A Collection of Seven and Fifty approved Receipts Good against the Plague

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
W. J.. A Collection of Seven and Fifty approved Receipts Good against the Plague
A Collection of Seven and Fifty approved Receipts Good against the Plague
Table of Contents
CHAP. 1. An approved Remedy againſt the Peſtilence be it never ſo vehement
CHAP. 2. A very good perfume againſt the Plague
CHAP. 3. Another very good Remedy againſt the Plague
CHAP. 4. For him that is ſick of the Plague
CHAP. 5. A marvellous preſervative againſt the Plague
CHAP. 6. An approved good ointment to make an Impoſtume break and the Plague ſore to fall off
CHAP. 7. Another remedy againſt the Plague
CHAP. 8. Another very good Remedy againſt the Plague
CHAP. 9. Another perfect Receipt againſt the Plague
CHAP. 10. Another againſt the Plague
CHAP. 11. A thing often experimented againſt the Plague
CHAP. 12. A preſervative againſt the Plague proved oftentimes
CHAP. 13. Another
CHAP. 14. In a ſuſpect time of the Plague
CHAP. 15. Another moſt excellent Medicine good againſt the Plague
CHAP. 16. A rare and perfect ſecret againſt the Plague
CHAP. 17. Another very rare approved Receipt
CHAP. 18. To make a Carbuncle and all other Botches Impoſtumes and Plague ſores to break, a preſent remedy and very eaſie to be made
CHAP. 19. A very good Remedy againſt the Marks of the plague commonly called Gods marks or God tokens
CHAP. 20. Againſt the mortality of the Peſtilence an approved remedy
CHAP. 21. To make little round balls good againſt the Plague
CHAP. 22. A very perfect oyl Againſt the Plague and all manner of poyſon
CHAP. 23. A marvelous ſecret for to preſerve a man from the Plague and hath been proved in England of all the Phyſicians in that great and vehement Plague in the year 1348, and in the year 1625 in London, that in the year 1348 crept throughout all the known world, and Authors affirm that there was never any perſon that uſed this ſecret but was by Gods grace preſerved from the Plague
CHAP. 24. A very ſure and perfect remedy to cure a man of the Peſtilence
CHAP. 25. A preſent remedy to heal the Peſtilence by drawing out the venome from the ſore approved
CHAP. 26. How to make balls to ſmell to in time of the Plague
CHAP. 27. An excellent perfume for a chamber in the time of a Plague or Peſtilence
CHAP. 28. Againſt the Plague
CHAP. 29. Another againſt the Plague
CHAP. 30. A preſervative in time of Peſtilence, and againſt all venome or poyſon, and againſt the biting of a mad Dog
CHAP. 31. An approved compoſition as well to preſerve as to heal, very good in the time of a contagious Plague
CHAP. 32. Another moſt excellent Compoſition, and a very good preſervative againſt the Peſtilence often tried and experienced
CHAP. 33. Another compoſition in powder, but in another manner for the ſame purpoſe
CHAP. 34. Common Pills very good for the ſame
CHAP. 35. Antidotes or Medicines, and comfortable preſervative of ſmall coſt eaſie to find that poor people may prepare for themſelves
CHAP. 36. Another rare Medicine
CHAP. 37. It is requiſite to ſpeak ſomething of a ſavour and ſweet ſmell; as powders balls waters and perfumes, and firſt of a powder for many purpoſes
CHAP. 38. Another ſweet ſmelling ball
CHAP. 39. Another ſweet ball more ſweet for the ſummer
CHAP. 40. Of five outward Remedies, to purge the Aire, the preſenteſt and eaſieſt and of ſmalleſt price for perſons low in eſtate and condition
CHAP. 41. Eight Cauſions for the whole ſum of governing of mans body eſpecially in the time of the Plague
CHAP. 42. A ſoverain powder againſt the venome of the Plague, fit for Princes and Rich people
CHAP. 43. How to make a powder for the poorer ſort of people
CHAP. 44. How with little coſt to make a drink for the poor
CHAP. 45. A drink that hath been proved good againſt the Plague
CHAP. 46. How opiate is made
CHAP. 47. How to make a drink meat after the taking of Opiate, or to be mixed with the Opiate for the ſtrongeſt or meaneſt men according to the time and place
CHAP. 48. How to make a good drink for the poor
CHAP. 49. How to make a drink to cauſe one to ſweat
CHAP. 50. How to make a drink eaſie for the poor of low price
CHAP. 51. How to provoke ſweat and heal the Plague
CHAP. 52. An excellent preſervative againſt the Plague
CHAP. 53. Another againſt the Plague
CHAP. 54. How to make another preſervative againſt the Plague
CHAP. 55. Another preſervative againſt the Plague
CHAP. 56. How to make a good water againſt the Plague or Surfeite
CHAP. 57. How to purifie the Air in a Plague time
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W. J., Piemontese Alessio
Published by Good Press, 2021
CHAP. 29. Another againſt the Plague.
CHAP. 30. A preſervative in time of Peſtilence, and againſt all venome or poyſon, and againſt the biting of a mad Dog.