Читать книгу Perpetual Intercession to the Agonizing Heart of Jesus - Jean Lyonnard - Страница 18




Act of Consecration, and Promises to be made by the Associates on the day of admission.

Adorable Heart of Jesus, Victim of love for the salvation of souls, I prostrate myself humbly before Thee, and, trusting in Thine infinite mercy, I consecrate myself for ever to Thy service, in this pious Association. I promise to honour, and to lead others to honour, the sorrows of Thy mortal life, and especially Thy holy Agony in the Garden of Olives, with a special worship. I promise to promote the salvation of the dying by my devotion and my prayers. In order to please Thee and to save them, I offer to Thee my body and soul, my joys and sorrows, my life and death, in union with Thy sufferings. 0, Agonizing Heart of Jesus! deign to accept my humble homage, I place it under the protection of Thine Immaculate Mother. Presented by her pure hands, let it ascend to Thee as a sweet-smelling holocaust, and rise to the throne of Thy Heavenly Father, to whom, with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, be honour and glory, world without end. Amen.

Perpetual Intercession to the Agonizing Heart of Jesus

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