The fourth president

The fourth president
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

Vasily Lomakin, a life lover and adventurer, sets himself a noble goal – to save humanity from the coronavirus, and plunges into the world of fantastic and dangerous adventures. Natural humor and resourcefulness often help him out in desperate situations. A secret mission, love and a mysterious Other World – will they help you become president of Russia?


Владимир Баранчиков. The fourth president

Chapter 1. Sauna

Chapter 2. Closed opening

Chapter 3. Beauty Plastic Clinic

Chapter 4. Fifteen days

Chapter 5. Clinic again

Chapter 6. The Other World

Chapter 7. Return to reality

Chapter 8. Recruitment

Chapter 9. Evening promenade

Chapter 10. Omsk

Chapter 11. The Sharite Clinic

Chapter 12. The Second Coming into the Other World

Chapter 13. Two hospitals

Chapter 14. Moscow and Berlin

Chapter 15. The Other World and the new oppositionist

Chapter 16. Death on Zamshin Street

Chapter 17. Court and convoy

Chapter 18. Results of Operation Covid

Chapter 19. Murakhovsky ’s tricks

Chapter 20. The court and the convoy. Continuation

Chapter 21. Vasily Petrovich’s Limited Happiness

Chapter 22. Notes of the Mendelssohn March

Chapter 23. Languishing bodies


Отрывок из книги

Once, after looking at the «Black Square», Vasily Petrovich Lomakin decided to relax and meditate alone: what is the most important thing in life when people are scared of coronavirus from everywhere? You have to ask yourself this question when you have everything – both a university diploma and parliamentary immunity. The immersion session started in the thinking room of Vasya’s mansion, more precisely, the thinking room was located in the sauna. Where it is warm and quiet, and, most importantly, without female temptation, so as not to distract with their charms, because concentration and detachment are the first and necessary condition! And, secondly, to have a table with hot sausages and vodka next to it – and what’s the big deal, and what’s the big deal? This is just not superfluous! Lomakin respects the poetic creativity of Andrei Makarevich, the author of the text of the popular song «For those who are at Sea», especially since this topic was methodologically close and understandable to Vasily. The bard retired, took a bottle of cognac and began to write different words under a glass… It turns out that everything is ingenious, you need to have in your pocket at one time only eight rubles twelve kopecks for three stars. If he’s not lying, of course. And if vodka is the equivalent of cognac in the sense of the possibility of meeting the Muse.

– But the last thesis needs to be tested experimentally, – Vasily decided. There was a pause, so necessary in a bold experiment.


Elena Nikolaevna carefully laid out six photographs on the table with her thin fingers. The light scent of her expensive perfume could be regarded as a mild anesthesia, but it caused a backlash in Irakli, another attack of internal protest. Three photos of an unfamiliar man in his thirties – full face, profile on the left, profile on the right – nothing unusual, and from the point of view of the surgeon, complicated: blond, average face. And here are the others… When looking at them, Irakli Davidovich, who had seen the sights, had a loud, intermittent heart that went somewhere sideways. Alexey Navalny was depicted in the photo.

– That’s how it happens in life – you go, you go, everything is fine, bang!, and everything is derailed, and you are not there, – Irakli flashed through his brain, looking at the impenetrable face of this one… – he couldn’t even find the right definition right away, – this…


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