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It was seen in last week's Appendix that in a general way the Subliminal Mind could be influenced for good by allowing only thoughts of good, courage, health, success, etc., to pass the citadel of the mind. This is the foundation of all happiness and harmony in one's life, but if it is desired to arouse your latent powers, and to train your Subliminal to solve all your problems, to give you true inspiration and supply you with original ideas, other methods must be employed. Your great Subliminal Mind is not going to yield up its wonderful store of knowledge, neither is it going to act as the solver of all your problems, in response to a mere pious wish. What is necessary is, that very strong, concentrated, forceful directed thoughts should be sent down into this greater mind, continuously and persistently. Whatever message you keep sending down into your Subliminal Mind, provided it is not changed or altered, and that it is sufficiently strong and concentrated, will be obeyed--in time. Some students will be longer than others, but every one sooner or later, who follows these instructions, will develop the power of directed Subliminal thinking.

The first step is to impress very powerfully upon the Subliminal Mind that it is capable of solving all your problems. At present unless you are a very rare exception, your Subliminal Mind is hypnotized into the belief that it cannot solve your problems. So long as it believes that it cannot solve your problems it never will attempt the task, but once you can convince your Subliminal Mind that it has the power, the wisdom and knowledge to do so, then you will at once pass from weakness to power. You will have at your disposal a mind so vast and wonderful that the finite mind of the senses will be unable to grasp its full significance.

In order to convince your Subliminal Mind that it can solve all your problems you must (1) believe yourself that it can do so, (2) have a strong desire to use your hidden powers, (3) make strong affirmations that your Subliminal Mind can think constructively and drawing upon the All-knowledge solve every perplexity and problem, and (4) visualize yourself meeting with problems and having them solved immediately by referring them to your greater mind within.

Within you are limitless powers, but they only become available when you consciously call upon them and make use of them. Therefore carry this thought strongly in your mind, "My Subliminal Mind can draw upon the Universal Intelligence and solve all my problems."

When seeking to impress the Subliminal Mind it is necessary to get alone and to still the objective mind and the senses. When all thoughts of worry, business and material life, have been dismissed from the mind and perfect mental calm obtained, then you will be in a state favorable to (1) the sending of directions to the Subliminal Mind, and (2) receiving inspiration from it.

Achieve Harmony with Cosmic Law

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