Читать книгу OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide - Jeanne Boyarsky - Страница 16

Considering the Exam Objectives


Oracle provides a list of objectives to guide you on what to study for each exam. Each objective defines a list of subobjectives that provide additional details about the objective. Unfortunately, the objectives don't encompass the full amount of material needed to pass the exam.

So how do you know what to study? By reading this study guide, of course! We've spent years studying the certification exams in all of their forms and have carefully cultivated topics, material, and practice questions that we are confident can lead to successfully passing the exam. More recently, we've worked hand-in-hand with Oracle helping to create and refine the objectives and material for the Java 11 and Java 17 exams.

As a starting point, you should review the list of objectives presented in this introduction and mark down the ones that are unfamiliar to you. This list, along with the Assessment Test at the end of this introduction, will give you a rough idea of how much you are going to need to study for the exam.

OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 17 Developer Study Guide

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