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The title of Scottish, applied to the holy ones whose names occur in these short notices, must be understood to refer not so much to their nationality as to the field in which, they laboured or the localities where traces of their cultus are to be found. The Calendar here submitted does not pretend to be exhaustive; the saints therein noted are those who appear prominently in such records as remain to us and in the place-names which still recall their personalities.

In this new edition much additional information has been inserted, and many emendations made to render the Calendar as complete as possible.

The chief sources relied upon in the compilation of the work are:

The Breviary of Aberdeen, drawn up by Bishop Wm. Elphinstone, and printed in 1509.

Dr. Forbes' Kalendars of Scottish Saints.

Origines Parochiales Scotiae.

Dr. Skene's Celtic Scotland.

Canon O'Hanlon's Lives of Irish Saints.

Cardinal Moran's Irish Saints in Great Britain.

New Statistical Account of Scotland.

The date at the head of each notice is generally that of the death of the saint concerned.

A Calendar of Scottish Saints

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