Читать книгу The Female Investor - Kate Hill - Страница 38



You can decide to borrow less than the bank will lend you. Just because they're throwing $1 million at you, doesn't mean you should spend it!

Having these conversations early can help set you on the right path to save funds for a deposit. It will also ensure your finances are squeaky clean when it comes time to apply for finance by doing things such as reducing the number of credit and store cards, and paying down or paying off personal loans — these can all negatively impact your borrowing capacity.

If you are re‐entering the market after a period — perhaps following a relationship breakdown or the death of a partner — and already own a property, then a broker will also be able to help you understand how much equity you may have available to recycle into another property. We're going to talk about this element in chapter 6.

The Female Investor

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