colonel Hall, of the 20th regiment, this evening, informs me that General Harvey is come from Ireland, and is very impatient to see me: if his business is to consult me upon the utility of this military plan, I am already fully convinced of it: but nobody knows less than I do how to get it through your House of Commons,—I only hope by any means rather than a message from the king. Perhaps the measure is taken, and I am writing treason against the understanding of our own ministers. God forbid! but I do not approve of letting down the dignity and power of the chief governors of Ireland lower than they are already fallen, to quarrel with a mountebank at a custard feast. Adieu, my dear little fellow.
Yours ever, most sincerely,
R. R.
T. Andrews, Provost of Trin. Col., Dublin.