Читать книгу Perpetual Intercession to the Agonizing Heart of Jesus - Jean Lyonnard - Страница 28



the door of souls against you, even to the last moment. Well, here is a powerful help in your ministry to the dying! Establish the Confraternity of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus in your parish. Choose as its first members a few devout persons on whose constancy and zeal you can rely; assemble them every month; make them thoroughly understand its nature, advantages, and prac- tices. Lay particular stress on the practice of intercession. If the first nucleus does not number thirty-one persons, (and we recom- mend you to begin with fifteen or twenty,) do not require each to make the intercession more than once a month, unless they spon- taneously offer to do so. But whether this holy exercise takes place daily, or only every second day, the associate who performs it should embrace in her intention all who are to die before the next associate's turn begins, so that the intercession may be un- broken.

Increase the number of associates very gradually; be very particular in your choice of persons. An association of thirty or forty really fervent persons will prove a far more valuable instrument for the salvation of the dying and the edification of your parish than

Perpetual Intercession to the Agonizing Heart of Jesus

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