The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome

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Various. The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome
The History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome
Table of Contents
¶ Here begynneth thystorye of ye vii. Wyse Maysters of rome conteynynge ryghe (sic) fayre ⁊ ryght ioyous narracōns, ⁊ to ye reder ryght delectable
How the Emperoure to the seuen wyse maysters commytted. and delyuered his sone to lerne
How the Emperour by the coūseyll of ye grete prynces ⁊ lordes of his Empyre wedded an other wyfe
[How the seven Wise Masters after the sight of the Emperor's. letter would first observe the course and divine for shewing. of the Firmament, and Planets, whether it were good to. obey his commandment or not
[How the Emperor rode to meet his son coming from study. with Joy, Solemnity and Triumph.]
Howe thempresse ladde Dioclesyan themperours sone with her. in her chamber for to make good chere wt hym the whiche he withstode
Howe Thempresse complayned to themperour of the shame to. her done by his sone
The Fyrst Example of the Empresse
The Declaratyon of the Example
The Example of the Fyrste Mayster
The Seconde Complaynte of the Empresse
The Seconde Example of the Empresse
The Example of the Second Master
The Thyrd Complaynte of the Empresse
The Thyrde Example of the Empresse
The Declaratyon of the Example
The Example of the Thyrde Mayster
The Fourth Complaynte of the Empresse
The Fourthe Example of the Empresse
The Declaratyon of the Example
The Example of the Fourthe Mayster
The Fyfth Complaynte of the Empresse
The Fyfth Example of the Empresse
The Example of the Fyfthe Mayster
The Syxte Complaynte of the Empresse
The Syxte Example of the Empresse
The Example of the Syxte Mayster
The Seuenth Complaynte of the Empresse
The Seuenth Example of the Empresse
The Example of the Seuenth Mayster
How yt Dyoclesyan themperours sone complayned on thempres, ⁊ how yt he excused him of her complaynt
[The Complaint of the Emperor's Son on the Empress.]
The Example of Dyoclesyan the Emperours sone
Here foloweth ye applycacōn of ye example to purpose
[How Judgement was given upon the Empress and how that. she and her Lover were both put to death
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Published by Good Press, 2021
The Fourth Complaynte of the Empresse.
The Fourthe Example of the Empresse.