Читать книгу The Baby Who Saved Christmas - Алисон Робертс - Страница 2

“And what about you? What have you got to celebrate?”


“Ah …” Julien stared down at his ingredients without seeing them. Nothing. He was revisiting the grief from losing his sister. He had a major problem in what to do about the show that was due to start filming within days. He probably had to face a court case over custody of his nephew that was highly likely to get very nasty.

No. Nothing to celebrate there.

He looked up, ready to admit defeat and agree that champagne might not be the most appropriate thing to drink.

And then he got caught by those eyes again. What was it that he could see?



A belief in fairy tales, even?

Something shifted in his chest and he found himself saying something he hadn’t thought of until now.

“I got to hold my sister’s baby for the first time today.” The words came out as little more than a whisper. He offered a crooked smile. “That is absolutely worth celebrating, n’est-ce pas?”

The Baby Who Saved Christmas

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