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1.2 History and Evolution of Robots


Table 1.1 shows the origins of robotics along with detailed information of when the robots came into existence, the developer’s name, etc. Presently, there are various types of robots which are used for various environments for various users. Moreover, the robots were classified into mechanical construction, electrical components and computer programming mechanism.

Table 1.1 History of the earliest robots.

Date Significance Robot name Inventor
3rd century BC and earlier First humanoid automata based on an earlier description Yan Shi
1st century AD and earlier Descriptions of more than 100 machines and automata which include a fire engine, a wind organ, a coin-operated machine, and a steam-powered engine Ctesibius, Philo of Byzantium, Heron of Alexandria, and others
c. 420 BC Robot designed like a bird, which will fly Flying Pigeon Archytas of Tarentum
1206 First humanoid robot with automata mechanism Robot band, hand-washing automaton [11], automated moving peacocks [12] Al-Jazari
1495 Humanoid robot Mechanical Knight Leonardo da Vinci
1738 Mechanical duck which can eat, flap its wings, and excrete Digesting Duck Jacques de Vaucanson
1898 First radio-controlled device Teleautomaton Nikola Tesla
1921 First fictional automatons called robots Rossum’s Universal Robots Karel Čapek
1930s Humanoid robot exhibited at the 1939 and 1940 New York World’s Fair Elektro Westinghouse Electric Corporation
1946 First general-purpose digital computer Whirlwind Multiple people 5
1948 Simple robots exhibiting biological behaviors Elsie and Elmer William Grey Walter
1956 First commercial robot from the Unimation company Unimate George Devol
1961 First installed industrial robot Unimate George Devol
1967 to 1972 First full-scale humanoid intelligent robot WABOT-1 Waseda University
1973 First industrial robot with six electromechanically driven axes Famulus KUKA Robot Group
1974 First microcomputer controlled electric industrial robot, IRB 6 from ASEA, which was already patented in 1972. IRB 6 ABB Robotics
1975 Programmable universal manipulation arm, a Unimation product PUMA Victor Scheinman
1978 First object-level robot programming language, which allows robots to handle variations in object position, shape, and sensor noise Freddy I and II, RAPT robot programming language Patricia Ambler and Robin Popplestone
1983 First multitasking, parallel programming language used for a robot control ADRIEL I Stevo Bozinovski and Mihail Sestakov

The mechanical part of the robot is designed for mechanical purposes such as designing the particular shape and processing of the particular task. With the mechanical components it also follows the physics friction mechanism for processing of the task.

The robots have the electrical power capable of handling the mechanical products because the electricity is capable of handling the machine [3]. Even though there are petrol-based robots, they still require electrical energy in order to function, just as a car works with a battery.

AI and IoT-Based Intelligent Automation in Robotics

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