Читать книгу Competence Oriented Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Essentials (E-Book) - Heinz Bachmann - Страница 5


Heinz Bachmann

Introduction and structure of the book

Essentials for teachers in higher education

It is a reality that academics in higher education are, apart from their teaching commitments, often active researchers. Additionally, many of them also work part-time in companies. Switching between these various roles has obvious advantages but often limits how much time academics can afford to spend on their teaching obligations. The situation is aggravated by the fact that traditional ways of teaching are being challenged today by the professional competences needed in the rapidly changing world of work. This publication takes these circumstances into account, at the same time offering orientation and guidance appropriate for contemporary higher education teaching and learning. The idea is not to present a comprehensive book with detailed guidelines for all kinds of teaching situations, but rather to offer a selection of topics that are considered the bare minimum for effective teaching and learning.

The following question captures the central idea of this book: what do novices who are experts in their professional field need in order to survive their first years of teaching in higher education? Reality shows that their focus of attention is often on technical expertise. They strive to become experts in their field of study and engage in research. Hopefully, during their career in higher education, they will place more and more emphasis on teaching.

This book makes an innovative contribution by consistently focusing on the essentials of teaching and learning and providing the best possible concrete and practical guidance for novices from different subject areas. The teaching strategies presented are designed to optimise student learning. The book attempts to address faculty’s repeated pleas for concrete tips and guidance, independent of a specific country or a specific higher education institution. This publication should be useful in higher education teacher training and is especially designed to assist newly-appointed faculty to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge by themselves.

The curriculum for a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Higher Education Teaching in Switzerland serves as this book’s point of departure. More than 500 academics from various disciplines have already been trained through this programme, including medical doctors, physiotherapists, lawyers, pedagogical specialists, environmental engineers, art college faculty, linguists and mathematicians. Their feedback confirmed the need for practice-related and science-based approaches and thereby helped to narrow down the scope of the book.

Tertiary-level teaching implies reflecting on what students should be capable of doing and knowing upon completion of their degrees. While teachers typically start thinking about how to formulate examinations and assignments for student assessment rather late in a module, students often want to know the assessment criteria at the start. Ultimately, what gets tested has a significant impact on directing both the students’ attention and their learning behaviour during the semester. In practice, planning a learning programme is a circular process; in the end, coherence between learning outcomes, forms of assessment and teaching/learning methods is essential.

The book’s structure

Our current understanding of student-centred, competence-oriented higher education means that planning a teaching unit ideally begins by focussing on how to formulate the learning outcomes. It does not consider what a teacher has to offer, but rather considers which objectives are relevant for the students. In a second step, an adequate form of assessment is selected that will allow the teacher to determine the extent to which the students have achieved the formulated learning outcomes. Questions concerning the appropriate teaching method only arise as a third step. How can one support students in their development of knowledge, attitude and skills? Here, one should particularly keep an eye on recent psychological insights that acknowledge the unique ways in which individual students learn. In fact, this book mirrors the same sequence of steps as those recommended for planning a teaching unit.

The first chapter introduces current approaches to teaching and learning in higher education. It also describes the rationale and provides a framework for the topics that follow. The second chapter deals with defining learning outcomes for competence-oriented education. The third chapter highlights the importance of reducing the complexity and amount of content to be covered, both of which are closely linked to how the learning outcomes have been formulated. The fourth chapter describes forms of assessment and their implications for course design. The fifth and final chapter deals with the design of learning arrangements that will foster the much-debated shift from teaching to learning. In a knowledge-based society, lifelong learning is imperative. Consequently, competences such as self-directed and co-operative learning need to be incorporated into the teaching and learning process.

A focus on student learning

A focus on student learning requires higher education teachers to have a basic understanding of the relevant learning theories. Each academic thereby becomes both a disciplinary expert and a learning expert. The more these teachers have to deal with teaching innovations and the pressure to use new media, the more important these insights become. In fact, high expectations that new media will bring about fundamental changes to student learning are almost sure to lead to disappointment. Despite the World Wide Web, e-learning, learning apps, software programs, MOOCs (massive open online courses), etc., the human brain, i.e. our hardware for thinking and memorising, has hardly changed on a multi-millennial time scale. Learning still happens via synapses in the brain and manifests itself in the brain’s biology. German neurobiologist Manfred Spitzer used the image of a winter landscape to explain these mental processes. A person who walks through snow leaves a trail. This trail has to be used frequently to prevent it disappearing after further snowfall. The same applies to learning. To maintain traces in the memory, one has to anchor the content by regularly using it. This is the only way to ensure that it does not disappear as new information is added.

Contrary to common opinion, the bottleneck to learning is the human memory system rather than the method of presentation. Learning means taking time to practice, relating different kinds of content to one another and then integrating and applying it to specific problems. This can be done more or less intelligently, but the limiting factors – time, the amount of learning material and its complexity – remain. The capacity of humans to absorb and process information has not significantly changed over thousands of years. Therefore, reduction of content remains a core challenge for teachers: what is worth learning and how long will it remain relevant? What can, and should, be left out? Above all, one must accept that, in some circumstances, what has been learned needs to be forgotten, so that one does not continue to use old routines instead of finding new ways. Everyone knows the problem when dealing with up-dated software: we habitually carry on with the same mouse movement although the relevant button has moved from left to right. In the context of constant innovation, the force of habit often makes us fail miserably.

We are drowning in information, yet starving for knowledge.

(Rutherford, D. Rogers, library board of directors, Yale, 1985)

Only neuroenhancers, genetically modified humans or implanted computer chips could fundamentally change human learning patterns. Whether this is desirable, technically feasible or even inevitable is not a subject of the present or the immediate future in higher education.

This publication is the result of the editor’s conviction that an academic who is equipped with the necessary awareness, knowledge and skills can – with reasonable effort – successfully deal with the challenges in higher education teaching today.

Competence Oriented Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Essentials (E-Book)

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