True or False? The most, exciting 666 myths of our life

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Wilfried Bauer. True or False? The most, exciting 666 myths of our life
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Myths about drinks
Myths about drinking
Man needs two liters of fluid per day to stay healthy
Too little liquid is just as harmful as too much liquid
Too little liquid can lead to heart attacks and strokes in older people
Myths about milk
Milk is healthy
H - milk is not as healthy as fresh whole milk
The best milk foam can be made from H - milk
Whole milk makes you fat
Organic milk is healthier than conventional
Milk is good for the bones and prevents osteoporosis
Dogs cannot tolerate cow's milk
Raw milk contains many dangerous bacteria
Lactose - Intolerance is a serious disease
Milk is carcinogenic
Milk mucus the respiratory tract
Milk promotes acne
Milk from cows in the pasture is much higher quality than milk from cows in the barn
Milk baths are a beauty elixir for the skin
Milk makes tired men feel better
Myths about distilled water
Distilled water is not drinking water
Never make cures with distilled water
Never make cures with distilled water
Distilled water is distilled water
Myths about Coca-Cola
Cola dissolves the stomach and decomposes meat
Cola is an ingenious rust remover
Cola dissolves urine stone in the toilet bowl
Coca-Cola contains small amounts of cocaine
Cola-Light and Mentos is a highly explosive mixture
The recipe of Coca-Cola is so secret that only two people in the world know it
Cola attacks the bones
Cola-Light is even more unhealthy than normal cola
Cola promotes diabetes
Cola is a good contraceptive
Cola makes you jumpy and nervous
Cola is harmful to the bones
Myths about coffee
Coffee is harmful to the heart and leads to high blood pressure
Coffee is harmful to the stomach
Coffee dehydrates the body
Coffee leads to sleep problems and keeps you awake
Beware of coffee addiction
Always keep coffee in the refrigerator
Coffee helps to break down alcohol
Coffee is harmful to potency and fertility
Cold, black coffee makes beautiful
Myths about black tea
Black tea can have a calming effect
Black tea makes dark eye rims fade
Black tea is good for the teeth
Black tea is good for the gums
Black tea lowers the cholesterol level
Black tea is just as stimulating as coffee
Black tea is diuretic
Myths about green tea
Green tea is good for the cardiovascular system
Green tea protects against cancer
Green tea protects against cancer
Green tea can protect against diabetic nephropathy
Green tea enhances the effect of antibiotics
Myths about alcohol
A shot a day can't hurt
More alcohol is tolerated after a fatty meal
Alcohol can be sweated out by much physical exercise
Drinking coffee sobers up faster
Energy drinks sober up faster
A little sleep will sober you up faster!
During cooking the alcohol evaporates
Alcohol warms the body
A quick drink and quickly into the realm of dreams
The daily glass of red wine ensures a stable, healthy heart and thus a long life
If you drink in a mess, you get a buzz faster
Drunk and small children tell the truth
Honey for the hangover
Myths about beer
Drinking beer regularly causes a beer belly
Beer on wine, let it be
A good glass of Pils should not be tapped for less than seven minutes
Beer is harmful for athletes
Alcohol-free beer contains a little alcohol
Beer cannot spoil or become "bad"
Warm beer is a good "anti-freeze"
In the sun, the alcohol in beer acts faster
Beer beautifies the hair
Only beer brewed in accordance with the "Reinheitsgebot" may be sold in Germany
There's no beer in Hawaii,
Beer enlarges the female breast
Myths about wine
Only "cheap wines" have a screw cap
Blended wines are "adulterated wines
The presence of tartar in the bottle is a sign of good quality
The quality of the wine depends on the vintage
The older the red wine, the better the quality
Red wine gets older than white wine
Plenty of sun always makes a good wine
The name of the winegrower appears on the label
Drink red wine only at room temperature
Rosè wine is a mixture of red and white wine
Common salt helps against red wine stains
Myths about asparagus
Asparagus is very healthy and a slimming product
Asparagus is urinary
Asparagus spears increase the desire for love
Never eat bitter tasting asparagus!
White asparagus is much healthier than green
White sticks are of higher quality than white ones with blue-violet heads
Red wine is taboo for the asparagus menu
Asparagus should be available all year round
Never freeze asparagus
After the asparagus meal, the urine smells different for every person
Myths about spinach
Never heat up spinach
Spinach gives a lot of power and strength because it builds up the muscles
Spinach contains particularly high levels of iron
Only fresh spinach is really healthy, because then all nutrients and vitamins are preserved
No herb is effective against spinach stains
Myths about the onion
Myths about the "tears free cut"
Onions increase the flow rate of blood and lower cholesterol levels
Onions are beneficial for bronchitis
Onions soothe cough
Goodbye sore throat, thanks to the onion
Onions soothe insect bites
The myths about garlic
Garlic boosts the lust for love
Garlic has a disinfecting effect
Garlic is a scavenger of free radicals and a "cancer inhibitor
The tuber promotes healthy digestion and ensures a good intestinal flora
Garlic as protection for the liver
Urinary tract infections can be alleviated with garlic
Garlic dragees are just as helpful as fresh garlic
Myths about green salad
Lettuce (head lettuce) is healthy because it has a lot of vitamin C
Lettuce is a good source of minerals
Lettuce is good for slimming
Leaf salad should be eaten immediately after harvest
Myths about endive salad
Endive salad has many minerals
The endive has just as little fibre as lettuce
Endive salad has few vitamins
Myths about vegetables when they are poisonous
Raw chick peas are poisonous
Never eat domestic beans raw
Nutmeg is not dangerous
Bitter almonds are dangerous
Borage has toxins in it
Never eat mushrooms raw
Dandelion simply pick and eat
Raw potatoes are poisonous
Only eat ripe eggplants, otherwise there is a risk of health problems
Raw rhubarb is poisonous
Myths about mushrooms
Mushrooms can be found all over the forest
Mushrooms grow everywhere in the forest
Mushrooms grow only in the summer months
Eastern European mushrooms are radioactively contaminated
Wild mushrooms belong to all people
Everyone can take as many mushrooms as they can carry
The most poisonous mushroom in our latitudes is the toadstool
Heated mushrooms are poisonous
It is a beautiful sight to pick mushrooms
The largest creature on earth is a fungus
Chanterelles and porcini mushrooms are threatened with extinction
Mushrooms can be dried very well
Myths about fruit
Grapefruit myths
Grapefruit stops weight gain
The fruit lowers the blood sugar level
Grapefruit has many interactions with other drugs
Is this mechanism of action only present in fresh grapefruit?
Other citrus fruits also look like grapefruit. Here is a short list:
Lose weight with grapefruit
Myths about pomegranates
The fruit protects the liver
Pomegranate can prevent the risk of brain damage
The fruit does not help against heart and circulatory diseases
Myths about pineapple
Pineapple helps you lose weight
Pineapple strengthens the nerves
The fruit is a mood enhancer
The pineapple helps to balance the acid-base balance
Overripe pineapple fruits can be easily recognized
If pineapple pieces are mixed into yoghurt, quark or rice, a bitter taste is created
Pineapple helps with traumatic swellings in the nose and throat area
Myths about bananas
N u r banana for breakfast is unhealthy
When peeling bananas, annoying threads always get caught on the sides
Eating bananas every day leads to overweight
Bananas often lead to constipation
Green bananas are unhealthy
Never store bananas in the refrigerator
Green "cooking bananas" are inedible raw
Myths about the apple
An apple a day saves a visit to the doctor
Apple seeds are poisonous
The green apples are always sour and the red ones always sweet
Apples get their beautiful red from the sun
Remove the wax layer before eating
Wash apples you have picked yourself before storing
If the apples are wrinkled, take them away!
Apples spoil after 8 weeks at the latest
Apples influence the ripening process of other fruit when they are stored together
Only sour apple varieties are suitable for cooking and baking
If the first apples fall from the tree, they are ready for picking
Apples are a good aid to sleep
Myth and popular belief about the apple
Myths about nuts
Myths about the different types of nuts
Myths about walnuts
Walnuts are effective against arteriosclerosis and heart attack
Dark (black) or mouldy fruits are poisonous
The nut is good against cancer
Walnuts are good for the memory
Myths about the hazelnut
The hazelnut protects the cardiovascular system
Hazelnuts are a good nerve food
Hazelnuts get our digestion going
Hazelnuts can protect against certain types of cancer
Hazelnuts contain twice as much calcium as our milk
Myths about peanuts
Peanuts are very good cholesterol reducers
Before eating peanuts, remove the red-brown skin because it is poisonous
Peanuts are good for our blood vessels
Peanuts have a favourable effect on triglyceride levels
Myths about sweet almonds
Almonds are rich in fat and promote overweight when consumed regularly
Almonds can protect against diabetes
Almonds lower the cholesterol level
The bones are strengthened by the tonsils
Tonsils are the opponent of the metabolic syndrome
Almonds have a prebiotic effect
Myths about food and diet
Myths about meat
Eating meat is a cause of cancer
Man is by nature a plant eater and not a meat eater
In the stomach the meat rots
Meat contains many harmful saturated fatty acids and cholesterol
Meat causes heart disease and diabetes
Meat is a cause of high blood pressure (hypertension)
Man can easily do without meat
Meat is a thickener
The meat from the supermarket today is full of water
Myths about fast food
Fast food is as healthy as any other food
Fast food is addictive
Regular consumption of fast food promotes diabetes mellitus and overweight
Chickennuggets contain hormones
The sauce in the curry sausage has more calories than the sausage itself
Vegetarian burgers have much fewer calories than meat burgers
Fast food - to dispose garbage from the car on the street is punishable by law
Burgers do not go mouldy even after many days!
McDonalds sells the most toys in the world
Fast food has too much salt in it
Myths about cholesterol
Cholesterol is harmful to our body
It is essential that we consume cholesterol
High cholesterol levels in the blood are always a risk and a warning sign
Lower bad cholesterol and the risk is eliminated
There are people who naturally have high cholesterol levels
Foods containing cholesterol increase blood values
The LDL cholesterol (bad) cannot be lowered so easily
Myths about bread
Dark bread is the healthiest
Wholemeal bread with coarse grains is much healthier than if it is baked with finely ground flour
Bread from the supermarket is worse than the real bread from the baker
Bread from the baker has a longer shelf life
Bread can cause constipation
Warm, fresh bread causes stomach ache
In the refrigerator the bread becomes stale quickly
Simply cut the mould off the bread
Bread makes thick!
White bread is less healthy than mixed bread
Organic bread is the better bread
Myths about muesli or cereal
The muesli from the supermarket is healthy
If the packaging says "no sugar" there is no sugar in it
Crunchy muesli has little fat
Myths about honey
Hot milk with honey helps with colds
Honey has a disinfecting effect
With honey water the pounds fall
Honey on an empty stomach is good for the digestive tract
Myths about chocolate
Chocolate is a happy maker
Reducing the risk of heart attack with chocolate
Chocolate leads to constipation
Dark chocolate is much healthier than light
Better performance through chocolate
Men consume less chocolate than women
Chocolate was once sold in pharmacies
Chocolate increases the desire level of women for sex
Chocolate makes pimples
The Swiss are "world champions" in nibbling chocolate
The quality of the chocolate can be recognized by its crackling
In some chocolate dried blood
Unsold chocolate booster rabbits and Santa Clauses are melted down and made into bars
Chocolate is poison for dogs
Chocolate is a trigger for migraine
Beauty through chocolate
Chocolate promotes caries
Chocolate is a thickener
Chocolate can be "snorted" through the nose
Myths about sugar
Sugar is a thickener
Sugar is equal to sugar
Honey for sweetening is much healthier than sugar
Sugar produces caries
Sugar-free foods are really sugar-free
Vegetables contain absolutely no sugar
Sugar is unhealthy and people do not need it!
Dextrose is much healthier than household sugar
Who eats a lot of sugar can get diabetes
Myths about salt
Natural salts contain many valuable trace elements and minerals
Salt is harmful to our body
The best way to save salt in cooking
Grains of rice in the shaker prevent lumping
A high-salt diet leads to high blood pressure
Too much salt can cause stomach cancer
Myths about (Easter) - eggs
There is a risk of salmonella poisoning if eggs are eaten
Always keep fresh eggs in the refrigerator
The eggs contain far too much cholesterol
Boiled eggs last almost forever
Eggs that have been quenched with cold water are easier to peel
Eggs are a source of health
How fresh an egg is can be determined at home
Eggs with brown shells come from brown hens
Brown eggs are healthier than white ones
Anyone can tell for themselves whether an egg is boiled or raw
Eggs cannot be frozen
Eggs that have a dark yolk are healthier
Prick the eggs with a needle before cooking, then they will not burst
Raw eggs can be shelled
The eggs of the reed toad enhance the potency of the male..
Myths about ice cream
Ice cream is always a calorie bomb
Certain people get a coughing attack after licking the ice cream
Not all ice cream is the same
Eating ice cream can cause headaches
Ice cream is often a playground for salmonella
The Italians have invented ice cream
Ice cream can cause toothache
The ice cream from the supermarket is not real ice cream
Licking ice cream can cool the stomach
Myths about vitamins
Vitamin tablets replace fruit and vegetables
Food supplements help to stabilize our health
Certain people have an increased vitamin requirement
Sugar destroys many vitamins
The more vitamins are ingested, the healthier a person is
Vitamin E is not so important
Vitamin E deficiency is insignificant
There are far too few foods with vitamin E
Myths about fish
Many a person has already choked on a bone
The fish always stinks from the head
If the eyes are clear, the fish is fresh
Always drink a lot with the fish, the fish must swim
The fish needs lemon
Myths about carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are carbohydrates
If you want to become slim, you need to consume few carbohydrates
Carbohydrates in the evening make you fat
Carbohydrates should be separated from fats and proteins in the diet
Liquid carbohydrates do not make you that fat
Myths about our food
Fresh vegetables from the weekly market have the most vitamins
If you eat a lot of soy, you can do without meat
Organic products are much richer in vitamins
The fish oil has a healing effect
Meat is the motor for vitality
Who eats a lot of sweets and a lot of sugar, sugar gets sick
Preservatives damage our health
Myths about therapeutic fasting
Fasting purifies and detoxifies the body
Fasting makes the spirit high
Detox products effectively detoxify the body
Fasting is a good remedy for depression
During a fasting cure bad smelling bad breath develops
Fasting is not a form of diet
Myths about eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia, obesity, etc
An eating disorder I look at someone
Eating disorders are linked to vanity
Only young people are affected by an eating disorder
Anorexia occurs only in young people
Bulimia nervosa is all about vomiting
Diets can lead to anorexia and bulimia
Anorexia and bulimia only affect girls or women
Eating disorders are a cry for help from the soul
Myths about jogging
When jogging the fat burning starts only after half an hour
If you sweat a little when jogging you are well trained
Jogging on asphalt damages the joints
Against the muscle soreness after jogging helps stretching
Myths about muscle building
Building muscles and burning fat at the same time is not possible
The strength and energy of the body can be increased by creatine supplements
The more protein per day, the greater and faster the muscle build-up
Never train for longer than 90 minutes for maximum muscle growth
Exercises only with your own body do not build up muscles
Exercising on machines is not effective
After completion of the muscle building training, the muscles are converted to fat
Muscles grow solely through the consumption of proteins
Older people are too old to start weight training
Myths about sleep
Eight hours of sleep is what a person needs
The pre-midnight sleep is the best and healthiest sleep
Sleeping in cold bedrooms is the healthiest
The midday nap is only good for people who have problems sleeping through the night
With a healthy sleep I do not wake up at night
Older and old people need less sleep
Sport before going to bed is conducive to sleep
My television is the best means of falling asleep
The night's sleep is shortened if power napping takes place during the day
Snoring is part of good and healthy sleep
Sleeping sickness does not really exist
Myths about the (clear) dream
He who does not dream, cannot experience a lucid dream
To experience clear dreams is very difficult to learn
The reference to reality gets lost in the course of time
Not everyone is allowed to become a clear dreamer
Lucid dreamer can't recover in his sleep like other people
Once a lucid dreamer, always a lucid dreamer
In a clear dream I'm psychic
In a lucid dream the person affected cannot pronounce his name
Clear dreamers are esotericists and therefore parascientists
Myths about hypnosis
In hypnosis, everyone is at the mercy of the hypnotist
The hypnotist has supernatural or magical powers
There have been people who have not awakened from hypnosis
Hypnosis is actually like a deep sleep
With the tool hypnosis anyone can lose weight
Hypnosis can help to improve vision
Hypnosis can repair paralysis after strokes
In a state of hypnosis I can have extrasensory perception
Mistakes about our appearance
Myths about our eyes
Reading in the dark spoils the eyes
Sitting too close to the TV or monitor damages the eyes
Eating carrots is good for the eyes
Eye training prevents presbyopia
Putting the palms of your hands on the eye strengthens the vision
Smoking damages our eyes
If you squint intentionally, your eyes may stop
The eyes get lazy by wearing glasses
If you look directly into the sun, you get sunburn in your eyes
Looking into the arc during electric welding and sunburn in the eyes
White-skinned people often suffer from macular degeneration
Misconceptions about the colour of human eyes
Myths about blue eyes
Blue-eyed people are more at risk of developing macular degeneration (disease of the retina - decrease in visual acuity until blindness) in old age
Blue-eyed people have a lower risk of developing cataracts
Blue-eyed children are shyer than others
Misconceptions and myths about hair
Blond hair grows faster than brown hair
Hair care products lose their effect after prolonged use
Too much stress can lead to hair loss
Hair becomes healthier without hair washing from the shop
Frequent hair washing stimulates the scalp to produce fat
Split ends can be repaired with care products
Fuller hair through "dry shampoo
By mental shock a person can get white (or grey) hair overnight
Misconceptions and myths about red hair
Red-haired people produce more vitamin D even in low light
Hitler banned redheads from marriage
People with red hair and blue eyes belong to the smallest minority in the world
People with red hair do not turn grey in old age
Most redheaded people live in Scotland
Redheads are identified faster
Very few hairs are found in redheads
Red-haired people feel pain differently than brunettes or blondes
Errors and myths about freckles
Freckles are a wonder of the universe
Every freckle is unique - a unique specimen, just like a snowflake
Freckles are sexy
Myths and misconceptions about health
Snails make warts disappear
Nail polish remover as wart remover
Myths and misconceptions about health
Warts have roots, if they are not caught they come back again and again
Snails make warts disappear
Nail polish remover as wart remover
Misconceptions and myths about dental health
Toothpaste is toothpaste
Whitening toothpastes can be used daily
Brush your teeth immediately after every meal
Eating an apple replaces brushing your teeth
Chewing gum is a perfect substitute for brushing your teeth
Black tea is harmful to our teeth
Teeth grinding is harmless and has no disease value
Scrub your teeth properly, so that more bacteria are rendered harmless
Poor dental health can be the cause of many physical illnesses
Even with good oral hygiene the harmful bacteria cannot be fought
Misconceptions and myths about chewing gum
Do not swallow chewing gum, because the stomach can get sticky
Chewing gum replaces brushing your teeth
Chewing gum is a slimming agent and stops cravings
Chewing gum makes you really smart
Only in the USA is spitting gum out punished
Chewing gum is good for the teeth
Chewing gum is a good alternative against bad breath
Nicotine gum helps to quit smoking
Chewing gum can make the teeth white again
Chewing gum helps against diarrhoea or constipation
Misconceptions and myths about fever
Sport can drive away the fever
Fever must be effectively combated from 38 degrees onwards
With fever I do not always have to go to the doctor
Fever therapy can cure cancer
Calf compresses help to lower the fever
Fever blisters are only on lips at home
Fever blisters are by no means dangerous
To transfer the infection to others is only possible by kissing
Just wait until the blisters heal on their own
The fever blisters can be healed
Misconceptions and myths about influenza
A lot of vitamin C in advance makes the flu heal faster
Influenza is only a stronger and more pronounced cold
Influenza is only transmitted to others by coughing and sneezing
Antibiotics help with colds and flu
Flu usually occurs during the cold season
If the child has a slight cold, it can still go to school
Nobody can prevent the flu
Certain household remedies help against influenza
Only medicines can help against the mucus in the upper airways
Myths about headaches
Rest chases away the tension headache
Caffeine is an anti-tension headache
Morning coffee at the wrong time can cause headaches
Headaches can be triggered by taking painkillers
Migraine triggers Chocolate or cheese
Acupressure for headaches
Myths about cancer
Cancer is contagious
Cancer grows very slowly with age
Mobile phone radiation promotes brain tumour
Sweeteners and other additives in food cause cancer
Male sterilisation and use of the pill increases the risk of cancer
The use of deodorants causes cancer
Mental stress can lead to cancer
Many soft tissue cancers (soft tissue tumours) can be completely cured as an alternative
Recently great chances of cancer cure through chemotherapy and Medaton
Myths about breast cancer
No one can prevent breast cancer
Breast cancer is very difficult to cure
Breast cancer is often passed on in families
A lump in the breast means cancer
Only women can get breast cancer
A larger breast means a higher risk of cancer
High sugar intake can cause breast cancer
A blow to the breast can cause cancer
If menopause occurs too early, there is a higher risk of breast cancer
Using deodorant leads to breast cancer
If the breast cancer is cured, it can come back
A mammography can prevent breast cancer
Bra with underwire is a possible cause of breast cancer
In Japan and China the breast cancer rate is significantly lower than in Europe and the USA
The chances of curing breast cancer can be improved through mental training
Myths about smoking
Because I've been smoking for so long, quitting doesn't help
Through sport I can compensate for smoking a bit
The cigarette is a real stress killer
Light cigarettes are healthier
The healthy alternative are cigarettes without additives
However, smoking Shisha (water pipe) is not dangerous
E-Cigarettes is the less harmful substitute
Myths about babies
Myths about babies - Infants
With every child the mother loses one tooth
There is no such thing as a painless birth
Never lick the baby's nugget
When teething, amber chains relieve the pain
Twins can be descended from two different fathers
Bottled babies are not as intelligent as breastfed children
White parents have a black baby
Children born with caesarean section have an increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes
Baby's get fever when teeth come
Pink is suitable for girls and light blue for boys
During pregnancy, women were supposed to sleep on their left side
It's okay for the baby to cry
Dolls for girls, cars to play with for boys
The child has to eat the plate!
Baby's should be dry by six months
Babies should sleep through at six months
For babies, total hygiene is much more important than physical contact
Myths about breastfeeding the baby
Mothers with small breasts have too little milk for the baby
During pregnancy many foods had to be avoided. This is now continuing in the same way
If breastfeeding mothers do sport, the milk in the breast becomes sour
Breastfeeding the baby is much more time-consuming than giving the bottle
If the babies cry all the time, they will not be satisfied with the breast milk
"Bottled babies" grow and prosper faster
After a few days of getting used to the baby, breastfeeding will go smoothly
Breastfeeding deprives the mother of the most important nutrients. Therefore she feels tired and weak
Breastfeeding women can never become pregnant
Myths about parasites and vermin
Myths about ticks
Tick bites are usually a problem for hunters and forest workers
To fall ill with ticks is only possible in risk areas
Kill ticks immediately after the bite. Simply suffocate with oil or glue
An excellent tick protection is the right clothing
Ticks are removed by unscrewing
Ticks are only a danger to humans in the forest
Myths about head lice
Head lice infestation comes from bad and inadequate hygiene
The infection is due to the fact that the crawlers jump from head to head
The infection is also spread by pillows, earmuffs and cuddly toys
The miracle cure for head lice is vinegar!
Cutting bald heads against head lice infestation is ideal
Chemistry from the pharmacy is also effective
Head lice transmit dangerous diseases
Head lice are very easy to detect with a magnifying glass
In case of head lice infestation, inform the social environment immediately and start treatment
Myths about crab lice
The transmission takes place only through direct body contact
If one sexual partner has felt louse, sex should be avoided
The crawlers can leave traces in the underwear
The crabs can survive for a long time on clothes without food
Felt infestation is noticed one day after infection
Crabs transmit dangerous diseases
Myths about gnats
Electronic gnat traps are optimal and the best against the beasts
Lemon or lavender oil protects against gnats
Light is like a magnet for gnats
Gnats hate light-coloured clothing
Gnats like sweet blood
Gnats prefer women
Smokers are more often victims of gnat bites
Cigarette smoke scares away the pests
Many children are less attacked by gnats
Gnat bites are actually not dangerous
Gnat bites can transmit AIDS and infect other people
Gnats repel garlic smell
Myths about pets
Myths about dogs
Dogs recognize foreign puppies
For dogs pork is harmful
An old dog doesn't need "school" anymore because it doesn't learn anything
When the dog waggles his tail he is always friendly
One dog year corresponds to seven human years
Our dog knows exactly when he has done something wrong
If a dog has bitten once, he will do it again in the future
Dogs can not see colored
Dogs have no sense of time
Dogs can interpret facial expressions
Dogs usually avoid conflicts with conspecifics
Dogs have a better hearing than humans
Dogs also dream
Dogs are almost omnivores
Myths about domestic cats
Cats have seven/nine lives
Cats cannot be educated well
Dogs and cats do not understand each other
Cats always fall on their paws
Cats are very water shy
Milk is the best cat food
Cats eat their own fur hairs
If a black cat crosses the path from left to right misfortune happens
Cats are loners and like to stay alone
Cats do not do much work, they sleep at home all day
Cats should litter at least once before neutering
Moon myths
People sleep worse during full moon
Wolves howl at the full moon
The nutrition is influenced by the phases of the moon
More children are born at full moon
With moon to be taken everything that should grow or multiply should be started
There are more suicides during full moons
Live according to the lunar calendar and you live healthier!
Myths about thunderstorms
In the car I am safe from lightning
When a person is struck by lightning, he is under electric current for a long time
Lightning can never strike twice in the same place
During thunderstorms do not touch jewellery or other metal at home like scissors
Lightning does not strike on the sports field
In case of thunderstorms in the open air: You shall look for beech trees, you shall give way to oak trees
The safest place is inside the house or apartment
Protect your pet from thunderstorms
During thunderstorms lie down flat on the meadow
Making phone calls during thunderstorms is dangerous with the fixed line
Using your smartphone during thunderstorms is a danger to life
How far away the thunderstorm is I can calculate
The smart thing to do is to run away from the storm
Every lightning strike is fatal
Other myths
Myths about flying
Almost all flights are overbooked by the airlines
The air conditioning systems on planes are bacteria spinners
The cabin doors can be opened when flying
Overweight passengers must buy two seats
Flying is more dangerous than driving
Aircraft dump fuel before landing
Aircraft toilets are emptied during the flight
Aircraft crash immediately in the event of lightning strike and engine failure
On many airplanes there are no rows of seats with the numbers 13 and 17
Tomato juice tastes better above the clouds
On every flight, a plain-clothes policeman is on board
The air must be deflated from bicycle tyres so that they do not burst
Mobile phones must be switched off in the aircraft
Alcohol during flight has a stronger effect than on the ground
There are make-up and hairstyle regulations for the flight crew
Bird strikes are a safety hazard for the pilot
Myths about death
Hair and nails continue to grow after death
The fear of death decreases with age
With the onset of death the environment is no longer perceived
Myths about the microwave
Metal does not belong in the microwave
Microwave radiation remains in the food
A lot of energy can be saved with the microwave
Vegetables lose a lot of vitamins in the microwave
Microwaves are much more difficult to clean than other kitchen appliances
Raw eggs can be cooked wonderfully in the microwave
Myths about hygiene in the household
The dirtiest place in the apartment is the toilet seat
Air hand dryers (Jet-Air) are more hygienic than paper towels
The dirt is simply there
Always wash raw chicken before roasting
It only gets really clean with antibacterial cleaners
Towels can be used for several days
Bacteria die in the freezer
Teflon pans that are scratched are carcinogenic
Cutting boards are a mecca for bacteria
Too much hygiene is not good
Many health hazards lurk in the bathroom
Washing laundry at 30 degrees is sufficient
Use antibacterial soap instead of shower gel
A good protection against infection is thorough hand washing
Urine is disinfecting
Viruses do not survive for long outside the body
All bacteria are dangerous
Washing clothes at 15 or 30 degrees is enough to kill bacteria
On the cutting board I can cut different products one after the other
If food has fallen on the floor and is picked up within five seconds, it can be eaten without hesitation
Banknotes and coins hardly transmit viruses and bacteria
Published by the author so far
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Myths about our food
Myths about eating disorders - anorexia, bulimia, obesity, etc