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1 Adorno, Theodor W. 1970. Aesthetic Theory, newly translated and edited by Robert Hullot-Kentor, 1997. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, Eight Printing, 2005.

2 Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon. 1753. Discours sur L’Style. http://www.athena.unige.ch.5.

3 Danto, Arthur C. 1981. The Transfiguration of the Commonplace. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

4 ———. 1986. The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art, forward by Jonathan Gilmore. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005.

5 ———. 1997. After the End of Art. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

6 ———. 2000a. “R.B. Kitaj.” In The Madonna of the Future, 123–131, edited by Arthur C. Danto. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.

7 ———. 2000b. “Rothko and Beauty.” In The Madonna of the Future, 335–342, edited by Arthur C. Danto. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.

8 ———. 2005. “Chardin.” In Unnatural Wonders, 36–43, edited by Arthur C. Danto. New York: Columbia University Press.

9 ———. 2013a. “My Life as a Philosopher.” In The Philosophy of Arthur C. Danto, The Library of Living Philosophers, edited by Randall E. Auxier and Lewis Edwin Hahn, 2013, Vol. XXXIII, 3–70. Chicago and LaSalle, IL: Open Court.

10 ______. 2013b. “Reply to Gerard Vidal.”In The Philosophy of Arthur C. Danto,The Library of Living Philosopher, edited by Randall E. Auxier and Lewis Edwin, 2013, Vol. XXXIII 162–167. Chicago and LaSalle, IL: Open Court.

11 ———. 2013c. “Reply to Lydia Goehr.” In The Philosophy of Arthur C. Danto, The Library of Living Philosophers, edited by Randall E. Auxier and Lewis Edwin Hahn, 2013, Vol. XXXIII, 382–388. Chicago and LaSalle, IL: Open Court.

12 Dummett, Michael. 1973. Frege. Philosophy of Language. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

13 Farrand, Max, ed. 1911. The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, Vol. II. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2011. http://oll.libertyfund.org.

14 Flaubert, Gustave. 13 December 1846. Correspondance, à Louis Colet. http://www.flaubert.univ-rouen.fr.

15 ———. 15 May 1859. Correspondance, à Ernest Feydeau. http://www.flaubert.univ-rouen.fr.

16 Frege, Gottleb. 1892a. “On Sinn and Bedeutung,” 151–171.

17 ———. 1892b. “On Concept and Object,” 181–191.

18 ———. 1897. “Logic,” 227–250.

19 ———. 1906a. “Introduction to Logic,” 293–298.

20 ———. 1906b. “Letter to Husserl, 1906,” 301–307.

21 ———. 1918. “Thought” 325–345. In The Frege Reader, edited by Michael Beaney. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1997. Reprinted 2000.

22 Hegel, G.W.F. 1835. Aesthetics. Lectures on Fine Arts, Vol. I, translated by T.M. Knox. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975. Reprinted 2010.

23 Hemingway, Ernest. 1964. A Movable Feast. New York: Vintage Classics.

24 Kortum, Richard D. 2013. Varieties of Tone. Frege, Dummett and Shades of Meaning. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

25 Nussbaum, Martha C. 1990. Love’s Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

26 Proust, Marcel. 1895. Chardin and Rembrandt, translated by Jennie Feldman. New York: David Zwirner Books, Ekphrasis, 2016.

27 ———. 1927. In Search of Lost Time, Vol. VI, Time Regained, translated by C.K. Moncrieff revised by Terence Kilmartin and T.J. Enright. London: Vintage Books, 2000.

28 Quine, W. V. 1953. “Meaning in Linguistics.” In From a Logical Point of View, by W.V. Quine, 47–64, Second, Revised Edition, 1961. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1963.

29 Sartwell, Crispin. 2013. “Danto as Writer.” In The Philosophy of Arthur C. Danto, The Library of Living Philosophers, edited by Randall E. Auxier and Lewis Edwin Hahn, Vol. XXXIII, 709–717. Chicago and LaSalle, IL: Open Court.

A Companion to Arthur C. Danto

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