Читать книгу Christmas Wish Come True: All I Want For Christmas / Dreaming of a White Wedding / Christmas Every Day - Gina Rochelle - Страница 12


Chapter Four

When Isabella and Tyler returned that afternoon, Jordan pulled into the driveway just moments behind them. As he unlocked the door, his eyes moved to Tyler’s sleepy face, then back to Isabella. She smiled guardedly but remained silent as she led Tyler to his room. “Are you gonna stay here again, Miss Stevens?” he asked sleepily as Isabella tucked him in for a nap.

“Not tonight, Tyler. But you’ll have lots of fun with your uncle and Emily this weekend, won’t you?” He nodded and yawned. “I’ll see you Monday, at school,” she said. But he was already asleep as she smoothed the hair back from his forehead. She sought Jordan out on the back patio. He was standing there, staring at the sun shining on the snow-capped peaks of the Rockies, strikingly attractive in his black cargo pants and black shirt, casually unbuttoned at the neck.


She had to talk to him about Tyler and his disturbing, unwavering belief that his mother was coming back for Christmas. Jordan seemed to pick up on her stress and took a deep breath as she stood next to him.

“Did something happen today?”

Isabella faced him, her shoulders squared. “Your nephew is very confused, Jordan.” She shook her head, feeling suddenly helpless. “He wants a dog for Christmas. But he didn’t ask for one because his mother’s allergic, and he’s worried she won’t come home if he gets one.” She sighed. “I’m afraid he needs more help than you or I can imagine.”

Jordan absorbed her statement, then spoke carefully. “Don’t you think I know that, Isabella?” His voice was intense, and he let out a humorless laugh. “I don’t have a clue what to do for him. That’s why I asked for your help. My God.” He raked his hand through his hair. “I know he’s my nephew – and I want him with me through the holidays. But this is just further proof that he needs people who are prepared to fill the enormous void in his life.”

Jordan’s words hung in the frigid air, and Isabella was crushed by a wave of sickness and anger. “Why not you?” she lashed out in frustration. “He’s just a little boy. What would it do to him if you send him away?” Her question failed to knock the firm resolve from his face. “Why should I waste my time trying to help him? Any progress you or I make in the next few weeks could be wiped away if he loses you, too.” She speared him with her accusation. “What you’re considering could damage him further.”

“I’ll be giving him a family, Isabella. He wished for his parents. He wants a mother and father more than anything else.”

Isabella couldn’t argue with that. But, despite the fact that Jordan was partially right, she wasn’t convinced he should give up on keeping his nephew with him.

You’re his family, Jordan. He needs you…not strangers.”

“Just leave this alone, Isabella.” Jordan’s words, low and deep, sent a warning. “You don’t understand.”

“Jordan, please…” Isabella’s plea was cut short.

“My nephew’s mother was my fiancé.” He caught her quick look, a bitter smirk on his lips. “She left me for my brother, Isabella.” He stepped close enough so that she could see the flash of pain in his eyes. “Tyler – their child – is a constant reminder of that betrayal.”

Isabella’s first instinct was to defend Tyler, but her heart ached equally for Jordan. Still raw from her torn engagement, being betrayed was something she could relate to.

“I’m sorry they did that to you.” The conviction in her words grabbed Jordan’s full attention. “You’ve been hurt, in the worst way. But it’s not Tyler’s fault,” she asserted. “Please, Jordan. Don’t punish him for something he had nothing to do with.” Isabella finished, then looked away from his burning scrutiny. He reached out and touched her cheek, turning her gaze to his.

Damn those eyes. They drew her in, held her there – though every warning bell told her to run.

“Isabella…” he whispered, tortured. He pulled her to him; his eyes fell to her lips. Their hearts did a dance, chest to chest. She felt so alive when she was this close to him – so dizzy with desire. This man – this exasperating stranger – somehow reached her in a way Phillip never had. He churned a fire within her, brought her to the point of losing control of her judgment. God help her, she wanted him to kiss her.


The thought of Tyler’s sad face today brought Isabella crashing to reality. No! She couldn’t let this happen between them. Not now…not ever. This was wrong – on so many levels.

There was Tyler to consider, and Jordan was still pining for the woman who left him for his brother. Not to mention, she was a jilted bride…

Isabella mustered her strength and pushed against Jordan’s chest. A shock of wintry air came rushing between them as his arms released her. Jordan stared at her in the early evening shadows, exhaling slowly. Isabella wrapped her arms around herself and tore her eyes from his tormented expression. If she looked at him one moment longer, she’d crumble. She didn’t trust her own urges right now. The last thing she needed, or wanted, was a rebound roll in the hay. And certainly not with her troubled student’s uncle!

“This,” she hissed. “This thing between us is exactly why I’m not comfortable with the idea of moving in!” She shocked herself with her brutal honesty. “But after today…”

“After today – what?” he asked quietly. “You’ve decided to stay?”

She pushed her hands through her hair and stared into the doorway, as if expecting Tyler to appear. “I thought I had. But then you started talking about sending him away again. Because his mother broke your heart, you’re going to break his, as well. And I won’t stick around to see that.”

“It’s not set in stone,” he said quietly, surprising her.

She speared him with a laser glare. “Don’t play me, Jordan. I won’t waste my time. And I won’t forgive you if you hurt Tyler in any way.”

“This isn’t a game, Isabella. Can’t you see I just want to do what’s right?”

She set her jaw, forced herself to say the words she knew she might come to regret after Christmas. “If that’s true, then I’ll help you. You made a proposition to me, now I’m making one to you. If you promise to at least consider making this Tyler’s permanent home, I’ll stay.” She held up her hand as he let out a relieved puff of air. “I still have to clear it with the school – I’ll let you know definitively on Monday.”

Without another word, she turned and left him standing outside. She walked through the front door and got into her car. As Jordan’s house disappeared from her view, she wished she could shut him out of her thoughts, as well.

He was a devastating man. Though the woman inside her screamed for his touch, he hadn’t forgotten his painful past. She was just a schoolteacher and he’d reached out to her in a moment of frustration. He didn’t want her – he wanted a ghost.

Isabella knew the sting of being an emotional stand-in – and she wasn’t about to let what happened with Phillip be repeated with Jordan.


What the hell am I doing?

Jordan vowed years ago that he’d never put himself at the mercy of a woman again – let alone expose himself to any sort of emotional vulnerability. Now, because of circumstances beyond his control, he’d not only taken his orphaned nephew in, but he’d also practically begged Tyler’s teacher to live on his property – the woman who had invaded his thoughts since he’d met her. And she’d even persuaded him to consider making this Tyler’s permanent home!

Jordan had been successful in isolating himself from relationships for seven years, and made his work the focus in his life. He was content to keep it that way. Okay, so he’d make a serious effort to try – as he’d promised Isabella. But he’d do what was right for Tyler, whether that meant keeping him here indefinitely or finding him a new family. He hadn’t promised to get attached to anyone – that simply wasn’t going to happen.

Because of Kim.

Beautiful, with dark hair and dark eyes – Kim was the type of woman he’d always been attracted to. The type he thought he’d spend the rest of his life with. She’d literally bumped into him on the sidewalk in front of a coffee shop in Denver nearly eight years ago. He was immediately attracted to her, and wanted to get to know her. He bought her a cup of coffee and they were inseparable after that. They fell into a relationship, without even thinking about it, without stopping to take a breath.

They slept together almost immediately, and moved in together soon after. He’d been certain Kim was the one. She fit his ideal completely. But he couldn’t have been more wrong. He couldn’t have been a bigger fool.

And now, here was Isabella. Damn. She didn’t fit his type –

But beautiful…she was definitely that. And, God help him, he was more drawn to her than any woman he’d ever met. Blonde hair, blue eyes, fragile. And the way she looked at him with those eyes, so full of disapproval when she’d first met him…then lit with desire tonight. She was a complete surprise to him. She was dangerous. It would be so easy for him to start up with her, as he had with Kim. But he wouldn’t repeat the past – it would only end badly. And he wouldn’t go down that road again.

Isabella was just another woman. Despite her thoughtful words and gestures, despite the fact that she didn’t have to do any of this, yet she agreed to, for Tyler – despite it all, she was still a woman. And when it came down to it, they were all the same…

His mother left him first, dying on an Aspen slope when he wasn’t much older than Tyler. Then, years later, Kim left him for Derek. If he allowed Isabella in, she would soon follow suit. After all, their tentative agreement was only until Christmas.

In the end, they all left. So, this time, he wouldn’t give a damn when it was time for Tyler’s beautiful teacher to go.


Isabella had spent her Saturday and Sunday as she’d originally planned, getting caught up on her student files and preparing for class on Monday. She’d purposely waited to read Tyler’s file last. Even though she was aware of the reason Tyler was transferred to Snow Pass, actually reading the circumstances surrounding his situation only cemented her determination to convince the school administrator to allow her to spend more time with him.

It took some compelling persuasion from her and approval from the school psychologist to bring the administrator around, but finally he relented, saying that Tyler should have whatever support they could offer him – as long as Isabella kept to basic ethics of conduct and she wasn’t actually living in the same house as Tyler. That was a relief.

“Good morning, Isabella.” Jordan’s voice brought the inevitable goose bumps and Isabella looked up from her desk, a ready smile for the two people she’d spent most of the weekend thinking about. She swept her gaze to Jordan’s face then purposely focused on Tyler, ignoring her skittering pulse.

“Good morning.”

Tyler mumbled ‘morning’ then shyly shuffled off to the blocks in the corner. “I drove my nephew today, in the hopes you’d have an answer,” Jordan said quietly.

Isabella waited until a few of the other students entered and sat at their desks before stepping up next to him. “I hope Tyler’s weekend went smoothly.”

He nodded. “He woke a few times last night, but Emily was there. Thankfully.”

Isabella looked at him. She wondered why Jordan had such a hard time comforting his nephew. It was like there was a wall around him.

“I spoke to the administrator. He’s fine with my living in your guesthouse, as long as I stick to the school tenets.” She met Jordan’s stare, her underlying meaning understood.

The change in his demeanor was instant. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’ll be there for Tyler, that’s all.”

His cool reassurance should have eased her mind, especially after their heated moment on his patio Friday afternoon. But strangely, it left her feeling hollow. “After I finish here for the day, I can have my things packed in no time. Shall I come over tonight?”

“That’s fine – perfect, in fact.” He forced a smile. “I’ll ask Emily to prepare dinner – you’re welcome to join us after you’re settled.”

“Oh – okay. Thank you.” She absently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and dropped her gaze to the floor.

“See you tonight then,” he said, his voice taking on a gravelly edge. “Have a good day.”

“You, too,” she said quietly, glancing up again as Jordan left the classroom.

Isabella went through the morning motions but, even after the lunch break, she was still distracted by thoughts of her new living arrangement. She felt strange, detached from her recent life. Just four days ago, she had planned to spend Thanksgiving – and Christmas – alone. And now she was moving next door to this small family, whom she felt a personal obligation to. Though the stay was only temporary – she had a new purpose, outside of school. And she tried to convince herself it was a good thing, despite her perplexing attraction to Jordan.

Difficult as it was, she hoped that thinking about Tyler and working on his relationship with Jordan would take her mind off her failed personal life. Phillip had discarded her. Made her wary of men. But Tyler needed her. And, as much as she hated to admit it, Jordan needed her, too. She just had to remember that her only goal was to convince him to open his heart to his nephew. And the thing between the two of them was just their personal frustrations coming to the surface – period.

“Miss Stevens, can I go first?” Marty Showeiler raised his hand and spoke up, breaking into Isabella’s thoughts. The class was patiently waiting for her to begin their show-and-tell.

Isabella smiled warmly at her student. “Of course, Marty. Come to the front and share what you have with us.”

Marty began their afternoon with a display of animal pictures, mostly dogs. He explained how they didn’t have owners, and were in need of good homes. He added that his mom worked at the local animal shelter, and informed the class that if they wanted a pet for Christmas, they should ask Santa to rescue one. Marty finished with a photo of a yellow Lab with big sad eyes, who’d been at the shelter eleven months.

Isabella ventured a glance at Tyler. His attention was glued to the picture of the dog and she recalled his wish from a year ago. He looked down at his desk as Marty returned to his seat, not glancing at the board of pictures again while waiting for his turn. After all the other students had given their presentations, Isabella called his name.

“Tyler Butler?” She spoke gently, and smiled encouragingly toward the student she’d unexpectedly taken under her wing. “Do you have anything you want to share with us?”

Tyler slowly walked to the front of the class. His head was down and he held a picture in his left hand. He waited a few moments before he started to speak, quietly at first. He avoided eye contact with anyone, but held up the photo, focusing on it instead. Isabella was relieved when he introduced the person in the picture as his friend Emily. His voice was low and Isabella asked him to speak a bit louder. He looked at her, uncertainty clouding his eyes. Isabella nodded and Tyler held the photo in front of him, as if to hide behind it.

“I just wanted to show you this picture,” he began slowly. “She’s my friend – Emily.”

He stared at his shoelaces, though speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear him. “She’s my uncle Jordan’s neighbor, and the nicest person I know, because she helps people who don’t have homes or food. She cooked for me when my mommy and daddy went away. My uncle Jordan says she’s an angel on earth.”

A little boy in the back of the classroom snickered. “Does she have wings?” And Tyler seemed to visibly shrink. His eyes met Isabella’s again, terrified.

“I, for one, believe there are angels among us.” Isabella came to his rescue. “Especially at Christmas time. That’s something we should all think about. You don’t have to have wings and live in Heaven to be an angel. Anyone who helps someone less fortunate than themselves is doing the work of an angel.”

Every face in the room looked intrigued by this notion. “Tyler has touched on the spirit of Christmas.” She smiled at him. “As a matter of fact, I think we should base our Christmas show-and-tell on Tyler’s idea. I want you all to think of someone you know who is an angel on earth, and share their story with us. Your presentations will be due the day before Christmas break. Thank you, Tyler,” she said as he proudly made his way back to his seat.

Isabella was pleased by the excitement stirred up over the assignment. She listened, amused, as the children compared stories of their own real-life angels, their creative juices already flowing as they prepared to go home for the day. Isabella looked over at the young boy who had surprised her once again. He was sitting at his desk, playing quietly with a small toy truck, unaware how proud she was of him.

And how he touched her heart.

Christmas Wish Come True: All I Want For Christmas / Dreaming of a White Wedding / Christmas Every Day

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