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Rescuing the crippled boy

– Yes! Oh, good Lord. This is what I've been afraid of. Just like his daddy. (23 минута)

– Just hush up!

– Max! – Mr and Mrs Penniman? – I'm OK. – Wait there, I'll be right back.

– You have a brave young man here.

– Hi. Hello. – Hello, hello. Your grandson saved my boy's life. Stay warm, Max. Good night.

– What happened? – Had some trouble at the fairgrounds this evening. Local punks! We got a lid on it.

– Night, now.

– Old people. You gotta reassure them!

– I'll get you some orange juice. – No. What this man needs is a cup of coffee-real coffee.

– Here you go.

– I just wanted to tell you, um… what you done, um… was good.

– Helping that crippled boy. Real good! I'm proud of you.

– Thank you, sir. (Kevin) Rise and shine!

– Come on, wake up! Sleeping destroys brain cells.

– Come on, there are fair maidens to rescue and dragons to slay. Get up!

– I'm not going anywhere, you almost got me killed last night.

– A knight of the realm fears not death. – So, they keep you in a dungeon. – (Sighs)

– Look, take it back.

– I don't have no friends and I don't need no friends.

English Times

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