"Why had the Gods decided that she was the one to hold so much power and why had they not given her a book of instructions?"<br><br>Under the tutelage of a wise old wizard and a dashing knight, country girl Vanor assumes an apprenticeship in all things mighty and magical. Vanor's quest to be a force of good leads her into other worlds peopled by extraordinary creatures and characters.<br><br>But exactly who are friends and who are foes? Challenges abound and Vanor must face her darkest hour before she can fully realise her magical powers.
Vicki Inc. Wilson. Vanor: The Journey Begins
Chapter 1. Freckles
Chapter 2. The beginning
Chapter 3. Battles
Chapter 4. Testing times
Chapter 5. The Old Man sings
Chapter 6. To remain calm in adversity
Chapter 7. To start at the beginning and survive
Chapter 8. Power to control
Chapter 9. To be strong albeit alone
Chapter 10. Too strong, too weak
Chapter 11. Brothers
Chapter 12. Gone but not forgotten
Chapter 13. Snow, storms and lightning
Author’s biography
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I would like to thank: Jo Stubbings for doing the terrific final editing;
Mary Elizabeth at eBookIt for the final gloss of editing;
The sun had just risen above the east forest when he walked around and inspected the assortment of bodies. Twelve wolves, two naked headless bodies and one horse lay dead in the glittering snow. He came closer to the mound that was obviously a horse and started to unstrap the saddle to give to the girl. When the saddle slipped from its back, he stood stunned, as beneath the snow, the horse’s colour was dapple-grey.
Vanor awoke from the nightmare of the previous fight, crying for Freckles, until she realised she was not in the snow but rather in a warm bed with a girl cleaning her wounds. It was a small room and the only light was a flickering candle next to the bed. The pre-dawn light could be seen through the window but it had not reached the room yet and she watched a bird land on the window, trilling an early morning call. The girl washed the cloth in a basin again and turned back to Vanor.