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This book would have been impossible without the generous cooperation of many FC St. Pauli fans, experts, and even players. Without that, the book would have had notable shortcomings. In this regard, we are especially grateful to Guida Maymó and Deniz Naki for their willingness to help the project from the beginning; as well as for their goals on the pitch, work and commitment. These all have been a continuing source of inspiration.

We also have been fortunate to have benefited from the collaboration of Romina Garcia Hinsch, like Maymó, a member of the St. Pauli women’s football squad. Both players have provided testimonies that have enabled us to know deeply and first hand the club’s secrets and the experiences in the club of its main figures. FC St. Pauli itself has facilitated all that we needed to do our investigation, always very kindly heeding our requests. We therefore wish to acknowledge the courteous treatment we were given by Sven Brux, Sönke Goldbeck, Hendrik Luettmer, and FC St. Pauli Frauen. A gratitude that we would like to extend to Heiko Schlesselmann, whom we met years ago when he was organising club-related anti-racist projects; and also to Hagar Groeteke, ex-footballer and today coach of FC Lampedusa St. Pauli, who provided us with new information regarding the creation of the club’s women’s team.

Nor do we want to leave out those fans – the Pirates’ very soul – that we have interviewed or who have provided information. These include Volker Gajewski (thanks also for your hospitality each time we visited), Karl Heinz ‘Pio’ Piotrowski, and the indefatigable Hernán ‘Pirate of the South’ García. Likewise, a mention must be given to the great Stefan Groenveld, the photographer that has captured best St. Pauli’s aesthetic essence.

Lastly we would like to thank Ercan Ayboga for arranging the participation of Deniz Naki from distant Amed (Kurdistan); Bítel, for his invaluable collaboration as translator; Toni Padilla and Frederic Porta, our first stealthy readers; and Aitor Lagunas, Roger Xuriach, and all of the fine people at Panenka magazine for putting their trust in us.

Our final regards go to Esteve Martorell and Francesc Poblet, who made up the managing core of the project and have always followed its development with interest. And other very special greetings go to the fan clubs in England, Scotland, Ireland and Catalonia, groups who, by their passion, commitment and solidarity, dignify love of football.

St. Pauli

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