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Rhonwen paused to move her basket of shopping from one arm to the other as she walked slowly back from the market to the house where she had found employment. Her new mistress was the wife of a wealthy wool merchant who had cheerfully given Rhonwen a place in the household as nurse to her brood of noisy children. Twice Rhonwen had despatched carefully worded messages to Luned to tell them where she was, but she had received no answer. She could not bring herself to return to Wales. She had to stay near Eleyne, and she had to find her way back.

Two men were leaning idly against the wall of the church on the corner of the street. One of them wore on his surcoat the arms of Huntingdon. Her mouth went dry. Had the earl found out where she was? Not that he had any jurisdiction over her here, she reminded herself sternly. She was a free citizen, honestly employed, within the city bounds.

She hesitated, then driven by her desperate need to have news of the earl’s household she approached the men.

They stared at her with casual insolence. ‘Well, my beauty. Can’t resist us, eh?’ The taller one had noticed her watching them.

‘Don’t be impertinent!’ Rhonwen drew herself up. ‘You are one of Lord Huntingdon’s men?’

The man nodded, then he winked. ‘But not for long the way things are going.’ He lounged back against the wall, picking one of his teeth with his forefinger. ‘The earl is near death. I’ve come to Northampton to fetch a physician.’

‘Near death?’ Rhonwen echoed, her eyes fixed with such intensity on his face he shrank back. ‘What’s wrong with him?’

He shrugged. ‘Fever,’ he said non-committally. ‘Who knows and who cares? It’s his steward who pays me.’ Reaching into his scrip he produced a silver penny and flicked it into the air. From the chink of coins between his fingers when he replaced it in the leather purse, there were plenty more.

‘And where is he? Are they back at Fotheringhay?’ Rhonwen asked.

He nodded. ‘So. What about helping me spend some money while I’m waiting –’ He stopped short. In a swirl of skirts, she had vanished into the crowds.

Child of the Phoenix

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