Читать книгу The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments - C. Shealy Norman - Страница 105




Oats are a cereal plant, and are both extremely nutritious and useful therapeutically. Oats are one of the best sources of inositol, which is important for maintaining optimum blood cholesterol levels. Eaten daily, they provide a wealth of excellent effects.


 Eat raw oats as a source of fiber to ease constipation.

 Oatmeal (unrefined) can be eaten on a regular basis to reduce the effects of stress and nervous disorders.

 Cooked oats will relieve fatigue.

 A compress of oatmeal or an oatmeal bath soothes eczema and other problem skin conditions.

 Boil a tablespoon of oats in ½ pt. (250ml) of water for several minutes and drain; use as a nerve tonic and for its nourishing properties.

 Use the tincture for stress, addictions, eating disorders, and depression.

 Eat oats dairy to lower blood cholesterol and to experience tonic effects.


 A tonic for general debility, and used in the treatment of anorexia, also helpful for convalescence and fatigue

 Oats lower blood cholesterol levels

 Oats help to control hormonal activity

 Cleansing—internally and externally; may protect against bowel cancer when taken internally

 Used in the treatment of eczema

 Extremely rich in B vitamins and minerals

 Antidepressant, and can be used to treat depression, stress, and nervous disorders


Oats contain gluten, which causes an allergic reaction in some individuals.

The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments

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