Читать книгу Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen - Страница 1



Self-published using the FastPencil.com author platform with our "Memoir" template, enjoy this re-publication of "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.

FastPencil empowers authors to write, collaborate, publish and sell books and eBooks from one workspace. The self-publishing application transforms one project into both classic and popular formats: a print book and/or the e-book bundle (.mobi, .epub, .pdf). Allowing authors to print and ship titles on demand, FastPencil removes inventory risk, and shares royalties (80% net goes to the author). Pairing the do-it-yourself attitude with unique industry knowledge and established networks, we’ll publish & print privately or distribute globally to sales channels including Amazon, Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble, plus more through the Ingram Digital distribution network.

Start your free writing and collaboration account now at FastPencil and discover how easy it is to write, publish and sell a print book and eBook. Everyone has a story to tell.

Pride and Prejudice

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