Читать книгу Rescuing The Runaway Bride - Bonnie Navarro - Страница 3


“When go Vicky?”

The question caught him like a kick to his stomach as he cinched the saddle buckle tighter under his horse’s belly. Surely she didn’t expect to ride a full day and a half back to the hacienda if she hadn’t even been in the saddle once since her accident.

“You need to take things easy still, Vicky. If we try to take you back to the hacienda right now, you wouldn’t make it more than an hour or so.”

“I no ready go hacienda. I ready to ride. When Chris make horse take Vicky in corral?”

A breath of relief filled his chest. “You want to ride?”

“Sí!” She clapped her hands together. “Gracias, Chris!” In an instant she had all but thrown herself at him, squeezing him around the middle. His arms caught her and held her without his permission.

She belonged there. Right in his arms. She fit. As if Chris had been made to protect her and hold her within the shelter of his own arms. Of course, that was nonsense. Thinking that way only spelled disaster.

As soon as she healed, he’d take her back.

Rescuing The Runaway Bride

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