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Chapter 7


I guess I really should have left the girl at the club. Under other circumstances, I probably would have done so, but… Although, what the hell are the circumstances?! Her so-called husband owed me three hundred pieces of green and clearly had no intention of giving them away. That’s all the circumstances. And something told me that the problems would not end there.

This week turned out to be extremely shitty in general: one thing, then another, and also Denis with his bolts… The apogee of everything was an accident involving one big businessman, who left not only all his savings and most of the property in my casino, but also that money which he did not have. Simply put, another self-confident idiot who failed to stop in time.

He also failed to stop on the track in time – he flew into a ditch, and stayed there. He managed to return half of the debt to me, but the second… Unless now he sends people to his wife. I would have sent it, but the problem is that, apart from a two-room apartment, the deceased husband left her nothing else. Only six months old son. Business is business, especially gambling, and yet I did not want to be a scoundrel who left women with babies on the street.

Glancing at the quiet girl, I opened the car door and nodded at the seat.

– Sit down.

There was still a pull in my groin. I should have laid it out right there on the velor sofa in the burgundy-red room. As soon as I thought about it, my cock stood up again, and I almost swore. Not only are people like her not at all to my taste, but also her character… Although, there was something in her. An explosive mixture of spontaneity, pride and temperament. And how she made eights in front of my nose with her skinny ass…

– You can’t drive, – she said suddenly, irritating me. She grabbed the sleeve of her jacket and repeated: – You will not lead, Max. Did you drink.

– Get in the car, – I said through clenched teeth. I felt the touch of her fingers through the fabric and understood that the desire, which had just begun to subside, to turn her back to him and drive her so that her head went round, rose again. He looked at her hand, then at her face. Either you get in the car, or you go back to where you belong.

Pursing her lips in anger, she tossed her head. She looked me in the eyes with an irrepressible challenge. Pitch black eyelashes framed lakes with blue flames… Damn it! I must have really gone overboard, since such heresy climbs into the head.

Her nostrils trembled, and in her posture one could read defiance. I expected her to calm down a bit, but instead she walked around the car and, opening the door on the driver’s side, sat behind the wheel. Here’s the rubbish!

I gritted my teeth, feeling the veins in my arms bulge. I didn’t want to deal with the stupid girl, I didn’t want to listen to her tantrums – even more so. She can leave them for her fake husband. However, it is highly doubtful that he will appear on the horizon of his own free will.

The mood was already disgusting – problems, layering one on top of the other, the battle that took place not without difficulties… The ribs hurt, the broken cheekbone also made itself felt.

– You didn’t mix anything up? – Resting my hand on the roof of the car, I leaned slightly.

Marika was driving and looked at the same time… Thin fingers on a leather braid, loose black hair… Feeling the smell of perfume emanating from her, I almost grabbed her. Heck! Interfering with work and women was not part of the rules I set for myself, but if it goes on like this, I’m afraid the rules will be sent to hell with dogs! After all, it won’t hurt her if she kneels in front of me a couple of times.

– Give me the keys, – she said with a touch of arrogance, and held out her open palm.

I, damn it, didn’t give her the keys. He grabbed his hand and dragged him out into the street. Pulled up to the car. Our faces were at a distance of some centimeters from each other, I felt the curves of her body, her breasts touched me through the thin lace of the top.

The breath that escaped her lips tickled my neck. Just like there, in the room, I gathered her hair into a fist and squeezed it. He pressed even closer to himself, rubbed his hips against her and noticed how she swallowed. Fears? Yes… in the eyes of fear and blue flame. Involuntarily he looked at her parted lips, again into her eyes, and, sending everything to hell, covered her mouth with a kiss. She closed her lips, tried to turn away, but I squeezed her hair even tighter and bit her lip. He lowered his hand down her stomach to her hips and squeezed between her legs. Warm…

Marika screamed, and I immediately squeezed my tongue between her teeth. Deep, so that she understands – it will be in my opinion, and nothing else. Finding a button on her pants, he unbuttoned and put his hand under her belt.

– Mmm… – she moaned when my fingers touched her pubis.

– Shut up, – I muttered, and lowered my hand even lower. Clean-shaven, only a narrow strip of hair in the middle. Damn! Member stood up so that his head floated. Her flesh was warm, slightly moist, her mouth sweet.

– Bitch, – I growled and, turning her back to me, pressed her against the car. Pulled down the zipper on her pants. She was breathing heavily, her palms resting on the metal, her fingers dug helplessly into it. It was already dark outside, the car was parked in an unlit doorway, but if everything happened in the middle of the street, I wouldn’t give a shit.

– Max… – another exhalation from her lips.

– Will you shut up? I croaked, biting her ear. I rubbed against her, about her elastic ass, and understood – it seems that my roof has gone crazy. Absolutely, her mother, went, since I’m seriously going to fuck the girl taken as a pledge right in the middle of the street!

He inhaled near her ear, deeply, so that the smell penetrated her lungs. With pressure, he stroked her butt and began to pull off her thin trousers. Fingers touched the skin, the thin lace of linen, and the fog in my head grew thicker. She twitched when I exposed her buttocks, but this resistance…

– You like it, don’t you? touched her between her legs. She was tense, angrily silent. – I like it, – he chuckled softly at her cheekbone, biting it.

She exhaled, her stomach tightening more. Thin, flexible body… I remembered her small rounded breasts with dark protruding nipples, her fingers touching my face…

– Your husband is an idiot, – I said. He pressed against the flesh, pushing the folds apart. She sobbed, exhaled, grabbed my wrist.

– Shhh… – he hissed and, freeing his hand, pulled down the fly of his jeans, but as soon as he did so, the phone vibrated in his back pocket.

– Damn, – he said through gritted teeth. Flashing its headlights, a car drove by, followed by another.

– Stop, you, – Marika whispered, twisting away.

Our faces were again inches apart, the insistent phone continued to vibrate. The disheveled girl looked at me. Her pants were down, the strap of the top moved out, and she, catching my eye, returned it to its place. She licked her lips. The cell phone went silent, but just a few seconds later it vibrated again.

– So, what is next? – her fingers touched my fly, and she, looking into my eyes, pulled the zipper up. «I’m not worth three hundred thousand dollars.

– Don’t stand, – I agreed, grinning at the very corner of my mouth.

In her own words, she must have meant to imply just the opposite. I scanned her body, lingering on her hips. Another in her place would have begun to convulsively pull up her pants, but this one stood there – furious, burning with indignation.

– Yes, – I replied, pulling out my phone and glancing at the display. – Yes…

Without saying another word, he took Marika by the hand and just like that, without letting her get dressed, she pushed her into the passenger seat. – Wait, Denis, – he asked his brother and turned to the girl: «And remember, I’m not in the mood to joke. I’m not one of your suckers that are ready to masturbate to any more or less pretty face.

Closing the door, he walked around the car and sat behind the wheel. Marika had already buttoned her pants and now, with her hands folded in her lap, stared blankly into the windshield. It looks like we’ve been through something like this before…

– Yes, here … – he pulled out the key and, leaving that I would call later, started the car. He glanced briefly at the girl. She sat there, pursing her lips.

– And remember, Marika, – putting my hand on her leg, I squeezed her sharp knee, «never,» waited for her to look at me and very quietly, but very clearly said: «Never tell me what I can do, but what is not. Otherwise…

– Otherwise? She lifted her chin and gave me a hard, direct look.

– Otherwise, – he ran his fingers along the inside of her thigh and removed his hand. He chuckled. Yes, the girl is definitely interesting. And bold, perhaps even to the point of recklessness. – Would you like to check? Come on, – I handed her the key.

She looked at my hand, then at me. She hesitated, and then, without taking it, turned to the window. But she’s not that stupid. At least I learned my lesson.

As soon as I stopped in the garage to unlock the doors, Marika immediately hurried out of the salon. She went to the door and pulled it, but to her displeasure it was locked. She glanced toward the car entrance, and I felt her sanity struggle with the desire to show character once again.

– Don’t, – I warned, setting the alarm on the car.

She pursed her lips and turned away, showing me the rear view for the umpteenth time that evening. A beautiful curve of the back, small elastic buttocks… What the hell?!

Irritated with myself, I unlocked the door, pointed to her with a nod to the exit, and she immediately went to the house. In her every movement, in every exhalation, she felt undisguised discontent. I wonder what she found in that klutz whom she jumped out to marry? With her temperament…

– I won’t be here until morning, – I snapped before she went into her room. – No nonsense, Marika.

– But the fact that? – I asked with a challenge. Will you teach another lesson?

I did not answer, only pushed the door of the room, showing her its place. But she was in no hurry to enter. So she stood, burning me with her eyes, while I could hardly restrain the desire to push her inside and fuck her right on the unmade narrow bunk. The girl must have sensed that she was playing with fire, for she did not pull any further. Before she darted toward her, I caught a flicker of apprehension in her eyes. That’s better. For her, sure.

– Are there any news?

Arriving at one of my casinos, the first thing I went to was Georg. One of the most prestigious not only among mine, but also in the city in general, it was located in a two-story old mansion in the very center. An exquisite place that attracts a lot of money and VIP class customers who like to tickle their nerves, because the average person was ordered to go here.

– A little, – said George. While we are watching. But the little rat hid.

I squinted. Inner instinct suggested that Georg was right and there really was no need to rush. I didn’t intend to do this. To what? I will get my share from him one way or another, and given the efforts expended on this, I will get it with interest.

– Go on, – I nodded. – What is there now?

– Apparently, with the girl that you have now, he met about four months ago. At least then he flew for the first time on this passport to Sicily.

– So she’s from Sicily? – I asked again before I had a chance to think if I needed it. Black hair, bronzed skin. Fast Italian speech, impulsiveness… Dark eyelashes and the smell of expensive perfume. Her mouth is sweet, wet, tender flesh… The cock rested against my fly before I could stop myself.

– Yes.

Georg and I stopped on a balcony overlooking the hall, in the middle of which there was a tape measure. All around are men in expensive suits. One of them loosened his tie knot, the other managed to throw off his jacket. Controlling everything around them in everyday life, here they were just players chasing luck by the tail. Some of the women who accompanied them were very young… The city of revelations, big money and forbidden pleasures.

– Someone will be unlucky today, – Georg remarked when the tape measure stopped, and the one whose jacket hung on the back of a chair ran his fingers through his graying hair.

– How many now? I asked.

Georg took out his phone and dialed one of the guys in the lower hall. He asked a few questions and then said:

– Almost eight hundred thousand euros.

I nodded in satisfaction. Yes, some people are unlucky today. For a few more minutes we stood on the balcony, watching the roulette wheel spin. Bets were made on a new circle, the ball rolled, going over red and black…

– Damn it! came a muffled, slightly rough voice from below. The one who took off his jacket cut the air with his hand, ran his fingers through his hair and muttered something through his teeth. The companion touched his hand, but he rudely threw her hand away.

– Follow this, – I ordered, and left the balcony. I passed by the VIP rooms occupying a small wing of the second floor. The door of one opened right in front of me, and a tall girl with curly red hair stepped out into the corridor.

– Maxim … – she smiled at the sight of me, naturally touched the belt of the dressing gown thrown over her shoulders. – Good evening.

I nodded to her and moved on. I went down to the first floor, personally intending to check a few more halls. Nearby was the kitchen, with waitresses passing back and forth with trays.

– Good evening, – another one greeted me. Another one followed her. I nodded again and walked past.

Irritation that I experienced all evening, did not let go. Even the realization that this night, apparently, will be very profitable for me, did not bring satisfaction, and the reason for this was well known to me. A skinny girl with raven hair and blue flames in her eyes. Now I regret that I did not finish what I started. Do not interfere with work and women? Yes to hell! In this case, to hell!

Past me, nodding, passed another girl with a tray. Short blonde with big gray eyes and great breasts.

– Stop. – Stopping, I looked after her. She immediately froze and turned around. Small cheeks, neat mouth. He examined her from head to toe. – Submit the order. Will you go with me.

She immediately understood where and why. She tried to object, but I looked in such a way that she immediately became reluctant to object. She walked over and placed the tray on a cart against the wall. I took her by the chin and looked into her eyes. Yes, just what you need. A good, obedient girl with a gentle disposition. The silhouette of Marika writhing in the dance flashed before her eyes again. Black lace top, smooth curves of the hips, long fingers…

– Come on, – I slapped her ass. – Get upstairs. In the first number. Today you will work there.

I’m taking her

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