Читать книгу Theories in Social Psychology - Группа авторов - Страница 5




Title page




Section 1 – Social Cognition 1 Theorizing Social Psychology 2 Toward an Affect Arousal Reactance Theory: Reactance Theory Revisited 3 Inconsistency in Cognition: Cognitive Dissonance 4 Attribution Theories How People Make Sense of Behavior 5 The Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion: Thoughtful and Non-Thoughtful Social Influence 6 Construal Level Theory: Psychological Distance and Construal

Section 2 – Social Comparison 7 Social Comparison: Theory, Research, and Applications 8 Relative Deprivation and Cognate Theories: Making Sense of Irrational Behaviors

Section 3 – Social Reinforcement 9 Equity Theory: Evaluating Fairness 10 Interdependence in Social Interaction

Section 4 – Self 11 Self-Categorization and Social Identification: Making Sense of Us and Them 12 From Culture to Cognition: Social Categorization Theory Reloaded 13 Symbolic Interactionism: Early Philosophy to Models of Artificial Intelligence 14 Impression Management in Everyday Life

10  Contributors

11  Index

12  End User License Agreement

List of Figures

1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Affect arousal reactance model.

2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 A model of the folk concept of intentionalityFigure 4.2 Four modes of explanation for unintentional and intentional behaviorFigure 4.3 Selected choice points in constructing a behavior explanation.

3 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 The selective accessibility mechanism (from Mussweiler, 2003).

4 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Equal but not equitable.Figure 9.2 Equitable but not equal.Figure 9.3 Equal and equitable.Figure 9.4 A linear relationship versus a curvilinear relationship.

5 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Given matrix for Samuel and Hillary.Figure 10.2 Effective matrix for Samuel and Hillary.Figure 10.3 Outcome matrix with personal needs taken into account.Figure 10.4 Comparison-level thermometer.Figure 10.5 The social psychology of groups; interdependence theory.Figure 10.6 Hillary’s partner control.Figure 10.7 Hillary and Samuel’s mutual behavior control.Figure 10.8 Competitive interdependence.Figure 10.9 Interpersonal relations; interdependence theory.Figure 10.10 Bilateral actor control.Figure 10.11 Interdependent situation.Figure 10.12 Given matrix.Figure 10.13 Transformation process.

6 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Schematic representations of social identity...

List of Tables

1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Research on Situational Psychological Reactance.Table 2.2 Research on Dispositional Psychological Reactance.

2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Reason Explanations and Causal History of Reason...Table 4.2 Linking Selected Explanatory Choices...

3 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Hypotheses of the theory of social...



Title page



5 Table of Contents


Begin Reading



10  End User License Agreement











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Theories in Social Psychology

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