Читать книгу Critical Questions for Ageing Societies - Carney Gemma - Страница 5



List of tables, figures and boxes

Glossary of terms

About the authors



1 What is population ageing? (Demography)


Our approach

Outline of chapters

What is population ageing?

Myths and facts about population ageing

Why is population ageing a big deal?

Population ageing in the context of population change

Population pyramids

A final thought

Review exercise 1

2 When am I officially past it? The ageist zeitgeist (Ageism and ageist stereotyping)


What is an attitude?

What is ageism against older people?

How do we acquire attitudes?

What are stereotypes and why do we use them?

Is it all doom and gloom?

A final thought

Review exercise 2

3 Will I ever have enough money to retire? (Retirement, active ageing and working longer)



A brief history of pensions in the UK

The concept of the dependency ratio

Neoliberalising retirement

Does everybody get a pension?

Pension reform

Active and successful ageing (and their many detractors)

Work, retirement and the institutionalised lifecourse

Extending working lives: supply of and demand for older workers

A final thought

Review exercise 3

4 Will I need care when I am old? (Care and support in later life)


Physiological changes that may accompany ageing

World Health Organization approach to healthy ageing

Long-term care

Who cares for whom?

Quality of care

A final thought

Review exercise 4

5 All old people are pretty much the same, aren’t they? (Diversity among the ageing population)


Sexual orientation and gender identity

An overview of minority ageing

Diversity and dementia

New ageing populations

A final thought

Review exercise 5

6 Aren’t gender differences neutralised by age? (Gender)


Why do women live longer than men?

How do pension and care policies affect women and men?

Intersectionality: men, women and ageism

Studying women versus using a feminist framework

Masculinity: sometimes it is hard to be a man …

A final thought

Review exercise 6

7 Why do older people have it so good? (The myth of intergenerational conflict)


What is a ‘generation’?

That’s generation – now what about solidarity?

Lessons from other crises

Neoliberalism and the myth of generational conflict


A final thought

Review exercise 7

8 Why do older people vote, while younger people protest? (Politics of ageing)


The political roots of population ageing as a policy problem

Social policy demands of the 21st century

Political demography: linking population change to government and politics

Are we heading towards an era of ‘gerontocracy’?

A final thought

Review exercise 8

9 What does it mean to live a long life? (Cultural gerontology)


Cultures of Ageing

Human ageing: rational, scientific management of old age

Cultural critique of the ‘narrative of decline’

Material culture: the ‘Lively project’

The re-embodiment of old age

A final thought

Review exercise 9

10 What are my next steps? (Conclusions, reflections and actions)


Chapter overview

Pulling it all together: themes and issues for further research

Language and the moral economy of ageing

11 Now that you know about ageing … (Additional questions and revision)


Chapter 1: Demography

Chapter 2: Ageism and ageist stereotyping

Chapter 3: Retirement, active ageing and working longer

Chapter 4: Care and support in later life

Chapter 5: Diversity among the ageing population

Chapter 6: Gender

Chapter 7: The myth of intergenerational conflict

Chapter 8: Politics of ageing

Chapter 9: Cultural gerontology


Chapter 1: Demography

Chapter 2: Ageism and ageist stereotyping

Chapter 3: Retirement, active ageing and working longer

Chapter 4: Care and support in later life

Chapter 5: Diversity among the ageing population

Chapter 6: Gender

Chapter 7: The myth of intergenerational conflict

Chapter 8: Politics of ageing

Chapter 9: Cultural gerontology

Appendix 1: Review exercise 1 – detailed instructions on constructing a population pyramid

Appendix 2: World Health Organization liveability framework domains

Appendix 3: Care Quality Commission fundamental standards


Critical Questions for Ageing Societies

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