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Table of Contents

Mr. Elbridge T. Gerry Frontispiece
Founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Native East African Mother and Infant 17
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York)
A Well-Cared for Eskimo Infant 17
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York)
Family Life among Birds. Group of American Egret 20
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York)
A Family of Anthropoid Apes, from a Drawing by Dan Beard 24
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York)
Family of Polar Bears 24
(Courtesy of Museum of Natural History, New York)
Primitive Family Life among the Hopi Indians 28
(Courtesy of the Museum of Natural History, New York)
A Hindu Child-Mother, whose Cares will Make her Old at Thirty 42
Zulu Girl with Baby. The Practice of Exposure Ended among the Zulus only within the Present Generation 42
Special Repository for Bodies of Neglected Babies, China 56
(Reproduced from “China in Decay”)
An Overburdened Chinese Child Carrying more than his Weight in Tea 69
“Little Mothers”—the One Five, the Other Eight, Years Old—China 69
Tsuchi-Ningio. Clay Figure Substituted for Human Sacrifice—Japan 80
(Reproduced from “Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society,” Volume I)
Crock Containing Remains of Sacrificed Child. Unearthed at Tell Ta’Annek 80
(Reproduced from “Life in Ancient Egypt”)
A Pomeioc Chieftain’s Wife and Child 94
(From the Original Water-Colour Drawing in the British Museum by John White, Governor of Virginia in 1587)
Eskimo Mother Carrying Infant in her Hood 94
(From the Original Water-Colour Drawing in the British Museum by John White, Governor of Virginia in 1587)
Isis in the Papyrus Swamps, Suckling Horus 106
(Reproduced from “The Gods of the Egyptians, or Studies in Egyptian Mythology”)
Group of M’ayptah, the Priest of Ptah, with his Family 110
(Reproduced from “Life in Ancient Egypt”)
Letter of Illarion, an Egyptian Labourer, to Alis, His Wife. Papyrus Written at Alexandria, 17 June, 1 b.c. 118
(Reproduced from “Light from the Ancient East”)
Florida Women Sacrificing their First-Born Children 122
(From an Old Print)
The Incas Offering a Human Sacrifice to their Chief 144
(From “Mœurs des Sauvages Amériquains,” by P. Lafitau, Paris, 1724)
American Savages Substituting an Animal for a Human Sacrifice 144
(From “Mœurs des Sauvages Amériquains,” by P. Lafitau, Paris, 1724)
Musical Instruments Found in a Child’s Grave, at Tell Ta’Annek 150
(Reproduced from “Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaft”)
Abraham and Isaac 158
(From a Painting by J. S. Copley, R. A.)
A Notable Case of Abandonment—the Finding of Moses 160
(After Painting by Schopin)
Blind Boys at Drill in “The Light House,” New York City 200
The Finding of Romulus and Remus 225
(From an Old Print)
Antoninus Pius, Consecrator of the World’s First Protective Foundation Benefit for Girls 236
Constantine the Great, Emperor-Protector of the Roman Child 236
The Sacrificing of Living Infants to the God Moloch 238
“Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me” 258
(After Overbeck)
The Holy Family 272
(After Rubens)
(Reproduced by Permission of Museum of Art, New York)
Evening Recreation Centre for Boys, New York City 282
Meeting of an “Evening Centre,” New York City 282
Filling Christmas Baskets for Poor Children—Mothers’ Helping-Hand Club, New York City 297
Saint Vincent de Paul, Founder of the First Permanent Asylum for Children in France 298
A Healthy Pair of Indian Children, Western Canada 318
Infant Toilers in a Silk Mill, Syria 318
Children of Two Families—As the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Found them 333
The Same Families—After Attention from the Society 333
Henry Bergh 336
The “Inspiration” of Henry Bergh on which the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was Organized 336
The Juvenile Court, New York City; Justice Wyatt on the Bench 337

History of the Child

The Child in Human Progress

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