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Table of Contents


Title Page

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Introduction: Critical Race Theory as Social Theory The roots and routes of critical race theory A ‘legal’ definition of CRT? From a movement to a theory? What is theoretical about critical race theory? The racialized social system and practical social theory Why does theory matter? Towards the racialized social system approach Internationalizing CRT: looking for the racialized social system approach Chapter overviews Notes

1 The Racialized Social System and Social Space: Racial Interests and Contestation Defining the racialized social system: from ‘the state’ to ‘the structure’ Reflections on social space The racial and the relational The race for meaning Relating ‘race’ to place Contesting ‘race’ in social space The trap of ‘racial conflict’ in the race relations model Racial contestation beyond ‘race relations’ From racial contestation to racial interests: racial realism and the wages of whiteness Racial realism or racial progress? Maintaining an interest in whiteness From racial interests back to racism Notes

2 Racial Ideologies and Racialized Emotions: Seeing, Thinking and Feeling Race Racial ideologies: from deception to perception Colour-blind ideology in practice Activating ideologies through emotional constellations Emotions, ideologies and political conjunctures Structures and individuals in racialized social systems Notes

3 Theorizing the Racialized Interaction Order The interaction order: from Goffman to the Black sociological tradition The racialized interaction order Interaction orders of non-interaction The interactive making of race: micro aggressions, everyday racism, and racial action Activating controlling images in the racialized interaction order From controlling images to white habitus Interactional cogs and the racial structure Notes

4 Meso Racial Structures and Racialized Organizations The vague promise(s) of analytical sociology What are racialized organizations and what do they do? From North American healthcare to Brazilian sugar mills Racialized organizations and agency Sport, racialization and agency Workplaces as racialized organizations Racialized organizations and the unequal distribution of resources Moving to the top? Cultural industries, racial grammars and racialized imagery Notes

10  Conclusion: What is Critical about Critical Race Theory? What about … ? A global racialized social system? The flexibility of the racialized social system approach: from DesiCrit to TribalCrit and BritCrit Why CRT and not RT? Why do we need CRT now? CRT and the environment CRT, the ‘racial justice as diversity training’ industry and the crisis of white liberalism The hierarchy of racism(s) Critical race theory and the quest for justice Notes

11  References

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement



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The Racialized Social System

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