Читать книгу The Book of Perpetual Adoration - H.M. Boudon - Страница 34


The Book of Perpetual Adoration.

reflect on the God of Paradise with all His Infinite Greatness fixing His dwelling amongst men, until the consummation of the world, for love of them, does it not seem that nothing more could be expected from His Infinite Love ?

But when we think, when we know, that this ever Adorable Being, hiding all His greatness, bears extreme humiliations in the Divine Eucharist, can we find words, or even thoughts, on a subject which will be the astonishment of all eternity?

Jesus Christ, says the Apostle, emptied Himself in becoming man; the holy writer could not use stronger terms to tell us something of the Humility of the Son of the Eternal Father. But where shall we find words able in any way to express the inconceivable abasement of the same God of Majesty in the Most Holy Sacrament ? Ecce puerum dedi te gentibus; contcmptibilis tu es valde, says the Scripture. We must confess that the Eternal Child is in a state of great humiliation ; but at His birth angels poured forth celestial music, while in the Divine Eucharist all is silence. He dwells in Egypt as an exile, but at His arrival every idol fell to the ground. He is despised by the Pharisees in His Public Life, but He raises the dead, and six or seven thousand persons follow Him to make Him their King.

If He is abject on Calvary by His Death, He is glorious by the marvels that are accomplished; the rocks are rent, the sun is darkened, the graves are opened; but in the Blessed Sacrament, His humi-

The Book of Perpetual Adoration

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