Читать книгу Babaji - The Unfathomable - Gertraud Reichel - Страница 4



This collection of reported encounters between Master and disciples bears witness to experiences occurring on the frontier levels of consciousness. Flashes of realisation come to the seeker on the spiritual path as he/she experiences divine energy weaving its way through the labyrinth of the soul. This passage of energy brings into play all kinds and levels of feelings ranging from fear to trust and causes extreme physical and mental states to arise. This has the effect of bringing deep, dark issues within the person to the surface and allows them to be transformed into light.

"I have come to give liberation to all of you. I have come to give the Light".

With this statement, Babaji, the Master from the Himalayas, referred to the Light of Transcendence in which all duality, conflict of opposites, dissolves. This Light is experienced as overwhelming and unexpected yet, at the same time, as something that has always been known but forgotten and now finally remembered again. It is recognition that the Light is the true or Higher Self within.

The external true Master, whose call reaches the seeker, embodies the divinity that is already inside oneself though not yet realised. The Master is able to impart genuine and original divinity to the seeker by acting as mediator in revealing to the seeker his/ her essential being.

The Master is free of all affect. needs and projections and can therefore act as an immaculate mirror. Regardless how diversely and ambiguously He may behave, the Master is able to accurately reflect back a person's current condition. As soon as the essence or Higher Self is realised by the disciple, then the experiencer and the experience dissolve as separate entities in one's consciousness and become united. For this to occur the Master had acted as medium. The tension between subject and object, between inner and outer, between Master and disciples is transcended into Light, the essential energy of everything.

In the Master's presence, any and every situation is potentially transformable into an experience of unity. Initially, the experiences last for moments but after a longer period, settle into a new state of being and the sense of inner peace deepens.

It is usually a long process and one which is mostly experienced as difficult. It involves the Master deliberately playing out one's opposition until the learner understands to give up his/ her resistance.

Paramount in Babaji's teachings are prayer and work in service to creation. About both of these He had this to say:

"The Lord's Name is the divine nectar; repeat it all the time. Om Namah Shivaya. This is the Mahamantra, the great original mantra given by the Lord to humanity. Everyone should repeat it. It can be given to everyone and everything can be achieved through it".

The law of karma is above all things. Karma starts when movement starts in the mind. To stop karma we must bring the mind to that state of silence and voidness beyond which God can be known. As long as a person breathes, he/she is creating karma. No one can remain without action even for a moment. Therefore learn how to dedicate your every action to the Lord".

Babaji never tired of reminding everyone that continuous prayer, and at the same time giving selfless service, was the path to true freedom. The freedom that He meant was freedom from all ties to lower human nature, made possible by letting go of everything which one calls "I" and "mine" and striving for the pure Being, where a person is carried by faith alone, free from desires, concepts and needs. Babaji was Himself the embodiment of this pure Being.

The model for a new world is a large humane family, dedicating all its energies to a common spiritual duty. His ashram in Haidakhan, in the foothills of the Himalayas, is such a model. This ancient, mythical, holy place was transformed by prayer and work from a stony desert to fertile fields. With the barest means, in only a few years, several temples, living quarters and splendid gardens were established. The Master Himself was the medium for this great transformation which occurred continuously and on all levels. He showed the way and then departed, having given to all those who had opened themselves to Him, what they were ready to receive.

"I have come to show you the way - now it is up to you to realise it in action".

Maria-Gabriele Wosien

Babaji - The Unfathomable

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