Читать книгу The Wedding Date - Jennifer Joyce, Kerry Barrett - Страница 19


Chapter 10

The Pub Quiz

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Delilah: What’s the capital of the Faroe Islands?

Dad: Are you at the pub quiz? Because that’s cheating

Delilah: Dad! I wouldn’t cheat! I’m not even at the quiz. Lauren and I are planning a holiday and we were thinking of the Faroe Islands and wanted a bit more info

Dad: Where in the world are the Faroe Islands?

Delilah: In the sea? Just tell me the capital. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!

Dad: The capital is F

Delilah: Funny

Dad: The capital to that is also F

I’ve calmed down about the whole Jack-kissing-another-woman thing by the following day. I mean, it’s no big deal, is it? We’d been on one measly little date – that hardly constitutes a committed relationship. Besides, being upset by the kiss is a tad hypocritical of me when essentially I’m just using Jack as a prop to prove that I’m over my ex and not for an actual relationship.

The Wedding Date

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