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Ezra offered a sprig of pussy willow to Callie with a bow. “I wish this were a rose.”

“A kind thought, sir. But I prefer the pussy willow.”

When their hands touched, Callie’s fingers trembled and Ezra stepped closer.

“Callie...” Her name was a hoarse whisper, a question.

She stepped back. “Thank you, Ezra.” She turned toward the hotel.

Ezra’s pulse quickened as they approached the steps. He would take her elbow and help her up to the porch, bid her good-night at the door.

But Callie stopped short at the base of the stairs.

“Good evening, Ezra.”

The finality of her tone made her meaning clear—he was to come no farther. She climbed the steps and crossed the porch.

Ezra waited until she was safe inside, then exhaled a long breath. He was accustomed to young women welcoming his slightest attention, not turning their backs on him. Courting Callie Conner could prove to be more costly to his pride than he imagined.

Courting Miss Callie

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